Sports schedule, and results, for the week of Dec. 30, 2024-Jan. 5, 2025

Our student athletes are in action this week in basketball and wrestling.

Here are the schedule and results, if available. Livestream links are included where available.

Monday, Dec. 30

7:30 a.m.: Girls Varsity Wrestling Tournament vs. Coxsackie-Athens at Coxsackie-Athens High School

Tuesday, Dec. 31

No events scheduled.

Wednesday, Jan. 1

No events scheduled.

Thursday, Jan. 2

No events scheduled.

Friday, Jan. 3

5 p.m.: Boys JV Basketball vs. Monticello at Monticello High School

Saturday, Jan. 4

8 a.m.: Girls Varsity Wrestling Tournament vs. Edgemont Junior Senior at Edgemont High School

8 a.m.: Boys Varsity Wrestling Tournament vs. multiple at Edgemont High School.

Sunday, Jan. 5

No events scheduled.

The schedule is subject to change. Check the Liberty schedule on the Section IX website for the latest.

Sports schedule, and results, for the week of Dec. 23-29, 2024

Our student athletes are in action this week in basketball and indoor track and field

Here are the schedule and results, if available. Livestream links are included where available.

Monday, Dec. 23

No events scheduled

Tuesday, Dec. 24

No events scheduled.

Wednesday, Dec. 25

No events scheduled

Thursday, Dec. 26

No events scheduled.

Friday, Dec. 27

1 p.m.: Boys JV Basketball Tournament vs. Walton/Downsville at Downsville Central School.

5:30 p.m.: Boys Varsity Basketball Tournament vs. Walton/Downsville at Downsville Central School.

6 p.m.: Boys and Girls Varsity Indoor Track and Field vs. multiple schools at Armory Track.
Highlights: A few standout performances were had by the 4x200m relay team of Starr Harris, Alyssa Padilla, Brooke Bull and Sydania Forster who took third place overall out of 29 teams. Brooke Bull took 5th place overall in the pole vault with a vault of 9’6” breaking the school record which was previously 9’3” and Starr Harris was 9th overall in the 55m hurdles.

Four girls in Liberty uniforms pose on a stage. A girl clears a height in pole vault

Saturday, Dec. 28

Time TBD: Boys JV and Varsity Basketball tournament at Downsville Central School.

Sunday, Dec. 29

No events scheduled.

The schedule is subject to change. Check the Liberty schedule on the Section IX website for the latest.

LCSD seeks nominations for Wall of Fame

The Liberty Central School District Wall of Fame provides an opportunity to honor and celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of those who have walked the halls of Liberty’s schools.

Alumni of Liberty who have made a lasting and outstanding contribution in their lives and career to society upon graduating or leaving the Liberty Central School District are eligible for nomination to the Wall of Fame.

Nominations are reviewed by the Wall of Fame Committee, which is made up of volunteers representing the school district, the local community, and the Board of Education.

To nominate an individual, please complete and submit the Liberty CSD Wall of Fame Application, available in the district office or on the district’s website at  and email it to or mail the application to Liberty Central School District Wall of Fame, LCSD District Office, 115 Buckley St., Liberty, NY 12754.

Nominations must be received by Friday, Feb. 14.

For more information, reach out to Lexie Leon at or call 845-292-5400, ext. 2052.

Sports schedule, and results, for the week of Dec. 16-22, 2024

Our student athletes are in action this week in alpine skiing, basketball, indoor track and field and wrestling.

Here are the schedule and results, if available. Livestream links are included where available.

Monday, Dec. 16

All events canceled.

Tuesday, Dec. 17

No events scheduled.

Wednesday, Dec. 18

10 a.m.: Boys and Girls Varsity Alpine Skiing Scrimmage vs. multiple schools at Belleayre Mountain Ski Area.

3:30 p.m.: Boys and Girls Varsity Indoor Track and Field Invitational vs. Multiple schools at SUNY Sullivan.

4 p.m.: Boys JV Basketball vs. Fallsburg at Fallsburg Junior/Senior High School.

4:15 p.m.: Boys Modified Basketball vs. Monticello at Monticello Middle School.

5:30 p.m.: Boys Varsity Basketball vs. Fallsburg  at Fallsburg Junior/Senior High School

5:45 p.m.: Girls Modified Basketball vs. Monticello at Monticello Middle School.

6 p.m.: Boys Varsity Wrestling vs. New Paltz at New Paltz High School.

Thursday, Dec. 19

4:30 p.m.: Girls Varsity Basketball vs. Port Jervis at  Port Jervis High School

4:30 p.m.: Boys Modified Wrestling vs. Multiple Schools at Monticello High School.

Friday, Dec. 20

All events postponed or canceled

Saturday, Dec. 21

8 a.m.: Boys Wrestling Varsity Tournament vs. Hudson Falls  at  Hudson Falls High School

Sunday, Dec. 22

Three girls pose with wearing medals against red padded walls in a gym.

9 a.m.: Girls Varsity Wrestling Tournament vs. Red Creek at Red Creek High School
Highlight:  Isabella Wagner took third at the Girls Freestyle Round Robin .

The schedule is subject to change. Check the Liberty schedule on the Section IX website for the latest.

New temporary traffic pattern at LES to begin Dec. 16

Beginning Monday, Dec. 16, there will be a temporary closure of a portion of the main driveway over the box culvert that runs under the “Kiss and Drop” lawn.

Arrival and dismissal traffic will be permitted to enter the rear School Street driveway to drop off at the Main Entrance starting at 7:15 a.m. through 7:33 a.m. No drop off traffic will be permitted while buses are on campus. Traffic may resume after the buses exit at 7:55 a.m.

The North Main Street entrance is open for student drop off through the “kiss and drop” loop. NO vehicles will be permitted to park in the “Kiss and Drop” loop. Vehicles will exit onto Main Street and will be required to make a right turn into the flow of traffic.

There will be staff outside to help direct traffic.

The district is working to resume regular traffic patterns as soon as possible.

Amid rumors of retaliation, games postponed

Liberty Central School District has been made aware of rumors spreading on social media of retaliation potentially being made against those involved in the stabbing incident yesterday, Dec. 12. The rumors have been investigated by the Liberty Police Department and have been deemed non-credible.

Safety of our students and staff is our top priority.

As a precautionary measure, the basketball games scheduled for today at Liberty Middle and High Schools have been postponed.

Also, out of an abundance of caution, the increased police presence will continue at the Middle and High Schools.

Those with questions may email

Five arrests made in stabbing near MS/HS campus

Liberty Police Department has arrested five individuals in relation to the altercation that led to the stabbing yesterday, Dec.12, just off the Liberty Middle/High School campus at the end of the school day.

Below is LPD’s statement, in part, released about 9:30 p.m. yesterday:

“On Thursday 12/12/24 at approximately 3:00 pm the Village of Liberty Police Department responded to a report of a fight in progress near the Liberty High School on Buckley Street in the Village of Liberty. School Resource Officers (SROs) at Liberty Middle and High Schools, in collaboration with Liberty School staff, located a 16-year-old stabbing victim who had entered school grounds seeking help after being attacked on Buckley Street. Responding officers immediately identified two suspects fleeing from the scene and after a short foot pursuit arrested two 15 year old male juveniles. School Resource Officers provided immediate first aid to the victim including applying a tourniquet to stop severe bleeding from multiple stab wounds. Care of the 16 year old juvenile was transferred to Mobile Medic EMS and the juvenile was transported via helicopter to Westchester Medical Center. At the time of the writing of this release the juvenile was in stable but critical condition.

“Within hours the investigation had resulted in the Village of Liberty Police Department locating and arresting two additional 17 year old female juveniles and Ricco Molina, 18 of Liberty.  All five individuals were charged with Assault in the 1st degree and Gang Assault in the 1st degree, felonies. Ricco Molina was arraigned in the Town of Liberty Court and remanded to Sullivan County Jail in lieu of $10,000 cash, $20,000 secured bond or $40,000 partially secured bond. All 4 of the juvenile suspects were arraigned in front of the Honorable Troy Johnstone sitting as the accessible after hour’s magistrate for the Youth Part of Sullivan County Superior Court.  Both of the 17 year old female juveniles as well as one of the 15 year old male juveniles were released on their own recognizance to appear at the Youth Part of Superior Court on a later date. The second 15 year old male juvenile was remanded to the custody of the Office of Children and Family Services at a secure detention facility.

“The Village of Liberty Police Department was assisted in the investigation by the Sullivan County District Attorney’s Office, the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office and the New York State Police. …

“The investigation into this incident is ongoing and anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact the Village of Liberty Police Department Detective Division. Specifically if anyone has cell phone video of the incident please call 845-292-4422.”

In addition, Liberty Central School District will be taking action, according to its Code of Conduct, against all Liberty students involved in this incident.

“I want to thank our SROs for their swift actions on treating the victim, as well as LPD for their quick response to this incident,” Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan said.

The district has additional law enforcement on the Middle/High School campus today, as a precaution and to enhance the safety of students and staff. Counselors are available to all students or staff members who wish to talk about this incident.

Those who have questions may email

A message from the superintendent on the incident earlier today (Dec. 12)

Dear Liberty,

As you may be aware, an incident took place at the end of the school day off campus earlier today, Dec. 12, that resulted in the stabbing of a student who was not from Liberty. I do not have any information regarding the medical status of that student at this time, but I — and the entire Liberty community — wish them a speedy and full recovery.

Police are still investigating the incident, which did involve students from Liberty. Any police action taken will be communicated by Liberty Police Department when available.

The district is also investigating to see what actions will be taken against our students involved in the altercation, according to our code of conduct.

We take the safety of our students and staff very seriously.

All of our school buildings are equipped with cameras, accessible by LPD, and we have a school resource officer stationed at each building during school hours, as well as after hours events hosted on our campuses. All of our buildings require keycard access, and guest access is achieved through a single point of entry. We also hold regular drills to practice our safety procedures. More details can be found in our districtwide safety plan.

We investigate all reports of potential threats to our school community. We encourage everyone to be proactive in safety with the adage “see something, say something” and report immediate concerns to a trusted adult, administration or law enforcement. Non immediate concerns can also be reported via our Anonymous Alerts reporting system.

Students are also encouraged to lean on their school counseling department if they are in crisis, have concerns over their safety or just need to talk.

Our counselors will be available for those who wish to speak to them following this incident.

Out of an abundance of caution and to help our faculty and students feel safer, there will be an increased police presence on the middle school/high school campus tomorrow.

If you have questions, please email


Dr. Patrick Sullivan

Altercation just off MS/HS campus results in stabbing

At the end of the school day today, Dec. 12, there was a physical altercation involving a stabbing just off of the middle/high school campus grounds. The altercation was between Liberty students and others who were not students at Liberty schools.

The stabbing victim was not a student of Liberty. The victim ran to campus seeking medical attention. All traffic was shut down on the campus, and a medivac helicopter landed at the football field. All late bus and student pickup was moved to the parking lot on Winthrop Avenue.

The district and police are investigating the incident. More information will be released as it is available.

There is no danger or threat to the school or Liberty community.

Student found with empty bullet casing

This afternoon, Dec. 12, an elementary school student was found displaying an empty bullet casing to other students. The empty casing was confiscated and the situation was handled in accordance with the Liberty Central School District code of conduct. Families of the students involved have been notified. Please be aware that at no time was there any danger to students or staff. 

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