Educator Evaluation Plan
New York State Education Law requires each classroom teacher and school principal to receive an annual Educator Evaluation review, formerly known as an APPR, that results in an composite effectiveness score and rating. All parents/guardians have the right to obtain the quality ratings and composite effectiveness scores for their child’s current teacher(s) and principal(s) once they are available. To initiate this request, please contact the assistant superintendent at 845-292-5400, ext. 2052.
It is important to remember that these laws and regulations are all designed with one goal in mind; improving student achievement. As school leaders and teachers work together to understand and implement each facet of the new legislation, it is important that students and parents also join in this effort. Home and school partnerships are crucial to student success, especially during times of tremendous change.
Professional Growth Benefits Instruction
Providing educators an opportunity for growth is a chance to enhance the teaching and learning that goes on in the classroom. In the end, students will reap the benefits of a review system meant to provide timely feedback and the opportunity to identify educators’ strengths and weaknesses.
Regardless of any ongoing debates about evaluation, the district is obligated to evaluate teachers and principals. Regulations require training and certification for Lead Evaluators/Evaluators, the development of a new data analysis process and time set aside for teacher and principal evaluations.
Home/School Partnerships
It is important to remember that these laws and regulations are all designed with one goal in mind; improving student achievement across the country and the state, and helping students be better prepared for the 21st-century job market that awaits them. As school leaders and teachers work together it is important that students and parents join in this effort. Home and school partnerships are crucial to student success, especially during times of tremendous change.