Community Events, Resources and Supportive Connections

Sullivan 180 Community Resource Guide

Click here for a downloadable, regularly updated of list of health and human resources available for Sullivan County residents.

Liberty Public Library

There’s always something going on at the Liberty Public Library (189 Main St., Liberty. Call 845-292-6070)

  • Teen Advisory Group
    Teens in grades 5-12 are welcome to join. Members plan teen programs and decide what movies and books the library should add to its collection. Members receive community service hours toward graduation requirements. Call 845-292-6070 or email

Crisis hotlines

24 Hour Crisis Text Line

It’s not easy being a teenager. A free, anonymous, text-based support network that is available 24 hour a day, every day.  Simply text “GOT5” to 741-741 to start a texting conversation with a trained Crisis Counselor who can help you get through a difficult moment.

A new national crisis and suicide lifeline has been established.  Those who call or text 988, will be connected to a trained counselor within the existing lifeline network. Printable “palm-size” resources on this hotline are available in English and Spanish.

Local Support Hotlines

Sullivan County and neighboring areas

  • SAMHSA’s Helpline (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration): 1-800-662-4357
  • Crisis Text Line Text “Got5” to 741-741
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-270-8255
  • Sullivan County Crisis Intervention Line for Parents and Teens: Call: 866-372-2336 / Text: 845-372-1817
  • Trevor Lifeline |LGBTQIA+ specific support: 1-866-488-7686 or text “Start” to 678-678
  • NAMI | National Alliance on Mental Illness:  1-800-950-6264
  • H.O.P.E Referral and Information Line 866-832-5575
  • COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline 1-844-863-9314
  • CHAMP | Community Health Access to Addiction and Mental Healthcare Project: 888-614-5400
  • Children’s Crisis Outreach: 845-701-3777
  • Mobile Mental Health: 800-710-7082 or 845-791-7123 (adults 18 years and older)
  • Family Solutions Parent Helpline: 1-866-372-2336
  • Text line for Teens: 845-372-1817
  • Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988

Local Agencies

Action Toward Independence

309 East Broadway, Suite A, Monticello
Supports and provides programs and services to individuals with disabilities and offers a variety of programs that serve youth and their families in Sullivan County communities.

Dispute Resolution Center

100 North St.,  Monticello
Provides mediation, education, training and consultation throughout Sullivan County. DRC’s mission is to promote the peaceful resolution of conflict.

Friends and Advocates for Mental Health

14 Pelton St., Monticello
Advocacy organization focusing to expand opportunities and quality of life for  people with mental illness.

Independent Living Inc.

14 Pelton St.,  Monticello
Dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals with disabilities Weekly Stress Workshops offered for free.

Sullivan County Children and Family Services

16 Community Lane, Liberty
Child support enforcement, temporary assistant programs, medical assistant programs, and more.

Food Pantries

Cornell Cooperative Extension 

64 Ferndale-Loomis Road, Liberty | Call 845-292-6180
Partners with assistance programs to help the community access food resources.

Lighthouse Ministries

23 Triangle Road, Liberty (Next To Computer Doctors) | Call 857-985-7026
Third Thursdays 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Emergency calls accepted

Soul Food Café

United Methodist Church, 170 N. Main St., Liberty | Call 845-292-6243
Food Pantry Mon 4-6 p.m.
Soul Food Cafe, 5-6:30 p.m.  Mondays

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Interfaith Council

24 Chestnut St., Liberty | Call 845- 292-4626 (Oct. 1 – May 31)
2nd and  4th Friday 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Once A Month Pick-Up
Walk-In. No I.D. required

Dinner 5:30-6:30 p.m.  Wednesdays

St. Peter’s Church

262 North Main St., Liberty | Call 845- 292-4525
10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Wednesday
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Saturday
Proof of ID required

Vine and Branch Church

2535 State Route 52, Liberty | Call 845-292-5227
The food pantry is open 1-3 p.m. every third Sunday.

Crisis Services

Child Abuse Hotline


Sullivan County Crisis Intervention Line for Parents and Teens:

  • Call: 866-372-2336
  • Text: 845-372-1817

The above phone and text numbers are answered at any hour of the day or night, 7 days a week including holidays (24/7) by DRC staff that has been trained to listen, reflect, and assist the caller to defuse a conflict situation between a parent and youth. The responder will also offer referrals to service that could include: parent/child mediation; conflict coaching; and community resources.

Fearless Sullivan County Sexual Assault Services Program

  • 24-hour Hotline: 845-562-5340
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Counseling
  • Specialized Trauma Therapies
  • Safety Planning
  • Support and Therapy Groups
  • Certified Rape Crisis Advocates in Hospital Emergency Rooms
  • Accompaniment and Advocacy throughout the criminal justice process from initial police report through court process and all follow-up support and services if you choose to press charges
  • Victim Impact Statement and VINE registration (in the event of a successful prosecution)
  • Assistance obtaining Orders of Protection and accessing shelter
  • Community awareness, outreach, and prevention activities/presentations.
  • Assistance completing OVS (NYS Office for Victim Services) applications for Victim Compensation and Emergency OVS awards (for HIV prophylactic medications
  • Referrals to specialized legal assistance through partner agency for victims of domestic and/or sexual violence and undocumented crime victims