A back-to-school update from the high school principal

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:

Welcome to Liberty High School, the 2024-2025 school year, and home of the Redhawks! I hope everyone has enjoyed summer, and is ready for what the new school year will bring. We again have a full high school with about 575 students in grades 9-12. We strive to have a safe and student centered learning environment where students are able to fulfill their potential, build their creativity, and productively enjoy the high school experience. To this end, we must focus students being in the place they learn the most, which is class with their teachers.

Before school begins for students on Thursday, September 5, please be sure to complete the Safety Information, Handbooks, and Notices on Parent Square.

We are excited that we have several enhancements to our facilities. Our high school gym floor has been upgraded with new paint, our new logo, and LED lighting that makes it look brand new. Our auditorium stage floor is also in the midst of a renovation. Together, these enhancements help highlight our most popular and enriching curricular and extra-curricular offerings in music, theater, and athletics.

As we begin this school year, I encourage students to take advantage of the many exciting opportunities that we offer in their most enriching formats including an array of 16 college classes equating to 49 college credits, and an extensive offering of athletic teams and extra-curricular clubs. We also want students to engage in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens/People that we use from Leader in Me. The habits will help students reach their potential and successfully graduate from high school with the skills necessary to be productive members of society.

Private Victories

The first three habits are private victories which are:

  • Habit 1: Be Proactive
    • Take responsibility for your life and things in your control- come to school everyday, on time; engage in your classes; complete your assignments
  • Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
    • Define your mission and your goals in life- join activities outside of your schedule as we have many sports and clubs offered.
  • Habit 3: Put first things first
    • Prioritize, and do the most important thing first- follow the rules and keep everyone around you safe.

Faculty and Staff Changes

We are excited to have several new faculty and staff members joining us this year:

  • Kimberly Craft – Athletic Director (administrative)
  • James Burdick – English Teacher
  • Rebekka Salvadge – English teacher
  • Blazej Niewiadomski – Science Teacher
  • Elizabeth Miller – Orchestra Director
  • Camille Yeung – World Language – Mandarin teacher
  • Nicole Marocci – Typist (Guidance)
  • Dan Hart – Business Teacher (returning from retirement)
  • Ana LaGattuta – Teacher Assistant – Global Learners Program (returning from retirement)
  • Maria Cuellar – Teacher Assistant (returning from leave)

This year Mr. Matuszak is our Assistant Principal for grades 10 and 12. Mrs. Jones is our Assistant Principal for grades 9 and 11. They are your Assistant Principal if you are in their designated grades, but you can reach out to any of us for assistance or support.

Please seek your school counselor and guidance staff to help support your needs whether they are academic, social-emotional, or non-school related. Please note that counselor assignments have changed from last year.

  • Kelli White: Last name beginning with A-Fe
  • Meaghan Anstee: Last name beginning with Fi-Ma
  • Markella Nikolis: Last name beginning with Mc-Z
  • Gina Castelonia: Social Worker
  • Amy Dworetsky: Psychologist

Reminders, Updates, and Daily Operations

These are highlights from our student handbook, which is provided through ParentSquare and is available on our website.


This year we will continue using E-Hallpass for any time students spend out of their assigned locations. This helps us keep a safe environment and minimize time away from learning.


It is always the easiest to learn and complete expected assignments with on time, daily attendance. Having a habit of daily attendance matters more than ever. Going to school is an opportunity for your student to build routines that help reduce stress, connect to their friends and  teachers, and engage in learning. Students who attend school at least 90% of the time are more likely to pass their classes, pass their NYS Regents Exams, graduate high school, and have good relationships with parents and teachers. Missing as little as two (2) days per month can affect meeting these markers. Graduating high school has positive influences including, more career opportunities, more money earned during their lifetime, more soft life skills and coping skills, and more civic engagement.

Academic Expectations

Students will be held accountable through grading practices including grade averages generally consisting of assessments and activities that will calculate learning growth and achievement, effort, and attendance. It is expected that all students actively and fully participate in the coursework and complete assignments with academic integrity. Specifically, students are to complete their assignments using academically appropriate resources (i.e.- scholarly resources that provide accurate information).

New Courses

Detailed information about our course offerings can be found in our Program of Studies. The following are additions/changes this year.

  • General Biology I & II – Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA)
  • General Chemistry I & II – Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA) (offered in 25-26)
  • Mandarin II
  • Leadership In Facilitating Education (L.I.F.E.)

Structured Study Halls

Students are expected to use their structured study halls as an academic support where they engage in academic activities such as homework, preparing for tests/quizzes, reading, peer tutoring, extra help, etc. Study hall is an electronics red zone and students are not allowed to be on their personal electronic devices unless authorized by the study hall teacher and actively engage in academic activities.

Electronic Devices and Cell Phones

Electronic devices have become an integral part of the educational process through the use of school issued Chromebooks. Below are the zones we use to give students the responsibility to adhere to the privileges of personal e-device usage at the appropriate times. More information can be found in our Student Handbook.

    • RED ZONE – No personal e-device use allowed. This includes classrooms, structured study halls, and emergency events. Please see the LHS Electronics Red Zone Changes Letter to Families 7-15-24 for detailed information.
    • YELLOW ZONE – Students may use one earbud paired with their personal or school issued e-device.  Use of devices (talking, texting, watching videos, taking pictures and videos, etc.) is not allowed while students are in the hallway/stairwell, or walking for their own and others’ safety.
    • GREEN ZONE – Students may use personal/school issued e-devices in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct, including appropriate use of social media.
  • Consequences- Students who violate this protocol regarding cell phones and electronics devices are subject to appropriate disciplinary consequences. Due to the nature of safety concerns while students are in motion and while they are in the hallway/stairwell, or walking, students found to be using their e-devices will be asked to turn in their device. Their e-device will be placed in an envelope, with their name on it, and placed in a secure location. At the end of the school day, the student will be given their e-device upon their request. If a pattern of behavior emerges, a parent or guardian will be notified to pick up the e-device and a referral will be written.


Chromebooks must be charged and ready for use upon entering the building each day. Google Suite products (Classroom, Calendar, E-mail, etc) as well as learning applications will be used consistently. Loaner Chromebooks will be available via the help desk located in the high school library. Some classrooms also have loaner Chromebooks for use during the designated period of class.


Students will be allowed into the school at the High School Main entrance beginning at 7:30 a.m. Beginning at 7:55 a.m. students will be allowed to proceed to their lockers. Homeroom will begin at 8:05 a.m. and the first period will start at 8:15 a.m.

Hallways, Lockers, and Backpacks/Coats

  • Backpacks and coats/jackets are only allowed during arrival and must be placed in the student’s locker during the school day.
  • Gym lockers can only be accessed between 7:55 a.m. and 8:05 a.m., other than when a student has a corresponding physical education class, or when their team is released early.

Early Leave Request Procedure

If a student must leave school before the end of the school day, they must adhere to the following procedures:

  • If more than 24 hours from the date requested, students must have an email from their parent/guardian to the main office (HSSecretaries@libertyk12.org) or bring a note from a parent/guardian to the Main Office. An administrator must approve the request prior to the student dismissing. The reason for the school/class absence must adhere to the Board of Education policy as outlined in the Student Attendance Policy.
  • If less than 24 hours from the date requested, a parent/guardian must enter the building to pick up their child. If the parent or designee listed on SchoolTool is unable to pick up the child, they will call the HS main office to gain administrative approval. The reason for the school/class absence must adhere to the Board of Education policy as outlined in the Student Attendance Policy.
  • The written note or email should clearly state the reason for the early leave request, the specific time requested, if the parent/guardian is giving a second party permission to pick up the student and the arrangements for transportation. Only those individuals authorized by parents on their SchoolTool profile may pick up the student; however, an emergency contact may not request to sign out a student without verification from the parent/guardian.  The individual picking up the student must sign the student out at the Main Office.
  • If a student is driving (and has official permission to do so), the student will leave at the approved time.
  • Students who have permission to leave school early must wait in the classroom until their transportation arrives. The Main Office will notify the classroom when the student’s transportation arrives.
  • Any student with an approved early leave must sign in at the Main Office if he/she returns to the school before the end of the school day.  Students will not be allowed to leave and return during study halls, lunch etc., as Liberty High School is a closed campus.  

Important Dates

The school calendar is available on our website (www.libertyk12.org) or by clicking this link-(https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=libertycsd%40gmail.com&ctz=America%2FNew_York) and can be added to your Google or personal calendar.

Please refer to the printed Liberty calendar and our website for important dates. A few upcoming events include:

  • 9.3.24: LHS Freshman/New Student Orientation, David E. Panebaker (LHS) Auditorium, 6-8 p.m.
  • 9.5.24: First Day of School for Students
  • 9.10.24 & 9.11.24: LHS Picture Days
  • 9.26.24: LHS Open House, 6 p.m.
  • 9.30.24: PM P.R.I.D.E. Tutoring Program Start Date


Please make sure to complete our annual process of supplying you with our high school  forms, handbooks, and notices on Parent Square. For more information or assistance on  ParentSquare, please visit  https://www.libertyk12.org/academics/family-involvement/parentsquare/ 

Please don’t forget to review our recent communications:

Welcome Classes of 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028 to Liberty High School, “A Great Place to Learn!” Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

All the best,

Derek Adams


Instagram and X- @LibertyHS_NY