• Pre-K registration began March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

2021-2022 District Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP)

The three District priorities for 2021-22 identified in this plan:

  • Priority 1: Provide a rigorous, relevant, and cohesive PK-12 curriculum
  • Priority 2: Provide an environment that supports Social Emotional Learning for all students
  • Priority 3: Create an inclusive, nurturing environment for all stakeholders (students, faculty, staff, parents, families, community members)

Click to go directly to each Priority:
Priority 1 | Priority 2| Priority 3

Stakeholder Participation


The DCIP must be developed in consultation with parents, school staff, and others in accordance with §100.11 of Commissioner’s Regulations.


What will the District prioritize to extend success in 2021-22?

Priority 1 | Provide a rigorous PK-12 curriculum

We need to provide a rigorous Pk-12 curriculum to support student success in and out of school. We need to challenge students in the classroom and empower students in their learning and ensure that they have the 21st century skills needed to be successful during and after their time at Liberty Central Schools.

During group interviews, students identified that they did not feel a connection to what they are taught in their classes and they do not feel prepared to enter society after school. Students need to see the value of their own learning and apply that knowledge and skills to help them become life-long learners and pursue their dreams.

Due to the pandemic, students received varying educational experiences. Students have gaps in content areas, skills, grade level performance, etc. that will need to be identified and addressed in the coming years.

Strategy |Increased emphasis on connecting curriculum to life beyond the walls of the school.

  • Administrators, teacher leaders,  and department heads will support staff as they plan lessons that include not only what the students will be doing in the actual lesson but how the lesson will engage in the 21st Century Skills (The six C’s) of communication, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, character and citizenship.
  • Administrators, teacher leaders, and department heads will support staff to use learning targets to drive instruction and help students develop real world skills needed for success such as reading, writing, critical thinking, problem solving, etc.
  •  Administrators, teacher leaders,  and department heads will support staff to use essential questions and instruction to facilitate student understanding of content and skill relevance.
  • To accomplish item 1 of Priority 1, the administration and teacher leaders will provide professional development opportunities to help teachers and staff create and implement EQ’s that are aligned to the lesson’s Learning Targets. Specifically, the district will provide formal professional development sessions, coaching sessions and PLCs to build our teachers’ capacity when creating relevant EQ’s.
Gauging Success
  • During bi-yearly student focus groups, we will ask the students, “Do you find what you are learning in your classes interesting or exciting?” and “Are you able to identify the real world connection for what you are learning in the classroom?”
  • During the LCSD’s non-evaluative informal learning walks we will compile data that monitors the use of LTs, EQs, and if students are actively participating in student-led learning activities.
  • We will use this data to identify trends, needs and support our PLC discussions.
  • “Teach Like A Champion” by Doug Lemov
  • “Explicit Direct Instruction” by Hollingsworth & Ybarra
  • “Essential Questions Opening Doors to Student Understanding” by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe

Strategy |Increased use of student understanding to inform daily and unit instruction.  (MTSS)


By using the support from Solution Tree’s and the RPC’s professional development sessions and embedded coaching days, the administrators, teacher leaders,  and department heads will facilitate the use of a PLC data protocol by staff as they utilize pre-assessment, post assessments, common formative assessments, and Renaissance STAR to identify major gaps in skills and contents during our PLC’s continuous improvement cycles. As a result, our PLCs will identify and implement common grade/department Tier 1 interventions to address the content and skill gaps.

Gauging Success

Grade-level teams will be utilizing the protocol to identify student needs and  inform instructional  data on a daily basis.

  • STAR data will show an increase.
  • Daily exit tickets and check ins will indicate acquisition of content and skills within courses.
  • Teachers will recognize an increase in student skills.

Strategy |Increased alignment of PK-12 curriculum.

  • Administrators, teacher leaders,  and department heads will provide staff time to collaborate vertically and horizontally with staff to ensure skills and content are built upon within the curriculum.
  • Administrators, teacher leaders,  and department heads will ensure that STAR is implemented in K-12 to identify specific curricular standards and skill gaps.
  • The Assistant Superintendent will facilitate  bi-yearly vertical alignment meetings with teacher leaders to analyze data among multiple grade levels to identify inter building and inter grade level instructional needs
Gauging Success
  • There will be established meeting agendas and notes from the vertical and horizontal articulation PLCs.
  • Upon completing the meetings, the PLC teams will identify at least 2 common skills and standards teams will focus on among the grade levels.
  • HS needs access to STAR.
  •  K-12 PD in STAR.
  • Vertical/Horizontal Articulation Meeting Hours

Measuring Success

What will the District look to as evidence of this being successful?

  1. After completing each student focus group, 50% of the students will agree that they find classes are interesting, exciting and relevant.
  2. By June 2022, 80% of students’ SGP will increase 10% with each screener. (Ex: If a student measures 60% in September, they should measure 66% during the winter, and 72.6% during the spring screener.)
  3. By June 2022, the non-evaluative walk through data will indicate that 80% of staff are using EQs and student-led formative assessments.

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Priority 2 | Provide an environment that supports Social Emotional Learning for all students

We believe that the well being of our students, both socially and emotionally, is integral in providing an inclusive environment for our students. When the students feel supported in their goal of growing socially, emotionally, and cognitively, this enables them to feel  part of an inclusive LCSD community.  Educational success is only a possibility when our students feel safe and secure and have a solid foundation in SEL support.

The COVID 19 Pandemic has exposed the increased need to build a stronger and clearer narrative about how learning happens and the importance of intentional whole child approaches to social, emotional, and cognitive development. In a student focus group, students expressed their concerns that the district did not provide the proper SEL support for staff and students. In a parent focus group, parents expressed their opinion that students need more opportunities to be role models and participate in peer programs that empower students.

In the school’s SCEP there is a myopic focus on supporting  the SEL needs of all students, and as a result our DCIP will also encapsulate those same values.  The district committed to the Leader in Me process demonstrating its belief that we value the social and emotional well being of our students.

Strategy | Leader in Me Process

  • Staff and students will empower each other and themselves by using the 7 Habits language during instructional lessons.
  • Student and staff language (are they using the language of the 7 habits in all areas of the school (ie. events, announcements, lessons, meetings, etc.)
  • Providing multi-grade and/or multi-department PLC sessions to build collaborative capacity on ways to enhance the use of the 7 Habits during instructional lessons.
  • Leader coordinators from each building will meet to discuss and collaborate on the vertical alignment of the program
  • The building Lighthouse teams will create  a building specific implementation plan that supports the implementation of the Leader In Me Process.
  • Plan will include  Smart Goals, PD opportunities, monitoring progress, and feedback process.
  • Liberty Elementary and Liberty Middle School will implement regularly scheduled Tier 1 Leader In me Assemblies.
Gauging Success
  • By June 2022, 70% of the K-12 classrooms will embed the 7 Habits language during non-evaluative informal walkthroughs.
  • By June 2022, the district leadership team will conduct building-wide ghost walks to identify at least 10 artifacts that demonstrate the 7 Habits language is being used throughout each school building.
  • By June 2022, at least 2 PLC sessions will be designated to discuss LIM and the use of the 7 Habits language.
  • By March 2022, the LIM coordinators will discuss the status of their school’s programming at an Administrative Cabinet Meeting.
  • By December 2022, each building LightHouse team will create a 2 year implementation plan that fits the exact needs, culture, and climate of their respective building.
  • By June 2022, Liberty Elementary and Liberty Middle School will have at least 4 virtual or in-person assemblies focusing on the 7 Habits.
  • Money to provide additional staff or a ⅙ stipend for teachers;
  • Money will be needed for materials, PD and sub coverage for staff to attend training.
  • Create a master schedule that allows ALL students, K-12, the opportunity to learn the 7 Habits explicitly.
  • LIM coordinators invited to the Administrative Cabinet meeting.
  • Each building’s Leader In Me Coach from Franklin and Covey will guide the teams through this process.

Strategy | Improve Climate and Culture

  • The MRA Screener will be given bi-annually to all students and staff.
  • Focus groups will be convened to discuss the student perspective on school climate and culture
  • Teachers will provide students with the opportunity to have input into the classroom’s rules and expectations.
  • Staff will prioritize explaining to students the real world benefits of what they are accomplishing in their K-12 classrooms.
  • Teachers will greet students at the door using their first name
Gauging Success
  • By June 2022, students and staff will have completed the MRA screener two times.


Measuring Success

What will the District look to as evidence of this being successful?

  • Qualitative: Teachers will understand the benefits of utilizing the various processes to support the social and emotional development of students. Staff will volunteer to be part of the Lighthouse team for LIM. Administrators, teachers and staff will greet students by name and provide a safe space for students to come to.
  • Quantitative measures: MRA Screeners; K-12 Insight; focus groups with parents/staff/students.
  • Equity Visit Walk through. Equitable engagement

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Priority 3 | Create an inclusive, nurturing environment for all stakeholders (students, faculty, staff, parents, families, community members)

The LCSD Mission Statement states : “The mission of the Liberty Central School District is to inspire all students to pursue their dreams and to contribute and thrive in a diverse community.”

In order for students to pursue their dreams, they need to feel included and understand their identity and how it relates to the community and the world.  We recognize that during the COVID19 pandemic, many students had social and emotional needs that were unmet which may have led to a loss of their sense of identity. Student focus groups revealed that certain student subgroups did not feel connected to the school community.

Strategy | Promote and encourage opportunities for students to explore and learn about their identities

  • Create new and promote existing clubs
  • Bring in various school assemblies with multicultural dimensions
  • Have  students create a portfolio that spans their school career
  • Strengthen  our Leader in Me student and adult Lighthouse Teams
  • Provide  PD for staff around empowering students
  • District will provide materials (books, signage, etc) that are reflective of student body
Gauging Success
  • We will have attendance forms that will serve as evidence that the students are attending the new clubs.
  • The school will have fliers and other types of communication that shows the assemblies took place. After each assembly, students will complete a reflection form.
  • To start, specific classes will create a portfolio that shows their college, career, and service readiness.
  • There will be PD opportunities offered and the agendas will serve as evidence.
  • Each library will create an equity section and will incorporate equity lessons into their curriculum.
  • There will be PD opportunities offered and agendas will serve as evidence.
  • PLC sessions that focus on culture and inclusivity.
  • Naviance program
  • Staff to supervise clubs
  • Monies to pay for stipends and any necessary materials for clubs
  • Funding for multicultural assemblies
  • Funding for PD

Strategy | Help teachers and staff to become more aware of their own implicit biases

  • Provide PD for staff on implicit bias
  • Provide opportunities for staff to share what they have learned and how it applies to a culture of inclusivity
Gauging Success
  • There will be PD opportunities offered and agendas will serve as evidence.
  • PLC sessions that focus on culture and inclusivity.
  • Funding for PD
  • Time for staff to meet and share

Strategy | Recruitment and sustainability of staff from diverse ethnic backgrounds to promote a sense of relatedness

  • Host a Diversity Job Fair for recruitment of all positions (faculty, staff, substitutes, etc)
  • Advertise robustly in a variety of ways (OLAS, print ads, flyers, radio, community organizations, etc)
  • Job postings will include language to encourage diverse applicants
Gauging Success
  • The Diversity Job Fair coordination team will utilize a sign in form to collect the number of applicants who attended the Job Fair.
  • Staff personnel to organize Job Fair
  • Advertising budget

Strategy | Provide students with opportunities to meet and interact with successful adults from various cultural backgrounds (ie: business owners, professionals, LHS graduates)

  • District Career Day
  • Assemblies
  • Classroom visits
  • Internships
Gauging Success
  • Student feedback forums
  • List of students who are participating in the internships.
  • Internship Testimonials
  • Staff personnel to organize Career Day
  • Staff personnel to set up internships

Strategy | Involve parents, community members, and stakeholders into the district conversations regarding creation of a more inclusive environment

  • Community forums
Gauging Success
  • Meeting Agendas for the Equity and Excellence team.
  • Attendance forms/Number of participants documented.
  • Community outreach

Measuring Success

  • What will the District look to as evidence of this being successful?
  • K-12 Insight Survey -Question-
  • Secondary Students: “My school finds ways to incorporate student culture into its activities and classrooms.”
  • Elementary Students:“I see my culture represented throughout my school community.”
  • We will have the students answer this question, a baseline will be gathered by October 2021. Then the survey question will be administered 2 more times (winter and Spring).
  • By June 2022, we would like to see a 10% increase in agree and strongly agree responses.
  • Focus Group Data
  • Equity Visits-Informal Walk through data.

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Districts with TSI Schools Only

Identify how the perspectives of stakeholders associated with the identified subgroup(s) have been incorporated.

  • Teachers responsible for teaching each identified subgroup:
  • Parents with children from each identified subgroup: There were parent members included
  • Secondary Schools; students from each identified subgroup:

Submission Assurances

Place an “X” in the box next to each item prior to submission.

  • The District Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP) has been developed in consultation with parents, school staff, and others in accordance with the requirements of Shared-Decision Making (CR 100.11) to provide a meaningful opportunity for stakeholders to participate in the development of the plan and comment on the plan before it is approved.
  • The DCIP will be implemented no later than the beginning of the first day of regular student attendance.
  • Professional development will be provided to teachers and school leaders that will fully support the strategic efforts described within this plan.
  • The DCIP will be made widely available through public means, such as posting on the Internet, distribution through the media, and distribution through public agencies.
  • A comprehensive systems approach will be established to recruit, develop, retain, and equitably distribute effective teachers and school leaders as part of the implementation of the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) system required by Education Law §3012(c) and §3012(d).
  • Meaningful time for collaboration will be used to review and analyze data in order to inform and improve district policies, procedures, and instructional practices.

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