• Friday, March 14, is a professional development day for faculty and staff. School will be closed for students.
  • Pre-K registration began March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • Survey closes March 14: We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • Traffic alert: A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

Four earn Excellence in Service awards

Four Liberty Central School District employees were honored by the Board of Education during the Nov. 14 meeting.

Earning Excellence in Service awards were Aeowyn Brust, Keysy Mendez, High School typist Kelli Arpino and District Office typist Mary Kortright.

A woman holding a certificate stands between two men.Aeowyn Brust

Brust, an ESL teacher at the Elementary School, was cited for her support of her fellow teachers and students who are still learning English.

“I have seen her support the many new ELL teachers that have entered in recent years as well as new ELL teachers,” a co-worker said in nominating her for the award. “She is always willing to share advice, collaborate with new and creative ideas and reach out to families.”

Brust does her best to make sure students feel part of the school community.

“She has been instrumental in our ELL population feeling welcome and safe within the Liberty schools. Her insights into a student’s first language crossing over to English learning supports meeting the student where they are,” the nomination read. “This is a huge confidence boost for students and makes her an ideal candidate for this teaching excellence award.”

A woman holding a certificate stands between two men.Keysy Mendez

The positive attitude, flexibility and preparation that Mendez, a teacher aide in a fifth and sixth grade classroom at the Middle School, puts into her work was noted by her co-worker.

“Keysy goes above and beyond every single day. She greets all staff and students with a great smile. Her enthusiastic approach is contagious and inspiring,” her nomination read. “Keysy is an adaptable employee who handles many unexpected schedule changes with ease. Keysy even takes her time to read over the lessons prior to class to ensure she is able to assist the students during the lesson. Keysy is motivated to help in any way she can.”

A woman holding a certificate stands between two men.Kelli Arpino

Co-workers recognized High School typist Arpino’s helpfulness and professionalism in their nominations

“She is so kind and helpful to all students and staff,” read one nomination.

“Kelli is amazing at being able to juggle all of her responsibilities, and still be able to answer teacher’s questions, and help students, with a truly professional and caring demeanor,” read another.

A woman holding a certificate stands between two men.Mary Kortright

Kortright, a District Office typist who will be retiring at the end of the month, was recognized for her hard work and dedication to the district over decades.

“Mary has been dedicated to the Liberty CSD for 28 years,” read one nomination. “Mary is the kind of employee who gets their job done. And done well. All without fanfare and all without complaint.

“In fact when Mary retires later this month, I know we will be amazed at just how much she handles,” the nomination continued. “Mary is kind, competent and a good decent person I have been honored to work along side of.”

We congratulate these employees on their awards.

Liberty Central School District seeks input from alumni

Liberty Central School District is conducting its first Alumni Survey, asking alumni to reflect on their school experiences and whether the district did enough to prepare them for college and the workforce.

The district will evaluate the results in an effort to improve and better meet the needs of the students.

All Liberty Central School alumni are asked to complete the survey available by clicking here. Surveys can be taken from any computer, tablet or smartphone. All responses are strictly confidential.

The district has partnered with independent research and communications firm K12 Insight to administer the survey and compile the results. K12 Insight’s final reports will include only the overall results, not individual responses or comments. No one at the district will be able to connect participants to their answers.

For more information about the survey, please contact Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan at 845-292-6990.

BOE approves vote on capital project

A nearly $42.7 million capital project will go before Liberty Central School District voters on Jan. 16, 2024.

The proposal, which received Board of Education approval Nov. 14 to move forward to a public vote, addresses issues identified in the latest building survey condition, upgrades mechanical, heating and electrical systems, improves, extends and expands the use of the current football field and track, enhances safety and reconfigures spaces to better meet the needs of today’s learners for future careers.

The proposal was reviewed by the board during the Oct. 10 meeting.

There is no expected tax impact from the project, as capital reserve funds, a bond and state aid are anticipated to cover all costs.

“I want to thank our architects CSArch, construction management team from Schoolhouse Construction Services, Fiscal Advisors and the board of education for their thoroughness and thoughtfulness in putting together this proposal,” Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan said. “Together we have a plan  that will provide a productive learning environment for our students well into the future.”

The district will schedule community forums and walkthroughs to explain the project and address any questions the public may have. They will be announced as they are scheduled.

Voting will take place from noon to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 16, in the high school gymnasium, with a snow date of Jan. 17.

If approved, design is expected to be completed by July 2024, with New York State Education Department review and approval by November 2024. The contracts are expected to be awarded in March 2025, with construction to begin in spring 2025 and be completed by early fall 2027.

More information, as it becomes available, will be provided on the district’s website.

Posted on Categories District News

Senior soccer player earns Section 9 All Star honors

Carlos Campos CastroCarlos Campos Castro was one of 11 Class A Boys Soccer All Stars by the Section 9 Soccer Coaches Association. He anchored the Redhawks defense all season as centerback. His coach Debbie Simpson said he had good recovery speed, the ability to win 50/50 balls and took the majority of the goal kicks.

“With multiple changes and additions to the back line, Carlos was able to keep the backfield organized while being a strong presence and leader himself,” Simpson said. “Carlos’ defensive ability was noted by opposing coaches and was a definite factor in his selection to the Class A All-Star list.

“We will miss his defensive consistency next year,” she added.

LHS senior uses NASA opportunities to help further her goals beyond the rainbow

Jayla Edwards may have been singing “Somewhere over the Rainbow” this fall, but her goals go far above where any rainbow is found.

A student in a gray shirt gives a thumbs up in front of space suits on display.
Jayla Edwards poses with space suits on the floor of the mock up facility where NASA train the astronauts during her second trip.

The Liberty High School senior, who played Dorothy in the Liberty Performing Arts’ fall production of “The Wizard of Oz,” has taken part in two highly selective experiences that are helping her pursue her career goal of being an aerospace engineer with NASA.

Edwards was one of 95 students, of more than 2,000 applicants, chosen for the NASA’s Science Mission Directorate STEM Enhancement in Earth Science, or SEES, high school internship program onsite at the University of Texas at Austin’s Center for Space Research.

“It was great getting to meet a bunch of people from all around the country with similar interests to mine,” she said.

Her experience there led to an even more exclusive opportunity. She was one of 12 students, of the more than 200 total SEES interns, who were invited to the OSIRIS REx VIP reveal event at NASA Johnson Space Center in October. The selection of students was based on the program mentors’ recommendations as well as the students’ ability to be ambassadors for the SEES program, Edwards said.

“We are so proud of Jayla,” Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan said. “We are glad we are able to help her pursue her potential and support her in following her dreams.”

Seven people pose with certificates
LHS senior Jayla Edwards, far right, poses with members of her SEES Mars River Resource Utilization Team during a certificate presentation ceremony.

At the SEES program in July, Edwards was part of the Mars Rover Resource Utilization Team, which is similar to NASA missions she wants to be involved in during her career, she said.

The Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer was the first mission by the United States to collect a materials sample from an asteroid. The sample from asteroid Bennu was dropped to Earth via a parachute during a flyby of the spacecraft on Sept. 24. The samples were officially revealed to the public on Oct. 11.

Beyond being able to be present at this moment in history, Edwards was able to learn more about NASA and get a close up look at the facilities that help bring the space missions to life.

People pose in front of the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory Operations Control Center
The 12 SEES interns chosen for the OSIRIS REx VIP reveal event and their mentors pose in front of the Neutral Buoyancy Lab building.

“My favorite one was the Neutral Buoyancy Lab,” she said. “It was really cool to see the pool where the astronauts work and learn about some of the things that are done there.”

Edwards has also been invited to present her Mars Rover project work, as well as another project she worked on at SEES, at the American Geophysical Union’s annual meeting this winter.

Edwards wasn’t always looking toward the skies for her career. Initially she wanted to go into neuroscience.

“I was and still am extremely interested in the brain and how it works,” she said. “I wanted to do more research on the brain and neurological disorders but soon realized that anything having to do with biology was probably not for me, since I can’t wrap my head around the subject.

“I chose aerospace engineering because it allowed me to explore something just as perplexing and interesting using two of my favorite subjects, math and science, without having to worry about biology,” she continued. “I have also always been interested in space so when I discovered this career, it just seemed like a perfect fit.”

Students in gray shirts put their hands on NASA capsule
The 12 SEES interns, including Jayla Edwards, fourth from left, touch the mock-up of a space capsule NASA uses in the Neutral Buoyancy Lab.

Edwards has been a Liberty student most of her life, except for two years at Fallsburg in elementary school. She said her science teachers have been great influences.

“Mr. (Eugene) Doyle helped make science a lot of fun for me and my classmates,” Edwards said. “Mrs. (Lucinda) Nolan mentored Science Olympiad, and being in that club and learning and researching about different areas of science helped a lot. Science Olympiad ultimately gave me the push to apply to the SEES internship.”

While her love of science extends outside of the classroom, her extracurricular life doesn’t revolve around it. She is a member of the National Honor Society, the LPA and Liberty High School’s Honors Chorus and Honors Orchestra.

Jayla Edwards
Jayla Edwards

Although she doesn’t yet know where she will be going to college — Rochester Institute of Technology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University are her favorites — her ultimate goal is to work for NASA. And while traveling to outer space would be interesting, she said, she plans to keep her feet firmly planted on the ground while helping others explore the universe over the rainbow.

Liberty BOE reviews capital project proposal

Liberty Central School District Board of Education on Tuesday, Oct. 10, reviewed an updated  capital project proposal that addresses safety, efficiency and meeting the needs of today’s learners, and is not expected to have any tax impact on district taxpayers.

CSArch, an architecture, engineering and construction management firm, working with the construction management firm Schoolhouse Construction, has been working with the district to recommend upgrades to the district’s aging buildings and systems. The original part of the elementary school is around 100 years old and once housed the entire district population. Two additions were built later. The high school is 60 years old, and the middle school was constructed in the early 1990s.

The following is included in the nearly $42.7 million proposal:

High School Building Improvements (about $14.98 million)

  • Exterior stair replacement
  • 300 Wing renovations, including additional classroom space and upgrades to the counseling suite
  • Cafeteria renovations
  • Innovation Lab renovations
  • Replace emergency generator
  • Hardwired carbon monoxide alarm systems
  • HVAC controls upgrades (Pneumatics to Direct Digital Control)

High School: Athletic/Site Improvements (about $6.88 million)

  • Resurfacing the running track
  • Artificial turf multi-sport playing field (with drainage)
  • Slot drains at track perimeter
  • Replace the long-jump
  • New concrete sidewalk for ADA accessibility
  • New bleachers
  • New press box
  • Audio, lighting and scoreboard improvements
  • Field lighting

Middle School (about $3.61 million)

  • Interior door replacements (41 doors total)
  • HVAC controls upgrades (Pneumatics to Direct Digital Control)
  • Site electric upgrades to address water infiltration into building
  • Replace 2000A main electrical distribution panel
  • Emergency lighting upgrades
  • New Emergency Generator
  • Hardwired carbon monoxide alarm systems

Elementary School (about $13.93 million)

  • Roofing repairs and upgrades
  • Hazardous materials abatement (VAT Floor Tile)
  • Wood flooring replacement
  • Compliant railings at interior bleachers
  • Classroom Unit Vent Replacements
  • Boiler Conversions (steam to hot water)
  • Gymnasium Ventilation System Upgrades
  • HVAC Controls Upgrades
  • Hardwired Carbon Monoxide Alarm Systems

Central Administrative Offices (about $265,000)

  • New Emergency Generator
  • Hardwired Carbon Monoxide Alarm Systems

Storage Building (about $3.03 million)

The proposal also includes additional funds for the district-wide maintenance building that voters approved in 2021. Because of supply chain issues that increased costs of materials and increases in labor rates, bids for the building came in significantly higher than anticipated. Costs are not expected to drop and renovations for a new Innovation Lab are contingent on the relocation of Buildings and Grounds into the new storage building. The proposal includes an additional $1.56 million for the construction of the maintenance building, bringing the total to $3.03 million, reflecting the current material and labor market. The original referendum will be rescinded. The district is also exploring options for alternative construction methods to reduce costs while maintaining the same quality and durability of the building.

The presentation to the board can be seen here

The board is expected to vote on a resolution authorizing a public referendum, expected this winter, at an upcoming meeting.

LCSD Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan will present the proposal at the Liberty Town Board meeting at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 16, at the town offices at 120 N. Main St.  District officials are planning additional community meetings, tours and more to inform the public about the proposal. The dates will be announced as they are scheduled.

Liberty grad, teacher begins new role as LMS assistant principal

Liberty Middle School welcomed a familiar face as its new assistant principal on Tuesday, Oct. 11.

Katlyn RusinKatlyn Rusin, a 2004 graduate of Liberty Central School, has been teaching English language arts in Liberty for the past nine years, and served as the eighth grade advisor for the past four years.

“It is a great responsibility and honor to work as an administrator in this district,” she said, “and I look forward to the challenges and opportunities it has to offer.”

She will be assistant principal for sixth and eighth grades this year.

Rusin earned her bachelor’s degree in English and a Master in the Art of Teaching from SUNY New Paltz, and a Masters in Educational Administration from Grand Canyon University.

She began her teaching career at Sullivan West, where she taught for two years.

She has been married to her husband, Nick, for three years, and they have two children. Caleb is 10 and loves to play football, basketball and baseball. Two-year-old Julianna loves running around with her older brother and eating macaroni and cheese.

“My faith is the foundation of my life and I love serving with my church community,” Rusin said. “Working with others to help improve any community is something I truly enjoy. I look forward to continuing my work with our school community as we all strive to reach our full potential.”

Students, Sullivan 180 help beautify Liberty Middle School

Students backfill a newly planted treeOn Wednesday, Sept. 27, students from Liberty Middle School assisted in planting six trees to help provide shade at the playground.

About three dozen students came out in shifts to help back fill the holes, dug by the school maintenance crew, who also placed the trees in the holes.

“I think it was a fun experience,” sixth grader Conner Baum said. “It felt good to help.”

Students with shovels pose for a photo outsideLily Kehrley agreed.

“It was really fun and I want to see them grow!” the sixth grader said. “It was fun because we will be a part of the school when we graduate.”

Earlier in the week, bushes were also planted in front of the school by the maintenance crew. Funding for the project was made possible, in part, by a $1,880 School Beautification Grant from Sullivan 180.

students work together to carry a bag of soil from a truck“Liberty Middle School is thrilled to accept the Sullivan 180 Beautification Grant. This generous support will help us enhance the beauty and vitality of our environment, one tree at a time,” Middle School Principal Heather Cheh said. “Together, we will create a greener, more vibrant community that future generations will cherish. Thank you for investing in the natural beauty that surrounds us and for being a partner in our mission to make our school a better place.”

As students separated the rocks and sod from the dirt and filled in around the trees, they learned more about the trees planted — two each of hawthorne, river birch and October glory maple — as well as proper planting techniques from Carmela Hugel, beautification program manager with Sullivan 180.

Students pose in front of school behind the middle school“I loved the planting and I wish we could do it again next year before going to the high school,” seventh grader Damien Keating said.

The students who participated were chosen by teachers and administrators because they have embraced the Leader in Me principles and have displayed 7 Habits.

“Creating student leaders and good citizens is important,” Cheh said. “We offer opportunities such as this for students who show those vital qualities.”

There was an added benefit of taking time to be outside on a beautiful day while helping the school.

“It was really nice to be able to get outside and be a part of making our school a better place and beautiful place,” eighth grader Shea-Leigh Kristiansen said. “I think that it is important to not only create a healthy school community, but a beautiful place to have that community too.”

“There were also several people at LCSD who we couldn’t have done this without,” Cheh said. “A special thank you to LMS staff Malinda Kristiansen and Tony Lesczynski, and LCSD Building and Grounds crew James Black, Joe Davis and Michael  Black.”

Student Digital Resources responses needed

Dear Liberty Families,

The Liberty Central School District is asking all parents, guardians and students to take a Student Digital Resources Survey to help identify students who may need access to reliable internet and/or a digital device for completing schoolwork at home. New York state requires that school districts collect this information to better serve our families’ needs.

The survey should take no more than five minutes to complete. Access the Student Digital Resources survey here.

If your situation changes after you submit the survey, please complete the survey again.

For more information or if you have trouble submitting the survey, email Stacy Feasel at sfeasel@libertyk12.org or call her at 845-292-5400, ext. 2322.

Take steps to stay safe from respiratory illnesses

It is important to us here at Liberty that we keep our school community safe and healthy. Respiratory illnesses are on the rise here and across the nation, with the triple threat of flu, COVID-19 and Respiratory Syncytial Virus, or RSV. These viruses, while usually manageable, can lead to illness, hospitalizations or death, according to the state Departments of Health and Education.

There are several simple steps that can be taken to help prevent the spread of these illnesses.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds, especially after touching commonly touched surfaces such as door knobs.
  • Use hand sanitizer if soap and water isn’t available.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces often.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Don’t cough or sneeze into your hands; sneeze or cough into your elbow or into a disposable tissue.
  • Although we want our students and teachers to be in school as often as possible, we’d rather they stay home when they are sick or symptomatic.
  • Stay up to date on vaccines, including flu and COVID-19. Find a location to get vaccinated here.
  • If you have been exposed to someone who is sick, are at high risk for infection or just feel more comfortable wearing a mask while in public indoor spaces, wear a well-fitting, high-quality mask.

Masks and rapid COVID tests are available in the health office of each building.

To learn more about COVID, RSV and flu, visit the state Health Department page on respiratory illnesses.

The state Health Department also has information for parents and guardians about fighting flu. Click here for printable a flu information flyer in English, and click here for a printable flu information flyer in Spanish.

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