• Friday, March 14, is a professional development day for faculty and staff. School will be closed for students.
  • Pre-K registration began March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • Survey closes March 14: We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • Traffic alert: A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

Nomination Process

Nomination Process

Former students who attended or graduated from the Liberty Central School District and have made a lasting and outstanding contribution in their life and career may be nominated to Wall of Fame.

Anyone may nominate a Liberty alumni for this distinction. A deceased Liberty alumni may also be nominated.

Selection Process

The Wall of Fame Committee, which is made up of representatives from the district, the local community, and the Board of Education, will review the nominations and determine inductees to the Liberty Wall of Fame.  Committee members serve three-year terms.

There is no limit to how many nominees will be selected for induction, and all information discussed by the committee is kept confidential.