• GeoTech will soon conduct testing for the capital project, which will cause sections of the Liberty Middle/High School campus to be unavailable for use at those times. On Oct. 3 and 4, testing will occur on the track, and on Oct. 7 and 8, testing will take place by the softball field and Winthrop parking lot. The parking lot, behind the district office next to the softball field, will be closed. If you have any questions, please email questions@libertyk12.org.
  • If you haven’t yet, please make sure you switch your SchoolTool Parent Portal URL to https://st10.schooltool.com/liberty to continue to access your child’s grades, information and more.

LES puts healthy eating at forefront 

Students watch two people on the auditorium stage.

Liberty Elementary has put nutrition high on its list of priorities this year.
The Empowering a Healthier Generation Wellness Committee at LES is working hard to make the cafeteria and classrooms spaces where students will enjoy eating healthy foods.

On Sept. 26, LES students learned about nutrition and health choices thanks to Nutrition Mission Assemblies with Beth & Scott. The Bierkos taught students the importance of drinking water instead of sugary beverages to quench thirst, the importance of getting adequate rest, 60 minutes of daily exercise, and the importance of putting healthy foods into their bodies.
LES encourages students to use the Fresh Fruit & Vegetable snack carts (provided free, much like breakfast and lunch here at LES) instead of eating items such as cookies and chips for snacks. Students are also encouraged to use the salad bar at lunch time and to sign out the blender bike for healthier birthday celebrations.

All of these messages connect with Leader in Me Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw – Balance is Best.

This year, LES is setting a goal to eat 1,000 servings of fruits and vegetables a month. This will be tracked on a new bulletin board in the cafeteria. There are also brand new light up menu boards in the cafeteria where the daily lunch menu is posted and new signage to encourage healthy eating.

Students will be acting as leaders as they work together to track servings of fruits and vegetables consumed at lunch time.