• Pre-K registration began March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

American Rescue Plan | Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief

In spring of 2021, the federal and New York state governments released requirements for school districts that are receiving money through the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP-ESSER) and/or are receiving a Foundation Aid increase of more than 10 percent or $10 million.  Those districts must post a plan on their website detailing how the district will use the increased funds for each school year from 2021-22 through 2023-24.

The Liberty Central School District is scheduled to receive a 17 percent ($2.9 million) increase in Foundation Aid for the 2021-22 school year.

Program spending will be supervised by Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan in coordination with School Business Official Rodney Asse.

This plan remains under development and will be updated as required.

Professional Salaries

  • $15,000: Liberty Elementary School teacher hours for distance learning and/or after-school programming ($50/hour x 300 hours)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #10
  • $44,400: Teacher hours for district-wide after-school tutoring hours ($50/hour x 888 hours)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #11
  • $400: Teacher hours, summer school planning ($50/hour x 2 hours x 4 teachers)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #10
  • $12,000: Teacher hours, summer retreat Solution Tree training ($50/hour x 10 hours x 24 teachers)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #11
  • $5,400: Teacher hours, professional development delivered by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt on the Remediation Program ($50 x 6 hours x 18 teachers)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #11
  • $195,000: Teacher Multilingual and English Language Learner Program (FTE 3.0; annualized rate of pay $65,000)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #11

Support Staff Salaries

  • $15,000: Liberty Elementary School teacher assistant (hourly; $15/hour x 1,000 hours)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #11
  • $60,000: Liberty Middle School teacher aide (FTE 2.0; annualized rate of pay $30,000)
    New positions to provide student support while maintaining social distancing. Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #14
  • $30,000: Liberty Middle School teacher assistant (FTE 1.0; annualized rate of pay $30,000). New position to provide student support while maintaining social distancing
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #14
  • $90,000: Liberty High School teacher aide (FTE 3.0; annualized rate of pay $30,000). New positions to provide student support while maintaining social distancing
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #14
  • $300: Teacher aide and teacher assistant hours summer school planning ($15/hour x 20 hours)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #10

Purchased Services

  • $300,000: After-school programming with tutoring services (provider of services: Boys and Girls Club; $1,657.45/student x 181 students)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #10
  • $6,000: Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapy Learning without Tears summer program (provider of Services: G&D Speech Therapy; $200/student x 30 students)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #3
  • $80,000: Speech Therapy Learning without Tears Tier 2 (provider of services: G&D Speech Therapy; $10/hour x 50 hours x 80 students x 2 years)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #3
  • $80,000: Occupational and Physical Therapy Learning without Tears Tier 2 (provider of Services: G&D Speech Therapy; $10/hour x 50 hours x 80 students x 2 years)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #3
  • $8,000: Coding course for student enrichment (provider of services: Level Up Village; $500/student x 16 students)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #10
  • $64,685: Professional Learning Community development coaching and conferencing (provider of services: Solution Tree; 6.5 days coaching, 7 virtual coaching sessions and 75 minutes virtual interactive web conference time)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #11
  • $303,300: Acceleration for All remediation program ELA and math grades 3 to 8 (provider of services: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; 3 years at $101,100/year)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #11
  • $5,307: Professional development on Read 180, System 44 and Math 180 (Provider of Services: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; $49/hour x 6 hours x 18 teachers)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #11

Supplies and Materials

  • $600: Healthy snacks for students in Learning without Tears summer program (quantity: 30 x $20 per unit)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #10
  • $5,202: Wilson Language Training curriculum, Liberty Elementary School (1 x $5,202 per unit)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #11
  • $40,488: Leader In Me and Equity Work, workbooks and course materials for teachers district-wide (300 x $134.96 per unit)
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #3
  • $16,900: Intro Math grades 5 and 6 curriculum by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (1 x $16,900.50 per unit).
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #11
  • $10,608: Intro ELA grades 4 and 5 curriculum by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (1 x $10,607.67 per unit).
    Aligns with ESSER Use of Funds Allowable Activity #11

Travel Expenses

  • No expenses