• Pre-K registration began March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

LES students honor veterans at assemblies

A person stands at a podium with veterans seated on either side as children sit on the floor in front of themDecked in red, white and blue, waving American flags, Liberty Elementary School students honored veterans on Wednesday, Nov. 9, in advance of Veterans Day on Friday, Nov. 11.

During two ceremonies, students sang songs, read poems and thanked veterans for their service.

Veterans in attendance were Army veterans Richard Begeal, Chris DaSilva, John Foster, Thomas Harris Lewis, James Kelly, Keith Krauss, Dennis James, Scott Ricco, James Richardson and Joseph Tabacco; Madison Johnstone, from the Army National Guard: Navy veterans Arthur Flynn and Shane Weed; Clarence Kratz from the Navel Air Force; Marines Solomon Conner, Carrado Grant, Kyle Muthig and James O’Connor; and Air Force veteran William Lazarus.

Students stand and sing for veterans

Assistant Principal Brittney Cunningham delivered the opening remarks, in the absence of Principal Robert England who was unable to attend.

“Our students at Liberty Elementary school have been preparing for this day for weeks,” she said. ”Through patriotic songs, we learn about what is important. It is important that they feel they are part of the American family that accepts them and appreciates their value to our community and the nation.”

She also explained what it means to be a veteran, and how important service is to our community and our country. 

Students stand and sing for veterans

During the two assemblies, veterans were treated to “See the Veteran” by the pre-kindergarten students, “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” by the kindergartners, and “This Land is Your Land,” by the first graders. All students sang “Grand Ole Flag” to close the ceremony.

Second, third and fourth graders honored veterans in the second assembly with poems, songs and a presentation of donations.

 Mrs. Countryman and Mrs. Rubik’s class read a poem that they wrote in honor of the veterans, as did Mr. Conner’s students. Second-graders sang “Thank You Soldier,” followed by the third-graders singing “God Bless America,” and the fourth-graders, who sang “The Star-Spangled Banner.” The second grade class of Ms. Kristine Kratz presented the collected donations to the veterans that will go to local VA needs.

At the end of both assemblies, veterans lined the doorways as students exited with high fives, hand shakes and thumbs up as a way to thank them for their service. 

This annual Veterans Day assembly is made possible by the collective planning and hard work of the LES Building Leadership Team, the Maintenance Department, everyone in the LES main office and every teacher. Finally, a very special thank you to Ms. Kristine Kratz, the teacher who puts her heart, soul and love for our country into every Veterans Day assembly. Thank you, Ms. Kratz for all of your dedicated work to teach our students about honor, service and patriotism.

LCSD hosts All Things Liberty

Liberty Central School District’s fourth annual All Things Liberty drew scores of people to the school Thursday to connect families with local organizations in an effort to promote their overall well-being. 

“There are great things happening in the Liberty school and community to help improve student success,” said Liberty High School Assistant Principal Devin Lamar, who organized the event. 

As attendees entered, they were greeted by the Liberty Strings Quintet who serenaded guests as they arrived. From there, families had an opportunity to connect with local agencies, as well as see representatives from school based clubs and organizations who shared all of the wonderful events happening within the Liberty Central School District. 

Outside agencies that were present provided families with important information on health, safety and education. Student volunteers also offered fun activities such as arts and crafts, face painting and a photo booth for all to enjoy. Many of the students walked away from All Things Liberty with a stack of free books to help support their journey toward becoming lifelong readers. 

People stop at tables in the gymCommunity vendors that were present included Sullivan County Public Health, Cornerstone Healthcare, National Alliance of Mental Illness, Independent Living, Sullivan BOCES, Liberty Partnership Program and Brighter Futures, SUNY Sullivan, the Town of Liberty Supervisor Frank DeMayo, the Liberty Police Department, Liberty Moo Duk Kwan Academy, Migrant Education, The Child Care Council, The Children’s Home, Boys & Girls Club, Sullivan County 4-H, SALT, Wayne Bank and Bethel Woods. 

“Liberty Central School is thrilled to have such supportive partners, and looks forward to working together in the future,” Lamar said.

People visit informational tables set up in the gymSchool programs, clubs and organizations that were present included the High School and Middle Student Councils, Elementary, Middle and High School administrators, Snack Pack Collection, Maker Space, the Wellness Committee, Business Incubator, Future Business Leaders of America, Middle School Ski Club, Middle School Garden Club, Science Olympiad, Liberty PTA, Leader in Me and Allusions Club.

people serve themselves food from trays on a round table.The event was capped off with “A Taste of Liberty,” a sampling of a food from local restaurants: Yiasou, Red Diamond, Paesano’s, Sweet Basil, Liberty Diner, New Munson Diner, Panchos, Garden Zheng, Chick E Ribs, Don Gabriel’s and Star Bar. 

“I appreciate everyone who took time out of the evening to help showcase all Liberty has to offer,” Lamar said, “and I thank all of the parents, guardians and community members who attended so we could highlight ‘All Things Liberty.’” 

See more photos on our Facebook and Instagram pages.


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