Capital Project 2023-24
Liberty Central School District Board of Education on Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023, approved a resolution to authorize a Jan. 16 public vote on a capital project proposal that addresses safety, efficiency and meeting the needs of today’s learners, and is not expected to have any tax impact on district taxpayers.
The measure, which went before voters Jan. 17, 2024, because of a weather delay, was passed by voters 178-47.
CSArch, an architecture, engineering and construction management firm, working with the construction management firm Schoolhouse Construction, had worked with the district to recommend upgrades to the district’s aging buildings and systems. The original part of the elementary school is around 100 years old and once housed the entire district population. Two additions were built later. The high school is 60 years old, and the middle school was constructed in the early 1990s.
In July 2024, the replaced CSArch with LAN Associates. As of August 2024, the first portion of the project, reviewing the schematics of the athletic field, maintenance storage building, and the building updates, was discussed, as the project moved forward.
Following testing and some design changes, the plans were finalized and sent to the state Education Department for review and approval on Dec. 13, 2024.
The following is included in the nearly $42.7 million proposal:
High School Building Improvements (approximately $14.98 million)
- Exterior stair replacement
- 300 Wing renovations, including additional classroom space and upgrades to the counseling suite
- Cafeteria renovations
- Innovation Lab renovations
- Replace emergency generator
- Hardwired carbon monoxide alarm systems
- HVAC controls upgrades (Pneumatics to Direct Digital Control)
High School: Athletic/Site Improvements (approximately $6.88 million)
- Resurfacing the running track
- Artificial turf multi-sport playing field (with drainage)
- Slot drains at track perimeter
- Replace the long-jump
- New concrete sidewalk for ADA accessibility
- New bleachers
- New press box
- Audio, lighting and scoreboard improvements
- Field lighting
Middle School (approximately $3.61 million)
- Interior door replacements (41 doors total)
- HVAC controls upgrades (Pneumatics to Direct Digital Control)
- Site electric upgrades to address water infiltration into building
- Replace 2000A main electrical distribution panel
- Emergency lighting upgrades
- New Emergency Generator
- Hardwired carbon monoxide alarm systems
Elementary School (approximately $13.93 million)
- Roofing repairs and upgrades
- Hazardous materials abatement (VAT Floor Tile)
- Wood flooring replacement
- Compliant railings at interior bleachers
- Classroom Unit Vent Replacements
- Boiler Conversions (steam to hot water)
- Gymnasium Ventilation System Upgrades
- HVAC Controls Upgrades
- Hardwired Carbon Monoxide Alarm Systems
Central Administrative Offices (approximately $265,000)
- New Emergency Generator
- Hardwired Carbon Monoxide Alarm Systems
Storage Building (approximately $3.03 million)
The proposal also includes additional funds for the district-wide maintenance building that voters approved in 2021. Because of supply chain issues that increased costs of materials and increases in labor rates, bids for the building came in significantly higher than anticipated. Costs are not expected to drop and renovations for a new Innovation Lab are contingent on the relocation of Buildings and Grounds into the new storage building. The proposal includes an additional $1.56 million for the construction of the maintenance building, bringing the total to $3.03 million, reflecting the current material and labor market. The original referendum will be rescinded. The district is also exploring options for alternative construction methods to reduce costs while maintaining the same quality and durability of the building.
Adjusted expected timeline
- Bond Referendum Vote: Jan. 16, noon -9 p.m., LHS gymnasium (snow date: Jan. 17)
- Design/Testing Process: January – November 2024
- SED/Third Party Review and SED Approval: December 2024 – April 2025
- Public Bidding Process: Spring 2025
- Contract Award: Late Spring 2025
- Start of Construction: Early Summer 2025
- Substantial Completion: Early Fall 2027