• A reminder: Friday, March 14, is a professional development day for faculty and staff. School will be closed for students.
  • Pre-K registration began March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

MTSS/Academic Intervention Services Plan

What are Multi Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and Academic Intervention Services (AIS)?

MTSS: is a model used to provide research-based high quality systematic instruction and interventions that address a student’s individual needs by measuring the level of progress and performance of students over time. MTSS is about general education and represents an educational strategy “to close achievement gaps for all students including at risk-academically and behaviorally, students with disabilities, Multi-Language Learners, and academically talented learners preventing smaller learning problems from becoming insurmountable gaps” (NYSED, RtI Guidance Document, October 2010).

Academic Intervention Services (AIS): are supplemental and/or support services intended to help the students meet New York State Learning Standards to support improved academic performance; provided that such services shall not include services provided to students with limited English proficiency pursuant to Part 154 of this Title or special education services and programs as defined in Education Law, section 4401(1) and (2) (NYSED, Commissioner’s Regulations, Part 100.1). Thus, Academic Intervention Services are intended to assist students who are at risk of not achieving the State learning standards in English language arts, mathematics, social studies and/or science, or who are at risk of not gaining the knowledge and skills needed to meet or exceed designated performance levels on State assessments. Academic intervention services shall be made available to students with disabilities on the same basis as nondisabled students, provided, however, that such services shall be provided to the extent consistent with the individualized education program developed for such student pursuant to section 4402 of the Education Law (NYSED, Commissioner’s Regulations, Part 100.1).

It is essential to be cognizant that MTSS and AIS are meant to supplement, not supplant the core

Liberty Central School District MTSS Plan

In 2016-2017, administrators, teachers, school psychologists, guidance counselors, and parent members conducted a district-wide evaluation of Liberty’s MTSS/AIS practices and procedures. The objectives of the task force are as follows:

  1. Establish framework of MTSS practices and procedures for Liberty Central School District
  2. Implement grades K-12 literacy and mathematics interventions by Tier.
  3. Implement grades K-12 Language Acquisition Interventions by Tier.
  4. Implement grades K-12 Behavioral Interventions by Tier.
  5. Align interventions, practices, and procedures with a computerized MTSS tracking system.
  6. At the end of each year, the MTSS/Student Support and leadership teams will review and revise their building’s MTSS Action Plan for the next school year
  7. At the start of every school year, a training will be provided that informs and instructs
    staff about the MTSS plans and procedures

Regulatory Requirements

  • Based on the Commissioner’s Regulations, a MTSS framework shall include the following.[8NYCRR 100.2(ii) and 200.4(c)(2)(i)]:
    • Appropriate instruction delivered to all students in the general education class by qualified personnel. For example, appropriate instruction in reading means evidence-based practices that include explicit and systematic instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, reading fluency, and reading comprehension strategies.
    • Screening is to be used for all students to identify those students who are not making academic progress at expected rates.
    • Instruction is matched to student needs with increasingly intensive levels of targeted intervention and instruction for students who do not make satisfactory progress in their levels of performance and/or in their rate of learning to meet age or grade level standards.
    • Repeated assessments of student achievement are used based on curriculum-based measures to determine if interventions are resulting in student progress toward age, grade level and/or standardized assessment (Regents/3-8 Test) standards.
    • The application of information about the student’s response to intervention is used to make educational decisions about changes in goals, instruction and/or services and, if relevant the decision to make a referral for special education programs and/or services
    • Written Notification is made to the parents when the student requires an intervention beyond that which is provided to all students in the general education classroom (i.e., Tier 1). Such notification will provide information about the
      • Amount and nature of student performance data that will be collected
      • Services that will be provided
      • Strategies for increasing the student’s rate of learning
      • Parents’ right to request an evaluation for special education program and/or services

Procedurally, the regulations require districts to:

  • Identify amount and nature of student performance data to be collected
  • Identify the manner and frequency for progress monitoring
  • Implement a MTSS program and take the necessary steps to ensure that staff has the knowledge and skills necessary to implement a MTSS program and that such a program is consistently implemented with the MTSS decision making model (Problem Solving Model)


Tier 1

Tier 1 is the universal level of intervention at Liberty Central School District. Tier 1 includes differentiated instruction that is provided for all students. Also, it includes targeted instructional remediation if a class or a group of students require in class support.

  • Eligibility for Tier 1 support services: All students receive Tier 1 interventions

Process for Screening and Referral for MTSS Services

  • Each building will administer the Renaissance STAR Screener.
    • There will be three screening windows for Liberty Elementary and Liberty Middle School (Fall, Winter, and Spring)
    • Each school will administer the assessments following key protocols:
      • Testing locations will be organized and conducive to test taking.
      • All staff administering the assessment will use common language.
      • All students will complete the assessments independently.
  • Upon completion of the screener, each school will conduct post-benchmark meetings.
    • At the meetings each team (grade level/PLC teams) will complete the following:
      • Identify which students are at risk by using the building’s decision tree (data cut points).
      • Triangulating at least 2 data points in addition to the screener by evaluating the following:
        • Students who receive a 1 or 2 on state ELA or mathematic assessments
        • Other ways of identifying “at-risk students” may include the following:
          • Chapter tests in subject areas
          • Locally developed curriculum-based measures
          • Portfolio assessments, such as writing samples
          • An assessment of the student’s daily classroom performance
          • Universal Screener: Renaissance STAR, HMH assessments,
            Literacy Footprints, (K-4 Text Level and Written
          • Universal Screener: K-3 Fundations Grade Level Unit Assessments
      • Each team will create a list of at-risk students upon the review
      • If a student has poor attendance or work-avoidance behaviors, the student’s name will be submitted to the MTSS Student Support Team.
      • If a student is receiving MTSS/AIS services, but is refusing to take part in the intervention sessions, the student’s name is to be submitted to the MTSS Student Support meeting.
      • Determine 2-4 attainable goals (6-8 weeks) using course and grade-level Power Standards
      • Identify progress monitoring procedures
      • Send Parent Notification Letter describing classroom MTSS plan
  • For Liberty High School, the following data point will identify students who require
    academic AIS/MTSS services.

    • Students who receive failing grades on a NYS Regents Examination
  • Upon completing the post-benchmark data analysis, the student(s) will be referred for
    either Tier 2 or Tier 3 interventions.

Tier 2

Within Liberty Schools, Tier 2 intervention includes small groups (i.e., no more than 5-8 students) supplemental instruction provided by classroom teachers, specialized support teachers, or other designated professional(s)(depending on the school). The services are offered to students outside of the general education classroom (except when push-in services are provided). Specifically, Tier 2, supplemental instruction provides evidence-based interventions.

The supplemental instruction/intervention provided at Tier 2 is designed to address the skill set gaps, needs, or weaknesses of the student relative to the curricular demands in reading, writing, mathematics, language acquisition, and/or specific content areas.

Tier 2 intervention is a service that is beyond what is provided to all students in their general
education classroom. Before initiating Tier 2 interventions, a review by the schools’ post-
benchmark MTSS based teams is necessary, and parent notification is required.

  • MTSS Team Review
    • The classroom teacher shall complete each building’s respective MTSS Referral Form and request a MTSS/Student Support team meeting to discuss the “at risk” student.
    • The teacher shall provide the evidence of in-class interventions and data showing student progress from the onset of the intervention to date (baseline and progress monitoring data).
    •  The MTSS team shall determine the student’s eligibility for Tier 2 interventions (based on building plan criteria).
      The MTSS team shall document its recommendation.
  • Criteria for Tier 2 Services
    • Multiple measures will be used to determine the level of risk for all students at the post-benchmark grade level meetings.
    • Established cut points for all measures will be used.
  • Service Plan
    • The MTSS team will outline the frequency and duration of intervention and will initiate the intervention services.
    • The MTSS team identifies the support teacher responsible for implementing the Tier 2 interventions.
    • The MTSS team and/or the interventionist will identify the progress monitoring data to be collected and shared at the student review meeting.
    • The MTSS interventions will be provided for 4-6 weeks after which the interventionist and teacher team will determine if the child’s services shall be terminated or continued for another cycle.
    • The child may be referred back to the MTSS team for review for more intensive services.
  • Parent Notification
    • The school’s principal (or designee) shall notify the parent in writing of the child’s need and eligibility for Tier 2 interventions
    • The notice shall inform the parent of the professional(s) who will be providing the support interventions, the frequency and duration of the intervention, and where the sessions will occur.

Tier 3

Tier 3 is designed for students who are deemed high risk who have made limited progress with Tier 2 interventions based on established criteria for benchmark assessments and progress monitoring data. After completing the post benchmark data analysis, the MTSS Team will identify students demonstrating significant needs that warrant more intensive instruction or intervention. At this level, the MTSS team may consider whether to increase the intensity of services and/or make a referral to the Committee on Special Education if needed.

  • MTSS Team Review
    • The classroom and/or AIS teacher shall present the Tier 2 student intervention plan and data and review the student’s progress monitoring data to date.
    • The MTSS team shall determine if the student is eligible for Tier 3 services or if the student should continue on Tier 2 for another 4-12-week period.
    • The MTSS team shall document its recommendation within the digital MTSS meeting form.
  • Criteria for Tier 3 Services
    • Teams will use the established data cut points to identify the at-risk students and then will triangulate the 2 additional data points to identify if a child is recommended for Tier 3 services.
    • The student is not meeting curriculum demands (in ELA, Mathematics, Social Studies, or Science) parents have been informed of such (report cards and parent-teacher conferences).
    • The MTSS Team agrees that more intensive services are required.
  • Service plan
    • The MTSS Team/Student Support Team identifies the person responsible for implementing Tier 3 services.
    • Tier 3 services will be provided for 4-6 weeks after which the Support teacher will determine if the child shall be transitioned to Tier 2 or referred to the MTSS Team Student Support Team for review. The interventionist shall administer progress monitoring assessment(s) every 3-4 weeks.
    • If a child is not making adequate progress, a referral to the CSE shall be made for a student who has received Tier 3 intervention.
  • .Parent Notification
    • The school’s principal (or designee) shall notify the parent in writing of the child’s continued need for intervention service.
    • The notice shall inform the parent of the professional who will be providing the services, the frequency and duration of the service, and the location of the service (i.e., the Specialized Reading Teacher Room).
    • The parent shall be notified of the MTSS Team/Student Support Team’s decision to refer the child to the CSE for initial evaluation.


Tier 1

Tier one is considered the primary level of intervention in Liberty Central School District and
includes social and emotional instruction provided to all students. Also, it includes targeted
assistance for those students portraying behavioral struggle while at school. Students needing
assistance receive additional support from classroom teachers, school counselors, school
psychologists, and/or administrators.

  • Eligibility for Tier 1 support services: All students receive Tier 1 support in order to build a
    safe, comfortable, and supportive school environment.

Program design for behavioral supports in all school area(s):

  • School-wide expectations
  • School-wide recognition systems
  • Social and Emotional Learning Process (Leader In Me)
  • Classroom expectations
  • Classroom behavior support plans
  • Parent outreach (communication/meetings)

Process for Screening “at risk” students

  • Review disciplinary referrals
  • Social and Emotional Screener data
  • Review frequency of Out of School/In School Suspensions
  • Student observations
  • Staff requests for additional support

Tier 2

Within Liberty Schools, Tier 2 intervention includes small group or individual supplemental behavioral assistance provided by specialized support staff or other designated professional(s). The services are offered to the 15-20% of students who are not progressing academically due to social-emotional difficulties.

The supplemental intervention provided at Tier 2 is designed to address the skill set gaps, needs, or weaknesses of the student relative to meeting the school-wide behavioral expectations. Students who require Tier 2 services are those who have not made adequate progress while receiving Tier 1 interventions (based on data and teacher input).

Tier 2 intervention is a service that is beyond that which is provided to all students in the general education classroom. Before initiating Tier 2 interventions, a review by the schools’ MTSS/Support Team(s) is necessary, and parent notification is required.

  • MTSS/Support Team Review
    • MTSS/Student Support Teams and PLCs will analyze SEL screener data.
    • The classroom teacher shall complete the MTSS Tier 2 Referral and request a MTSS/Student Support team meeting to discuss the “at risk” student.
    • The teacher shall present the already implemented Tier 1 strategies and will discuss the student’s progress to date.
    • The MTSS team shall determine the student’s eligibility for Tier 2 interventions (based on building plan criteria) or if the student shall be continued on Tier 1 for another 4-6-week period.
    • The MTSS/Student Support team shall document its recommendation on the designated tracking form).
  • Criteria for Tier 2 Services
    • Students whose SEL screener results and other pertinent data (attendance, referrals, etc.) indicate high levels of maladaptive behavior.
    • Students who are not meeting behavioral expectations as reflected on report cards and other forms of documentation (ie disciplinary records).
    • Students whose behavior is impeding his/her individual learning and/or the learning of others.
  • Service Plan
    • The MTSS/Student Support team outlines the frequency and duration of intervention services.
    • The MTSS/Student Support team identifies the support staff responsible for implementing the Tier 2 interventions.
    • The Tier 2 interventions will be provided for 4-6 weeks after which the support staff will determine if the child’s services shall be terminated or continued for another cycle.
    • The child may be referred back to the MTSS/Student Support team for review for more intensive services.
  • Parent Notification
    • The school’s principal (or designee) shall notify the parent in writing of the child’s need and eligibility for Tier 2 interventions.
    • The notice shall inform the parent of the professional who will be providing the support interventions, the frequency and duration of the intervention, and where the sessions will occur.

Tier 3

Tier three is designed for students who have made limited progress with Tier 2 interventions or who demonstrate significant needs that warrant more intensive behavioral interventions. At this level, the MTSS/Student Support team may consider whether increasing the intensity of services  and/or making the referral to the Committee on Special Education is Required.

  • MTSS/Student Support Team Review
    • The classroom teacher and counseling staff shall present the Student Intervention Plan: Tier 2 and discuss the student’s progress to date.
    • The MTSS/Student Support team shall determine if the student is eligible for Tier 3 services or if the student should continue on Tier 2 for another 4-6-week period.
    • The MTSS/Student Support team shall document its recommendation on the MTSS/Student Support Review Form
  • Criteria for Tier 3 Services
    • Persistent delays after at least 4-6 weeks of Tier 2 intervention.
    • A student who has received two cycles of Tier 2 services in the same academic year and continues to demonstrate delays is automatically qualified for Tier 3 services.
    • The student is not meeting behavioral expectations and parents have been informed of such (referrals and parent-teacher conferences).
    • The MTSS/Student Support team agrees that more intensive services are required.
  • Service plan
    • The MTSS/Student Support team outlines the frequency and duration. Services may be provided up to 5 times in a 5 day cycle for 30-42 minute periods.
    • The MTSS/Student Support team identifies the person responsible for implementing Tier 3 services.
    •  Tier 3 services will be provided for 4-6 weeks after which the support staff will determine if the child shall be terminated or referred to the MTSS/Student Support team for review.
    • Consideration for a referral to the CSE may be made for a student who has received 2 cycles of Tier 3 intervention and continues to need support.
    • FBA/BIP
  • Parent Notification
    • The school’s principal (or designee) shall notify the parent in writing of the child’s continued need for intervention service.
    • The notice shall inform the parent of the professional who will be providing the services, the frequency and duration of the service, and the location of the service.
  • The parent shall be notified of the MTSS/Student Support team’s decision to refer the child to the CSE for initial evaluation.