• Pre-K registration began March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

2022-23 Liberty Elementary School Priority Document

Commitment | The LES staff commit to the implementation of Frog Street (PK), Into Reading (K-4), Read 180 (3-4), System 44 (3-4) and Amira (K-2) with fidelity.

DCIP alignment

Provide and deliver a rigorous, relevant and cohesive PK-12 curriculum.

SMART Goal Lag Measures

By May of 2023, 53.58% of all students performing On Watch or At or Above Grade Level will increase to 58.58% of students as reported using STAR Reading and Early Literacy.

  • Score calculated by adding all students On Watch (OW) and At or Above level (AAL) for each grade level, then dividing the total by the total number of tests taken (TTT). Translated to %. ((OW + AAL) / TTT) x 100 = % score

Why we are making this commitment?

We believe we need to provide a rigorous PK-4 curriculum to support student success in and out of school. We need to challenge students in the classroom and empower students in their learning and ensure that they have the 21st century skills needed to be successful during and after their time at Liberty Central Schools.

According to the 2022 Spring STAR data 53.58% of students were considered On Watch or At or Above grade level proficient. We believe that teaching the new ELA programs with fidelity will directly influence the growth of students across all grades PK – 4.

A cohesive ELA program in grades K-4 will be starting in fall 2022. We believe implementing the program with fidelity will be pertinent to achieve our commitment to a rigorous, relevant, and cohesive PK-12 curriculum for all tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 students.


Strategy | Teachers and TAs will receive program training and collaborative time monthly.

  1. Appropriate teachers will receive in-depth training on the components, concepts and process of the HMH and/or Frog Street programs.
  2. Teachers will be trained on how to submit an MTSS referral and when to refer a student to MTSS.
  3. Paraprofessionals will be trained by an assigned teacher in the expectations, resources, and process of instructing or supporting students engaged in the HMH or Frog Street curriculums and will continue to have opportunities to coplan.
  4. The MTSS facilitator will be utilized to support the analysis of HMH and Frog Street data to further support students’ learning needs.
Gauging Success
  1. By November 1st, all staff that directly work with the new curriculum material will have received at least 1 training to successfully implement the program.
  2. Non-evaluative observations of the MTSS meetings will reflect a working knowledge of student growth using new curriculum data points.
  3. Non-evaluative teacher observations will reflect the implementation of the new programs with fidelity
  1. HMH access online and via support professionals
  2. Scheduling of common prep periods for staff to plan and explore materials.
  3. Appropriate technology
Cadence of Accountability

By December, PLC groups and faculty meetings will begin to implement a 5 minute share with small wins in regards to the new curriculum.

Strategy | By November 1st, teachers will set grade level WIGs based on a preselected HMH score and track their lead measures once a MTSS 6 day cycle.

  1. Communicate the school wide WIG by September 2nd
  2. By October 15th MTSS meetings and/or PLCs will be used to discuss, determine and set lead measures for tracking grade level WIGs
  3. By October 20th, all grade level teachers will communicate Grade level academic WIGs to students and help them to understand their role in the grade level’s progress on the scoreboard
  4. By October 31st, MTSS cycle meetings will begin to track lead measure data using visible scoreboards.
  5. By October 31st, a school wide Lag Measure (STAR) score board will also be visible to track benchmark STAR data throughout the year.
Gauging Success
  1. A display of school growth and proficiency WIGs
  2. Contributions from each grade level to scoreboards every 6 day cycle
  1. BLT – Create School Scoreboards
  2. Schedule for MTSS meetings
  3. PLC meeting agenda items
  4. Access to lead measure data sources
  5. Grade level data access
  6. STAR Benchmark Data
Cadence of Accountability

Grade levels will track and monitor program data and use the data during the MTSS process to influence and adjust instruction.

Commitment | LES staff commit to implementation and integration of the principles and concepts within Leader in Me.

DCIP alignment

Cultivate an environment that encourages Social Emotional Learning for all students.

Smart Goal Lag Measures

Given the Leader in Me framework, by May 2023, the LiM MRA (given to 4th grade students, Staff, and Parents) scale score will increase from 73 to a 78.

Why we are making this commitment?

We believe that all students deserve an environment that supports Social Emotional Learning and are given the tools to support their emotional growth. We believe this commitment directly impacts the students’ ability to reach their goals. We have found through SAEBERS data, discussions, and MRA surveys this is an area we need to grow in and showed that we need to focus on the importance of intentional whole child approaches to social, emotional, and cognitive development. We believe educational success can be achieved when our students feel safe and secure and have a solid foundation in SEL support. Social Emotional Learning for all students fits into MTSS by analyzing data, and student wellness by implementing the LiM principles and concepts and by teaching self-awareness strategies.


Strategy | Display Leader in Me visual representations in all student spaces.

  1. By October, Leader in Me “Tree” posters will be hung in virtually all student work spaces.
  2. Each floor bulletin board will be used to display student-led LiM work and will be updated at least 1x a trimester.
  3. By June, murals will be painted/printed and hung in the Lobby of the school that reflect LiM habits.
  4. By January, broadcast LiM enriched material on the lobby television.
Gauging Success
  1. By October, all classrooms will have some LiM displayed material hung up in the room which will be evident in formal and informal observation data.
  2. By June, the lobby will display multiple visual representations of Leader in Me.
  • The purchase and disbursement of more LiM display material
  • A subcommittee to help design, choose and implement potential materials for the lobby walls.
  • Technological support for the lobby television.
  • A budget for supplies for displays.
Cadence of Accountability

Leader in Me coordinators will monitor the increase in visual representations of LiM throughout the building and will document the progress in meeting minutes.

Strategy | Use LiM language within the building

  1. (staff opportunity) Use Leader in Me language at every Staff Meeting.
  2. (student opportunity) Increase the implementation frequency of Explicit Direct LiM lessons by adhering to the daily schedule and following BLT/Lighthouse habit map.
  3. (student opportunity) Integrate LiM language in other instructional areas when appropriate (such as core subjects, support classes and specials).
  4. Use LiM language by incorporating it into daily morning announcements.
Gauging Success
  1. By November, all appropriate teachers will be implementing direct instruction LiM lessons weekly to follow the designated LiM curriculum map for the school which will be evident in evaluative and non evaluative teacher observations.
  2. By June, all teachers have begun to implement LiM language into conversation and other subject content which will be evident in evaluative and non evaluative observations.
  3. By November, all morning announcements will contain LiM language.
  1. Announcement plans.
  2. Lesson plans/Teacher schedules.
  3. BLT/Lighthouse team habit map
Cadence of Accountability

The Lighthouse coordinators will track the use of LiM language and report out as part of the regular meeting minutes.

Strategy | By February 1st, Students will set at least one academic and one personal WIG based on proficiency and track their lead measures weekly.

  1. By January, teachers will have modeled the process of making and tracking WIGs.
  2. By January Direct LiM Lessons about WIGs will have been taught.
  3. By January 15th, classrooms will have individual scoreboards accessible for students to visually track progress.
  4. By February 1st, Student scoreboards will be posted and provide baseline data for weekly tracking.
Gauging Success
  1. Visual representations of students WIGs posted in classrooms
  2. Students working towards WIGs as evidenced in informal and formal evaluations.
  3. By June, weekly scoreboard tracking will be shared at appropriate community based events with stakeholders.
  1. BLT
  2. Scoreboard material
  3. Leader in Me time in every classroom schedule
Cadence of Accountability

Teachers will share progress at PLC meetings which can be documented on meeting notes.

Commitment | LES staff commit to providing equitable opportunities and access for all students, staff, family and/or community members to be involved and/or informed within the school.

DCIP alignment

Nurture an inclusive and equitable environment for all stakeholders.

Smart Goal Lag Measures

By May of 2023, we will increase the overall perception of Equity from 77% to 82% for parents, 86% to 91% for staff as measured by the Insights Equity Survey

*Score calculated by averages in K-12 insight “Overall Perceptions of Equity : Comparison by Respondent Type”

Why we are making this commitment?

The LES Mission Statement states : “The mission of the Liberty Elementary School is to educate, inspire and empower all students in partnership with staff, parents and community members.”

We believe all of our students deserve a community centered environment, in which they feel welcome and they are an intricate part of the culture of the school. We also believe the parents of our students must feel like they are a welcomed and involved part of the team and that Liberty Elementary School is a central part of their community.

We believe in cultivating all students’ potential beyond their wildest imagination through LES’s availability of clubs, diverse assemblies, field trips, and community involvement.
We believe the increased awareness and equitable access to materials and opportunities will help to enhance the inclusive environment in our school. Given that 51% of students are from Hispanic or Latino families, equity will be an intentional piece of our commitment.


Strategy | Virtually all communication being distributed within the building will be bilingual.

  1. All inside communication will be required to have at least a Spanish option available when material is dispersed.
  2. All outside communication will be strongly encouraged to have at least a Spanish option available when material is dispersed.
  3. Words and art displayed on the walls of our school will have a bilingual component.
  4. Recommit to having a translator available at all applicable ceremonies or events
Gauging Success
  1. Decrease in the number of translation phone calls needed within the building day for content that is distributed via written form.
  2. Success evident by informal observations of the distributed material at the teacher mailbox systems.
  1. Translators for proofreading when needed
  2. Access to technology that has translation options, such as google docs.
Cadence of Accountability
  1. Greeter will monitor the incoming communication disbursement for bilingual content and reach out to any organizations that are missing a bilingual component to explain that future communication should include at least Spanish translations.
  2. Administrators will reinforce the importance of bilingual translations within the building and building groups.
  3. BLT and/or the lighthouse team will begin to create translated visual information that is displayed throughout the building.

Strategy | There will be a community event at least 3 times a year (1 per trimester)

  1. Reimplement Literacy night
  2. Reimplement Math night
  3. Make culminating grade level community events an annual occurrence.
  4. Explore the potential for “LES Academics” night
Gauging Success
  1. Reach similar attendance as “pre-COVID” on Literacy night
  2. Reach similar attendance as “pre-COVID” on Math night
  3. Add one new community event to the calendar.
  4. Increase attendance of grade level community events.
  1. Space reserved
  2. Staff to supervise or facilitate events
  3. Purchase of materials needed (budgets)
  4. BLT and grade level facilitators depending on the event
Cadence of Accountability

The office will track events through calendar events and staff sign in sheets.

Strategy | There will be after school clubs held weekly from October-May.

  1. By October, begin already established clubs
  2. Explore reinstating Basketball club
  3. Explore reinstating Art Club
  4. Explore reinstating STEAM Club
  5. Explore the potential for other clubs at LES (Odyssey of the Mind, Lego Club, Chess Club, Homework Club, etc)
Gauging Success
  1. Increase in student attendance for extra curricular activities
  2. By June increase the number of after school clubs by one
  1. Appointment of Staff to stipend positions
  2. Reserved space
  3. Materials applicable to the activities
  4. After school transportation
Cadence of Accountability

The office will track the frequency of clubs through weekly time sheets.