• Pre-K registration will begin March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

Liberty Middle School student arrested after investigation of false social media post

On Monday, Oct. 28, 2024, the Village of Liberty Police Department arrested a 13-year-old juvenile following an investigation into a false social media post made on Friday afternoon.

Earlier in the day of Oct. 25, 2024, the Liberty Middle and High Schools briefly went into a lockdown due to an accidental activation of the school’s automated warning system during maintenance. There was no threat to either building, and Liberty Police Department officers, in coordination with school officials, quickly searched both buildings, lifted the lockdown, and returned the schools to normal operations.

Approximately two hours after the lockdown was lifted, a falsified image purporting to be an actual communication from the Liberty Central School District began circulating on social media. The fraudulent image falsely claimed that the prior lockdown had been prompted by an actual incident resulting in harm to students and teachers.

The police investigation identified the originator of the fake post as a 13-year-old Liberty Middle School student. The student was subsequently charged with Falsely Reporting an Incident in the Third Degree, a misdemeanor, and was petitioned to Sullivan County Family Court. Additionally, the district is taking appropriate action in accordance with the LCSD Code of Conduct.

Chief of Police Steven D’Agata stated, “This malicious, fraudulent post was made with the clear intent of frightening, alarming, and disrupting the lives of students, teachers, parents, and the entire school community. For someone to falsely claim that harm came to students and staff in a potential tragedy is deeply disturbing. It is absolutely essential that parents talk to their children about the very real consequences reckless behavior on social media can have for both individuals and the community. Our department, along with Liberty Central School District staff, remains deeply committed to the safety and security of all students and staff.”

Sign-up for modified winter sports open; coaches needed

Sign-ups for Modified Winter Sports is open and can be completed at the Arbiter Sports page for modified sports registration. Modified sports are for students in Grades 7 and 8.

The Arbiter Sports portal will close when the season starts on Nov. 25.

The following sports will be available for Modified Winter Sports: Girls and Boys Basketball, Boys and Girls Indoor Track and Field and Wrestling. At this point there is no coach for boys basketball, boys indoor track and field, and wrestling.  If a coach cannot be found, those sports will be canceled for the season.

For more information about registration or becoming a coach, reach out to Athletic Director Kim Craft at kcraft@libertyk12.org or via phone at 845-292-5400, ext. 2012.

Fake screenshot circulating about lockdown

A fake screenshot of a ParentSquare alert is circulating stating that there was a lockdown following a threat at the Middle and High School and that students and a teacher were harmed. A lockdown was accidentally triggered at the Middle and High School earlier today during maintenance work. There was never any threat at the buildings, and there were no injuries. The district is investigating the fake message and will take appropriate action in accordance with the Code of Conduct and law enforcement if necessary.

All Things Liberty Winter Festival date set; vendors wanted

The All Things Liberty Winter Festival will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025, in the Liberty Middle and High School gyms.

The district is inviting all Liberty organizations and craft vendors to join in the festival. Those interested in attending or getting involved are asked to reach out to Stacy Feasel at sfeasel@libertyk12.org or 845-292-5400, ext. 2332.

“Let’s make this year’s festival bigger and better together,” Feasel said. “Don’t miss out.”

Craft vendor tables will cost $40 with all proceeds going to the Liberty Snack Pack Program. Payment must be made by money order or bank checks payable to the LSEA Snack Pack Program and sent to Stacy Feasel, LCSD District Office, 115 Buckley St, Liberty, NY 12754.

The snow date will be Saturday, March 1.

LES offering blender bike usage for birthday celebrations

Liberty Elementary School is offering a new, healthier way for students to celebrate their birthdays in school.

Parents and guardians who would like to have an alternative to unhealthy and expensive cupcakes to help their children celebrate their special day in school may now request the use of a blender bike to make healthy smoothies.

The request should be made at least two weeks in advance to the child’s teacher via a form  sent home with students. The form includes the child’s name, classroom teacher and the requested date of the celebration. Ingredients may be sent in with the student or there are two flavor options, mixed berry or banana/pineapple, available through the school. Requests may be made to use the bike during breakfast, which is free, or at other times during the day, which will cost a dollar per student if ingredients will be provided by the school. Cash or checks made payable to Liberty Central School District should be sent in with the form.  The English version of the form is available here. The Spanish version of the form is available here.

For more information, email LES Sullivan 180 Healthier Generations Advisors Mary Bayer or Alicia Houghtaling at mbayer@libertyk12.org or ahoughtaling@libertyk12.org

Curriculum alignment, improvement, review progressing under strategic plan

As Liberty Central School District approaches the midway point of its five-year strategic plan, officials are taking time to evaluate what has been accomplished so far and what still needs to be done. Last month, the district reviewed its mission, vision and beliefs. Now focus turns to the  Curriculum pillar.

To review the strategic intents of the Curriculum pillar:

  • By June 2027, 100% of PreK-12 curriculum will be vertically and horizontally aligned to meet all New York State standards for all content areas as evidenced by improved student outcomes (in all subgroups) on NYS and local assessments and an increased graduation rate.
  • By June 2027, 100% of the administrators and teachers will use identified data protocols to analyze content area assessment results, identify student gaps and strengths in order to grow students (in all subgroups) to a new level of performance.

What does this mean?

Curriculum is the core of the education system. Without a strong, consistent curriculum, Liberty cannot give its students the tools they need to succeed.

That is why ensuring curriculum is aligned with New York State standards and that that curriculum is consistent across classes and grade levels is so important. District officials also must regularly review and analyze the plans and adjust if needed.

What is LCSD doing?

Over the past few years, the district has instituted and/or expanded several curricular programs that offer consistency through the elementary and middle school years, including the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt math and reading curriculum and the Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES Social Studies and Science 21 programs.

The Woz ED curriculum has been expanded to help Liberty students enhance the 21st-century skills they will need now and in the future. That curriculum will also expand into the high school once the Innovation Lab is completed.

At the high school level, Liberty has expanded college-level course offerings to include Syracuse University Project Advance classes. These are the same courses offered at Syracuse University, taught by our teachers, that will offer transferable college credit.

The district is working diligently on making sure curriculum maps are being updated, completed, filed and followed. Mastery standards per grade level and course are also being established. These steps allow educators to clearly set expectations for students, and students will know what they must accomplish. Administrators also use all available resources, including Star Renaissance testing and state assessments, to analyze the effectiveness of the curriculum and make adjustments as needed.

“An effective, consistent, responsive curriculum that meets the needs of all of our students is vital to the success of our district,” LCSD Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan said. “We are moving in the right direction, with student performance improving, and I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish in the future.”

For more information, email questions@libertyk12.org.

This is the second in a series of stories that focus on different aspects of LCSD’s  strategic plan and what it means for the Redhawk students, staff, families and community.

Noncredible threat circulates again on social media

A social media post of a potential threat of violence against several schools on a list, including a Liberty Middle School, that was disseminated in mid-September has begun circulating again. The report was investigated and found to be noncredible. The list originated from an out-of-state  department of education list of schools that were targeted for educational improvement and spread via social media.

The district reminds students that if they see a threat they should report as soon as they see it via Anonymous Alerts or to a trusted adult, and they should never share it via social networks or text messages.

“Liberty puts safety at the top of our priority list, and we investigate every threat,” Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan said. “We thank the community for their vigilance and concern for the safety of our school community.”

Three earn LCSD Excellence in Service Awards

Three more Liberty Redhawks were honored Oct. 8 by the Liberty Central School Board with Excellence in Service Awards.

Samantha Davis

A woman holding a certificate and a piece of paper stands between two menSamantha Davis, a typist at Liberty Elementary School, was recognized for her willingness to help and that she is always smiling. “I could not do my job if it was not for her constant assistance,” her nominator said. “She is caring not only for staff but also all about the students!”

Ben Abrams

Two men pose together one holding a piece of paper and the other a certificate.Ben Abrams, a special education teacher and facilitator at Liberty Middle School, was recognized for his leadership, knowledge and going beyond what is needed.

“He is a true asset to the Special Education Program at the Middle School and we are lucky to have him,” a nominator said. “Plus … he does magic tricks!”

Another nominator said he is able to keep students engaged, and  “makes learning social studies interesting and fun.”

Kellie White

A woman holding a certificate holding a certificate poses with a man holding a piece of paper.Kellie White, a guidance counselor and co-director of Guidance, “is a very knowledgeable and organized and compassionate counselor that takes pride in her work,” her nominator said.

Her ability to accommodate students’ needs, with a clear head and a smile on her face no matter the situation was also recognized.

“I respect her immensely,” the nominator said.

Each month, staff members nominate others they believe are going above and beyond, be it a single act of excellence or kindness or a continuous work ethic.

We congratulate these employees on their awards.

LCSD working with PhotonFi to install LiFi technology in select classrooms

Liberty Central School District has partnered with PhotonFi to install LiFi, or Light Fidelity, wireless connectivity initially in two classrooms, one each in the middle school and high school.

When the technology is installed, expected to be this fall, we will be the first district in the region to adopt this innovative technology.

LiFi technology uses invisible light to transmit data, offering a fast, more secure and reliable network. This installation will provide the faculty with the tools they need to keep their students thriving in today’s increasingly digital world, while ensuring a safe learning environment.

“At Liberty Central School District, we are committed to providing our students with the best possible tools for success,” Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan said. “Our collaboration with PhotonFi allows us to stay at the forefront of technology while maintaining the safety and security of our students as a top priority.”

PhotonFi Inc. is an industry leader in LiFi technology, dedicated to transforming the way institutions deliver connectivity.

“I want to thank Pat Killian, our director of technology, for researching this technology and being the driving force behind bringing it to Liberty,” Sullivan said.

“As the digital landscape continues to evolve, we remain committed to ensuring our students are equipped with the resources and technology needed to succeed in the 21st century,” Sullivan added.

Once installed, the district will watch the performance and evaluate. The technology has the possibility of being an alternative to running new Ethernet to keep up with the category changes of the cables, Killian said.

Those with questions may email questions@libertyk12.org.

LCSD conducts entry drill

For the past several weeks, Liberty Central School District and the Liberty Police Department have been planning a drill that helps the district evaluate its safety practices and protocols. 

Earlier today, Oct. 3, an individual (who is a police officer from another county) attempted to enter our buildings to help the district identify any safety measures that need to be addressed and/or enhanced.

District officials will review the findings and will address and communicate any changes needed.

Please know that this type of drill is used throughout our neighboring counties, and our School Resources Officers were monitoring the drill the whole time. 

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