Category: District News
Liberty students to take part in Countywide PK-12 Art Show at Bethel Woods
Liberty Central School District students’ artwork will be among the works on display during the Sullivan County PK-12 Art Show later this week.
Works from students from the county’s eight school districts and Sullivan BOCES will be featured at the Events Gallery at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts. The show will kick off with a high school student opening from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, March 27. The show will open to the public with an opening reception from 2 to 6 p.m. Friday, March 28, and will continue from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, March 29 and 30.
Student artwork from 10 media categories — Ceramics and Glass, Digital Art, Design, Black and White Drawing, Color Drawing, Mixed Media, Painting, Black and White Photography, Color Photography, Film and Animation, and Sculpture — will be on display
The Sullivan County PK-12 Art Show is one of the many programs offered through the Arts In Education Program at Sullivan BOCES.
LES kindergarten registration to open April 1
Registration for kindergarten at Liberty Elementary School will open April 1.
To qualify, children must be 5 years old on or before Dec. 1, 2025, and a resident of the Liberty Central School District. Students that are in the Liberty Central School District universal pre-k program at LES or G&D do not need to register.
To register, parents or guardians must fill out a registration packet and provide a copy of parent/guardian’s photo ID; custody papers, if applicable; proof of residency, such as a utility bill or rental lease; and the child’s birth certificate, immunization records and a copy of recent physical exam, which must include all school physical exam requirements. Parents and guardians are encouraged to check with their child’s doctor for details.
To register, email or call 845-292-5400, ext. 2331.
Sports schedule, and results, for the week of March 24-30, 2025
Spring sports will kick off this week with tennis.
Here are the schedule and results, if available. Livestream links are included where available.
Monday, March 24
No events scheduled.
Tuesday, March 25
No events scheduled.
Wednesday, March 26
No events scheduled.
Thursday, March 27
No events scheduled.
Friday, March 28
4:30 p.m.: Boys Varsity Tennis vs. Warwick Valley Central School District at Warwick Valley Middle School
Saturday, March 29
No events scheduled
Sunday, March 30
No events scheduled.
The schedule is subject to change. Check the Liberty schedule on the Section IX website for the latest.
Pre-K registration open at Liberty
Pre-K registration for the 2025-26 school year began March 1 at Liberty Central School District and will remain open through March 31.
Eligible pre-kindergarten students must be residents of the district and turn 4 years old before Dec. 1, 2025.
All eligible applications received by March 31 will be included in a lottery for any available slots. The lottery will take place in late April. Any applications filed after March 30 will be added to a waitlist. All slots will be full day.
Pre-K registration is held at Liberty School District’s Registration Office, 115 Buckley St., Liberty. To make an appointment call Heather Austin at 845-292-5400, ext. 2331.
Families are asked to bring the following to their appointment, along with a completed registration packet:
- A copy of the parent/guardian’s photo ID
- The child’s birth certificate
- Proof of residency (such as a utility bill or rental lease)
- Immunization records, including proof of lead screen
- Copy of a recent physical exam (must include all school physical exam requirements; please check with doctor)
- Custody papers, if applicable
LCSD faculty, staff learn, hear from students at professional development day
While many students enjoyed a well-deserved sleep-in during their day off on Friday, March 14, a group of dedicated Liberty students took part in the district’s Professional Development/Conference Day, engaging with administrators, faculty and staff to share their insights and feedback.
Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan and Interim Assistant Superintendent Marianne Serratore kicked off the day by addressing the faculty and staff, offering key updates on the district’s five-year strategic plan as well as the comprehensive improvement and priority plans for both the district and schools. They reviewed the progress made thus far, highlighted the significant improvements achieved this year and outlined the next steps in the district’s continued growth and development.
Student panel
Following the address, a panel of 10 students took to the stage in the high school auditorium to offer valuable feedback on their experiences at Liberty. The student panel consisted of seniors Kenisha Ledoux and Jackson Bustillo, early graduate Camryn Will, junior Shaun Bickham, sophomore Mariely Medina Orellana, and ninth-grader Adriana Ponce Agredano. Additionally, middle school students Selkir Molina Gonzalez, Claire Ferguson, Avery Decker and Parker Gissentanner participated in the panel.
The students were asked a variety of questions, which allowed them to reflect on their experiences at Liberty. The topics covered included their overall experience, specific classes that had made an impact, notable staff members, extracurricular activities, important lessons learned, and their future aspirations.
Each student was able to offer their individual insights on their experiences, however several themes ran throughout their responses. Having a teacher or staff member they can turn to for advice and support was very important. Students also said they appreciated being challenged—in class, extracurricular activities and in personal growth—by their teachers, as it is done to push them forward.
The older students encouraged the younger students to take advantage of all opportunities presented to them, even if it is out of their comfort zone. Other advice from the students was to stay organized, not let others influence your decisions, never give up, have fun, stay positive and find balance.
“It’s important to find time for (academic) things, but it’s important to find time for yourself, because you are important,” Kenisha said.
Expanding skills
The Professional Development Day also offered faculty and staff numerous opportunities to enhance their skills. One such session, aimed at visual arts teachers, focused on ceramics techniques, providing insights into new approaches for teaching this medium.
Several faculty attended specialized training in Fallsburg, including an AI in the Music Classroom session tailored to music teachers. Another session, One Trusted Adult, was offered to teacher assistants and aides, emphasizing the importance of creating a trusting relationship with students. This session provided strategies to help staff build meaningful connections with students, offering them a reliable adult to turn to for support.
ELA and math teachers, along with aides, participated in training on the NWEA MAPS Assessments, which will be implemented in elementary and middle schools starting next year. These assessments will help teachers better identify students’ academic needs, track progress and pinpoint areas of strength.
In the area of career readiness, the middle and high schools use SchoolLinks to assist students in planning their career paths. On this day, guidance and clinical staff received training on SchoolLinks Event Planner, a tool designed to streamline the organization and management of career fairs, mentorship programs, internships and other events that allow Liberty students to explore careers and connect with professionals in their desired fields.
LCSD Behavioral Specialist Sheila Wormuth led a session, “Defining Trauma and Understanding Its Impact,” that helped staff understand the various ways trauma can affect students, equipping them with the knowledge to create a supportive and welcoming environment for all learners.
To further support the district’s English Language Learners (ELL), Educational Technology Specialist Meredith Paff conducted a session providing an overview of instructional technology designed to assist ELL students. Additionally, Paff offered training for elementary staff on using the LES building calendar through Google and creating personalized settings to enhance efficiency in scheduling and communication.
When not engaged in specific training sessions, staff had the opportunity to focus on other essential tasks such as state-mandated training, curriculum mapping using the new Eduplanet platform, lesson planning and collaboration within professional learning communities.
“Each Professional Development Day builds upon our past efforts,” Dr. Sullivan said. “I want to thank Ms. Serratore for organizing these exceptional events. While this marks the last PD day for the year, I am confident that our learning and growth will continue as we strive to make Liberty a great place to learn—for both our colleagues and, most importantly, our students.”
Harlem Wizards to return to Liberty March 19
The Liberty PTA will again host the Harlem Wizards vs. the Liberty Redhawk staff basketball game at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 19, in the Liberty High School Gymnasium.
Tickets are on sale now. To order tickets and for ticket information, visit
Four receive Excellence in Service Awards at BOE meeting
A high school teacher assistant, middle school teacher, elementary teacher aide and an elementary teacher were honored during the Liberty Central School Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, March 11.
Mrs. Bernadette Hofsommer
Mrs. Hofsommer was recognized for her generosity to the community, being a role model for her high school students and ensuring her students are given the tools they need to succeed.
“Bernadette has selflessly and at personal expense continued to purchase, put together and deliver gifts for the holidays for our elderly residents,” her nomination read. “She is modeling the behavior we want our students to exhibit.”
Her nominator also said Mrs. Hofsommer makes sure students’ test modification needs are met.
Mr. Justin Golden
Mr. Golden, who is a sixth grade ELA and social studies teacher, is committed to the growth and well-being of his students, according to his nominator.
His work with the Student Council and Ski Club creates opportunities for students to engage, learn and have fun.
“His genuine relationships with his students are a testament to his care and dedication—many return long after they’ve left his classroom, just to visit and share how much of an impact he made on their lives,” the nomination read. “His enthusiasm and dedication make him an unforgettable presence at our school.”
Ms. Kimberly Staton
Ms. Staton is an elementary teacher aide who goes above and beyond for the LES students and staff, especially her work with the LES musical.
She assisted in not only practices but also in assembling props,and staying late to ensure the students had an exceptional experience, her nominators said.
Her work in the classroom and with staff is also appreciated.
“The students in the classrooms where Miss Kim works are always delighted to have her presence. She is dedicated to putting the students first every single day,” one nomination read. “Through my years of having the pleasure of working with her she has always treated every child as if they were her own,” another nominator wrote. “She is always going above and beyond to even help and care for her fellow coworkers to the best of her abilities
Miss Dakota Hahl
Miss Hahl, a fourth-grade teacher and facilitator, was nominated for her work ensuring ENL students get the support they need while fostering collaboration with their peers as well as becoming a leader in the school.
She, along with Mrs. Kaitlyn Stephens and Mrs. Aeowyn Brust, took the initiative last fall to implement strategic grouping for her ENL student, which has been adapted by other grade levels in the building, the nomination read.
“She carefully adapts the curriculum to meet the needs of her diverse classroom, which includes students at every proficiency level, from entering to transitioning,” her nominator wrote. “Through differentiated instruction, culturally responsive materials, use of stations, and targeted scaffolding, she creates an inclusive learning environment where all students can thrive and build confidence in their language development.”
A second-year fourth-grade facilitator, Miss Hahl was also recognized for her work in that role. “Dakota leads with wonderful integrity, adaptability and communication. She is very organized and always on top of everything,” her nomination read.
Each month, staff members nominate others they believe are going above and beyond, be it a single act of excellence or kindness or a continuous work ethic.
We congratulate these employees on their awards.
Liberty issues reminder of communication policies, safety procedures
With spring approaching, Liberty Central School District is reminding families of some communication policies and safety procedures.
The district encourages the community to come out to support the students in their academic, athletic and fine art endeavors, while ensuring the campuses remain safe.
Parents or guardians are reminded of the Chain of Command Calling Guide for details on whom to contact with any concerns. Concerns regarding bullying and safety may also be reported through the Anonymous Alerts system.
The district adheres to the New York State Public High School Athletic Association guidelines, which encourage positivity, support and sportsmanship, and reminds spectators to follow the policy. Tobacco, alcohol, marijuana or other drug use is prohibited on school grounds, as are pets. Staff members are onsite during all contests and they will ask those who violate the policies to comply or leave.
The district also issued reminders of the steps in place to make Liberty a safe place in which to learn. Entry to all buildings requires keycard access for staff, and LCSD has a strict visiting procedure. Visitors are restricted to a single point of entry in each building. All visitors must show a valid ID at an automated kiosk before entering any of our school buildings, and will be buzzed in. All classrooms require keycard access as well, and doors are expected to remain closed and locked when occupied.
Through the district’s door lock system, school officials are able to immediately lock all doors if there is an emergency. Digital signs throughout common areas will help inform students and staff of what is happening. There are also strobe lights inside and outside the building, which will help alert of emergencies and advise those outside the building not to enter. If an emergency occurs, the Liberty Police Department is able to monitor school cameras.
LPD is an important partner, as a school resource officer from LPD is placed in each building. They regularly patrol and check for vulnerabilities and are a valuable resource to students and staff.
Faculty and staff are trained in what to do, in line with the districtwide safety plan, if an emergency occurs, and our schools have emergency drills several times a year.
“Safety for our students and staff is always one of the top priorities for Liberty Central School District, and we appreciate your support,” Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan said.
Library plans movie night for families, book club for kindergartners
Liberty Public Library will host a recurring event for kindergartners as well as a family movie event in the coming months.
The Junior Bookworm Club for kindergartners will meet from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Mondays, April 28 to May 19.
All children will be picked up at LES and brought to the library by library staff.
Students will be provided snacks, read books, play games, do crafts and more.
Registration will begin Monday, March 24, by calling 845-292-6070. Those who call earlier than that will be asked to call back.
Once registered, a permission form will be sent home that must be returned the student’s teacher indicating the parent or guardian’s pickup preference and other information. Pickup options include the child being picked up at the library at 4 p.m. or being brought by staff to the LES Boys & Girls Club, if they are already part of the program.
On Saturday, April 5, starting at 1 p.m., the library will host a showing of “Moana 2.”
Students of all ages and their parents or guardians are welcome to the free event. Popcorn will be served. An adult must stay with any child younger than 12.
The Liberty Public Library is at 189 N. Main St. in Liberty. For more information, call 845-292-6070 or visit
‘Magic of Reading’ closes Read Across America, kicks off Readathon
The Great and Powerful Dave mesmerized the students at Liberty Elementary with his “Magic of Reading” show on Friday, March 7. He helped LES close out Read Across America Week and kick off the annual Readathon fundraiser to benefit the PTA. For the Readathon, students will seek pledges according to how much they read over the next 12 days. They will compete for prizes, including credits at the book fair, a popcorn party and, for the student who reads the most, a gift basket. For more information or to donate, call the LES main office at 845-292-5400, ext. 2030.