A message from the superintendent on the extreme heat

Dear Liberty,

With the extreme heat expected to continue throughout this week, we want to remind our students and staff to take steps to help combat the heat.

The first is to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeinated beverages. Water bottle filling stations can be found throughout the school buildings. We encourage everyone to bring their own reusable bottles.

Another step is to wear lightweight, light-colored and breathable fabrics, such as cotton.

The Middle School’s air conditioning is on. At the Elementary School and High School, which do not have air conditioning, the district is taking steps to provide additional cooling, including air movers in the hallways, box fans in classrooms, shades are being kept down and windows and classroom doors are open to help with air circulation.

Outdoor activities will be limited to less-strenuous activities while the heat advisory is in place.

Regents exams and finals are continuing at LHS, with additional air circulation being provided at testing locations.

The district is closed Wednesday, June 19, because of the Juneteenth holiday.

The district may consider early dismissal at the Elementary School if the district believes the extreme heat will cause an unproductive or unsafe learning environment.

Any changes to the schedule will be communicated via our normal emergency closure channels, such as School Messenger, our website www.libertyk12.org and local media.

If you have any questions, please email questions@libertyk12.org.


Dr. Patrick Sullivan
