• Liberty Central School District is operating on a two-hour delay today, Friday, Feb. 21, 2025
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

2023-24 District Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP)

The three District priorities for 2023-24 identified in this plan:

  • Priority 1: Provide an accessible, culturally responsive, relevant, engaging, vertically and horizontally aligned PK-12 curriculum, that makes connections to our students and community.
  • Priority 2: Provide a MTSS (multi-tiered system of supports) for behavior and attendance that cultivates wellness and safety for students, staff and families.
  • Priority 3: The district will create a positive, welcoming student centered environment that celebrates diversity and inclusivity to empower students, staff and families.

Click to go directly to each Priority:
Priority 1 | Priority 2| Priority 3

Stakeholder Participation


The DCIP must be developed in consultation with parents, school staff, and others in accordance with §100.11 of Commissioner’s Regulations.


What will the District prioritize to extend success in 2023-24?

Priority 1 | Provide an accessible, culturally responsive, relevant, engaging, vertically and horizontally aligned PK-12 curriculum, that makes connections to our students and community.

We will do this through instruction that incorporates student voice, embedding the Science of Reading, which will be delivered using EDI strategies that address the needs of all students, inclusive of different
abilities and multilingual learners. Strategy |Administrators, teacher leaders, and department chairs will support teachers in using the essential questions, learning targets and EDI (Explicit Direct Instruction) to facilitate content

We value:

  •  Student voice in our instructional choices
  • Research based practices such as the Science of Reading
  • Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) strategies that address the needs of all students, inclusive of different abilities and multilingual learners
  • Specifically Designed Instruction (SDI) strategies that addresses individual student needs, accounts for disabilities and encourages access to the general education curriculum

What makes this the right priority to pursue:

According to student surveys and focus groups, not all students are engaged nor excited about how they are learning. Students are not reaching the level of achievement they should in Grades 5-8 ELA and Math and K-12 in all content areas and Grades 9-12 Regents results.

Student voice will stimulate engagement. Professional Development on the Science of Reading will raise awareness of the importance of reading and assist teachers in understanding how students learn to read, which is the basic, required skill for success. EDI are research-based methods that when implemented consistently in all classrooms will raise student achievement.

These EDI practices include:

  • Engagement Norms
  • Modeling Practices
  • Opportunities for Practice
  • Feedback Practices

Coaching in EDI will continue at the MS and HS. SDI professional development will be provided to all administration and special education teachers.

The guaranteed and viable curriculum becomes the MTSS Tier 1 that is
provided to all students.

Strategy 1

  • Administrators, teacher leaders, and department chairs will support teachers in using the essential questions, learning targets, EDI (Explicit Direct Instruction), and the Science of Reading to facilitate content and increase student engagement in their own learning. This will be accomplished through consistent meetings throughout the year (weekly, monthly and quarterly).
    • Making sure that each lesson or group of lessons has an essential question that is related to the learning target which is based on the NYS learning standard and the outcome of the lesson. Essential questions should be open-ended and invoke student discussions.
    • Teachers will continue to post learning targets that are aligned with the NYS standards and unpack the learning target consistently in all classrooms K-12.
    • All buildings will incorporate a building wide EDI element that is to be used in all classrooms.
    • All teachers will receive PD on an Overview of SDI.
    • All ENL and SWD teachers will receive training on SDI & implementation in the classroom
    • Incorporate awareness and understanding around the Science of Reading PreK-12
    • School leaders will use an informal classroom visitation tool to measure the instructional expectations and initiatives during the 23-24 school year.
    • Administrators will receive PD on EDI and SDI and incorporate it into APPR conversations.
    • Teacher Facilitators will engage in monthly meetings with the building principal, lead monthly PLC meetings and participate in quarterly Curriculum meetings with the Asst. Supt.
      • Develop an implementation plan for Summer curriculum work in order to meet our strategic plan curriculum goals by 2027.
      • Revise curriculum map template to review and/or include:
      • PD on essential questions unpacking the learning targets for students
      • RPC – will continue EDI coaching at the MS and start rounds at the HS
      • RPC will collaborate with the Asst. Supt. in planning the Admin BILTs and DILTs content to align with curricula & classroom expectations across buildings
      • RPC will provide PD in SDI at Leadership Retreat (July 17-20) and in the BILTs and DILTs (Sept. to May)
      • RPC provide PD to:
        • K-12 (SDI overview)
        • ENL and SWD teachers on SDI
        • EDI classroom visits/coaching by content area grades 7-8, 9-12
      • PD on the Science of Reading K-12 at SCD (3/15/23)
      • Curriculum writing with an emphasis on identifying standards with priority standards (endurance, relevance and leverage for each grade level and content area), entry & exit criteria for each grade level/content and vocabulary on part of superintendent conference days. Option of 2 of the 3 days: (11/1/23, 2/16/24, 3/15/24)

Strategy 2

      • Continue the work of vertically and horizontally aligning the curriculum Pre-K -8 to identify Standards to be mastered at each grade level, specifically in ELA and Math within HMH with all stakeholders.
      • Start to identify methods and strategies for vertical and horizontal alignment within the 9-12 curriculum maps.
      • PreK-8 teachers will identify standards to be mastered at each grade level, in ELA and Math. These standards will be those that have longevity, leverage and endurance.
      • 8 – 9 teachers will develop alignment between each grade level and in each content area.
      • 9-12 teachers will identify methods and strategies for vertical and horizontal alignment within the 9-12 curriculum maps.
      • Assistant Superintendent will meet with PLCs (Professional Learning Communities)  by grade level (Dates TBD with building principals).
      • Asst. Supt. will meet quarterly with Teacher Facilitators (Curriculum Coordinator Meetings) to:
        • Have Teacher Facilitators (TF) choose EDI and strategies to focus on for their grade bands and content areas
        • Deepen TF connections to the Strategic Plan and DCIP priorities
        • Steps for refining vertical & horizontal alignment of curriculum and exit/entry criteria for grade levels and HS courses
        • Address unpacking learning targets
        • EDI practices by grade level/content
        • Build competency in Science of Reading knowledge and understanding

Strategy 3

      • Non-tenured teachers will be provided ongoing professional development in EDI, classroom management, learning targets and SEL practices.
      • New Teachers will participate in ongoing EDI coaching through the RPC.
      • Mentee sessions afterschool will be offered including but not limited to EDI, Classroom Management, Learning Targets & Essential Questions, Leader in Me.
      • Mentor/Mentee pairs will be encouraged to peer observe (non-evaluative) to build familiarity with strong instructional practices and components of the Marshall Rubric.
      • Mentee sessions will be extended to all new staff.
      • Coaching cohorts will be set up with the RPC
      • Mentor training same time as New Teacher training (August 30, 2023)
      • Sessions will be held on: Tuesdays – September 19, 2023; October 17, 2023; November 21, 2024; January 16, 2024; March 19, 2024; May 28, 2024)

Strategy 4

Continue to refine the mentoring program as per the commissioner’s regulations.

      • Mentors will be provided with training to observe and support new teachers (up to 2 years)
      • Mentor/Mentee program attendance
      • Funding
      • Training provided by NYSUT or BOCES
      • Mentor/Mentee program provided by LCSD

Measuring Success

End of the year

What will success look like for this Priority at the end of the year?

      • Quantitative:
        • Using this tool, each item measured on this document will grow by  percent from Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 based on informal classroom visits.
        • Renaissance STAR data for ELA  will demonstrate a 10% increase in student growth percentile from the BOY 2023 to EOY 2024 results. (median score, work with Stacy to ID baseline from Renaissance).
        • Renaissance STAR data for Math will demonstrate a 5% increase in student growth percentile from the BOY 2023 to EOY 2024 results. (median score, work with Stacy to ID baseline from Renaissance).
        • Reduce the failure rate in Regent courses by 5% for All Students and Students with Disabilities.
      • Qualitative:
        • Administration will use the classroom visitation tool to measure instructional expectations and initiatives during the school year as well as identify the % of teachers using the identified building wide EDI element.
        • Administrative reflection on PD and ability to apply instructional knowledge to the Marshall Rubric during the APPR process. Calibration among district wide administration will continue throughout the school year.
Throughout the year
Success criteria:
      • Essential Questions and Learning Targets: 
        • Is the essential question (EQ) posted?  Is it related to the learning target (LT)?  How is the essential question incorporated into the daily lesson and overall unit?
        • When we would want to achieve that success criteria:
          • By November 2023 a refresher will be held in each building around writing relevant and rigorous essential questions, learning targets, and EDI. Asst. Supt. will collaborate with PLC Associates to design a coherent K-12 presentation.
      • Learning Targets
        • Are the learning targets posted?  Do the learning targets align with the NYS standards?  How often are LT (Learning Targets) unpacked?
        • Is the learning target asking students to use higher level cognitive skills?
        • Is the assessment and instruction supporting or aligned with the learning target?
        • When we would want to achieve that success criteria:
          • Administrators will collect monthly walkthrough data in each building using a google form.
          • Building Admin will share data with staff around EDI, the Essential Questions,  and Learning Targets at monthly Staff Development meetings.
      • Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)
        • All teachers incorporate the building wide EDI element.  Special education teachers will include a minimum of 1 SDI instructional element (Specially Designed Instruction) strategy for all  students including specialized EDI strategies for students with disabilities, multilingual learners subgroups  in the classroom into daily lessons.
        • Every building will pick a minimum of 1 research based strategy instruction within EDI to implement.
        • All teachers receive reflective feedback and individual coaching by Administration & RPC
        • When we would want to achieve that success criteria:
          • Administrators will collect monthly walkthrough data in each building using a google form Sept-May
          • Building Admin will share data with staff around EDI, the Essential Questions,  and Learning Targets at monthly Staff Development meetings. Oct.-May
          • Building Admin will incorporate expectations and alignment of EDI elements, LT, EQs to the Marshall Rubric in the APPR process. September -June
      • Analysis of HMH tiered program results (System 44 and Read 180) Literacy Growth Measurement Assessment (GMA) Renaissance STAR and NYS summative assessment results (in ELA and Math) to identify areas of student strengths & gaps against the standards.
        • When we would want to achieve that success criteria:
        • Monthly PLC meetings and Admin review of minutes.
        • Monthly minutes results should be used to target intentional interventions to promote student success at all tiers.

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Priority 2 | Provide a safe environment that cultivates social emotional wellness for all students, staff and families. Provide a MTSS (multi-tiered system of supports) for behavior and attendance that cultivates wellness and safety for students, staff and families.

We believe students can reach their full potential through social emotional learning providing a foundation for academic readiness. Educating the whole child  prioritizes the full scope of developmental needs as a way to advance educational equity and ensure that every child reaches their personal potential.

According to the PLC Student Voice Survey given in MS & HS

      • 60.1% of students do feel safe
      • 26.5% of students feel that student behavior interferes with academic instruction
      • 45.8% of students feel the school does not effectively deal with bullying
      • 61.2% feel teachers are supportive and encouraging
      • 66% of students feel their teachers care about them

As a result our DCIP will continue to focus on three strategies to support the social emotional well being of our students.

In the 2022 – 2023 DCIP, the following three frameworks were addressed. We will continue to refine and implement these frameworks to manage social emotional learning in the Liberty Central School District:

MTSS:  Will provide the intervention or enrichment to cultivate a students personal success, self worth, and belonging in the school community resulting in an improvement in attendance and academic achievement.

Tier 1 Resources:

Leader in Me – Will provide a comprehensive model that builds leadership and establishes the fundamental behaviors that are critical in laying the foundation for academic achievement using  7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Meetings will be held at least 1x/week with the goal that students will hold  at least 1 leadership role in and outside of their classroom.

Restorative Practices/Wellness Outcomes- Will provide students with alternative measures to resolve conflicts and reduce the negative effects of punitive discipline policies that magnify inequity.  Restorative practices will address each student’s individual needs, underlying reason for hurtful behavior, and nurture their intrinsic desire to treat others with care and respect.

If staff implements the structures and strategies above with fidelity, then the culture of staff safety will improve.

Strategy 1

      • Build awareness and knowledge of MTSS practices (which include Behavior, attendance, academics) among all administration and staff.
      • Identify procedures and a protocol for Student Support Team (SST) meetings for each building.
      • Utilize results from the DESSA to assist cohorts, small groups and individual students to target students’ needs based on SEL data.
      • All administration and staff will be able to identify and address the purpose and intention of MTSS.
      • The SST is a group of professionals who implement MTSS practices to support at-risk students.
      • We will use two metrics:
        • DESSA and DECA (for PreK only)
        • SHAPE
      • Current DESSA data, Chronic Absenteeism data and Tiers 2 & 3 data to identify students by Tiers to then apply MTSS interventions to promote wellness and reduce chronic absenteeism and discipline incidents.
        •  Screeners will be given to identify social, emotional, behavioral, at-risk students
          • ES, MS & HS – DESSA
          • ES, MS, & HS – MRA
      • Asst. Supt and DPO will categorize and disseminate DESSA data for cohorts and subgroups to each building
      • Clinical staff at each building will identify at-risk students (based on the DESSA data) to create small groups based on at-risk
      • MTSS protocols, procedures, and expectations need to be clearly communicated – Referral system, student support
      • Processes – Tiered behavior program, Schooltool, Student Support Referrals
      • Individuals – Clinical Teams will be available for support DESSA given 11/1/23, 2/16/24 and June 2024

Strategy 2

      • Identify and define roles and responsibilities around Tier 1 behavioral practices. (Tier 1 practices are intended for whole groups).
      • Identify and define roles and responsibilities around Tier 2 behavioral practices.
      • Identify and define roles and responsibilities around Tier 3 behavioral practices.
      • Each building will develop and/or continue to implement a plan for enrichment in the form of tangible incentives, Prek-12.
      • Create student portfolio – collaboration between MTSS team and LiM on how to start this process
        • ES – Students begin
        • MS – Naviance
        • HS – During FLOW (Naviance)
      • Time set aside for teachers to manage portfolios
      • Continue using LiM language throughout daily practice
      • Lighthouse coordinators from each building will meet monthly to discuss and collaborate on the vertical alignment of the program
      • Meeting at ES, MS, & HS with students monthly

Re-Entry Procedures will be used with fidelity for all students PreK-12 returning to school from an OSS.

      • Leader in Me Coordinators
      • Lighthouse teams
      • LiM Coach from Franklin Covey will guide each building team through this process through coaching sessions embedded throughout the school year – Robin Sampson


      • Tier 1 Whole Group Practices
      • Tier 2 Small Group Practices
      • Tier 3 Individual Practices
      • Each building will develop and/or continue to implement a plan for enrichment in the form of tangible incentives, Prek-12.
      • Create student portfolio – collaboration between MTSS team and LiM on how to start this process
        • ES – Students begin
        • MS – Naviance
        • HS – During FLOW (Naviance)
      • Time set aside for teachers to manage portfolios
      • Continue using LiM language throughout daily practice
      • Lighthouse coordinators from each building will meet monthly to discuss and collaborate on the vertical alignment of the program
      • Meeting at ES, MS, & HS with students monthly
      • Each building will create a Restorative Intervention menu for disciplinary dispositions developed by and for Grade Bands (K-2), 3-5, 6-8, 9-12)
      • Professional Development on Restorative Practices to increase knowledge and capacity building of these practices.
      • Clinical Team and Administration interact in the school environment on a daily basis.
      • Leader in Me Coordinators
      • Lighthouse teams
      • LiM Coach from Franklin Covey will guide each building team through this process through coaching sessions embedded throughout the school year – Robin Sampson
      • Money – FIeld Trips (for all students) and Tangible incentives (Time in Maker Space room)
      • Time for Individuals – Clinical Team, administration, teacher, parents, other school staff (bus drivers, aids, cafeteria staff, secretaries), and students to create menu
      • Maryanne Brittingham restorative discipline and trauma informed PD to be provided (Nov. 1 & Feb. 15)
        • The Growth Mindset Coach by Annie Brock and Heather Hundley (Teachers month by month handbook for empowering students to achieve)
        • Mindsets in the Classroom by Mary Cay Ricci (building a culture of success and students achievement in schools)

Measuring Success

End of the Year

What will success look like for this Priority at the end of the year?

      • Qualitative:
        • 10% reduction in out of school suspensions district-wide
        • 5% decrease in Chronic Absenteeism from the 2023 to the 2024 school year.
        • 5% decrease in at-risk students based on the DESSA results by June 2024.
        • 5% increase in students feeling a sense of belonging based on adults learning about their culture.

(A significant perception gap existed among student and campus-based staff participants in the Instruction tenet. 94% of campus-based staff members agreed or strongly agreed that they take time to learn about students’ cultures compared with only 38% of secondary students and 40% of elementary students. A whopping 34% of secondary students and 40% of elementary students selected Don’t Know. )

      • Qualitative:
        • Lighthouse Team Agendas and Discussions, Increased Rate of Participation in Committees, Use of Restorative Practices
        • Practices: Comparison of MRA results from 2022-2023 to 2023-2024 school year.
Throughout the year
Success criteria:
      • 100% completion rate in ES; MS; HS
        • When we would want to achieve that success criteria:
          • DESSA administered 11/1/23; 2/16/24; 5/22/24 or June 2024
      • Increased in completion rates for family, students, and staff by 20% for each group
        • When we would want to achieve that success criteria:
          • MRA administered by June 1, 2024
      • SHAPE Assessment Completed
        • When we would want to achieve that success criteria:
            • SHAPE assessment completed by September 30, 2023
      • 40 staff members will complete the each phase of the Trauma, Illness and Grief Training
        • When we would want to achieve that success criteria:
          • TIG Training Completed by June 30, 2024
      • Check on re-entry plans with fidelity and assess implementation
        • When we would want to achieve that success criteria:
          • Increase in the number of re-entry plans and a decrease in repeat offenders

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Priority 3 | The district will create a positive, welcoming student centered environment that celebrates diversity and inclusivity to empower students, staff and families.

This commitment fits into the district’s Strategic Plan through the “culture” task force.

This emerged as a priority based on results from our triangle survey and student testimony.

This is a priority because research shows that community buy in and cultural representation are necessary foundations for a healthy school environment.

This fits into other priorities and district plans because it aligns with the Strategic Plan, MTSS, and carries the thread of the need for more student voice and choice.

Strategy 1

Student Led Conferences

      • PD for teachers around facilitating SLC
      • Working portfolios for students (stagger implementation at first until there is continuity)
      • Instruction time to acclimate students and prepare them for the SLCs
      • PD for teachers will be provided in the 23-24 school year for full implementation of SLC for the 24-25 school year.
      • March 15 Supt. Conf. Day will include PD for Student Led Conferences as well as Staff Development meetings and PLC meetings at each building determined by their roll out plan for piloting SLC.

Strategy 2

Community Outreach initiatives facilitated by Adult Leadership Teams

      • Seasonal parent learning opportunities (FAFSA, SchoolTool, ENL, SEL, All Things Liberty)
      • district career day and virtual career day
      • assemblies
      • classroom visits
      • college visits
      • internships
      • BOCES visits
      • The Director of Community Schools will oversee events for the district that are aligned with building activities.
      • Building personnel to organize and facilitate events, scheduling, logistics (transportation, money, chaperones)

Strategy 3

Community Schools Director will plan family events including a Literacy event to support families of all students

      • All Things Liberty event will include community resources and partners along with information for families on:
        • Importance of attendance
        • How to support students at home with literacy
        • College and Career Readiness
      • Event is scheduled for November 2023

Measuring Success

End of the Year

What will success look like for this Priority at the end of the year?

      •  Quantitative:
        • Family and community participation in events will increase by 10% from 22-23
        • Increase in marketing strategies for community outreach initiatives
        • Completion of brief parent survey for those participating in Student Led Conferences to gather baseline data
      • Qualitative:
        • Readminister triangle survey to assess efficacy of action items.
Throughout the year
Success criteria:
      • Establish a task force to implement SLC
        • Have the first task force meeting
        • When we would want to achieve that success criteria:
          • DESSA administered 11/1/23; 2/16/24; 5/22/24 or June 2024
      • At least one staff meeting providing information and action steps for SLCs 
      • Pilot groups for Dec. conferences (ES)
        • When we would want to achieve that success criteria:
          • End of January 2024
      • Pilot groups for March conferences (MS & HS)
      • Staff Meeting share out – pilot teams present results of SLCs to staff
        • When we would want to achieve that success criteria:
          • Mid-May 2024

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