• Pre-K registration began March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

A message from the superintendent regarding LifeWise

Dear Liberty,

As you may have seen, a religious education organization, LifeWise, has been advertising for a program director for its services within the geographic boundaries of the Liberty Central School District (the “District”). The advertising may imply that LifeWise is offering a bible education program in affiliation or partnership with  the District. We want to make it clear that Liberty CSD is not affiliated with, and does not offer any religious education programs in partnership with, LifeWise or any other religious entity.

We understand and respect that religious education is important to many families in the District. Parents may choose to submit a written request to release their children from school for religious instruction by any religious organization of their choice. The District will honor those requests to the extent required by law. However, the District is not involved in scheduling, programming, or transportation for the religious instruction.

We have sent the following message to LifeWise asking it to remove the District from any of its advertising:

The Liberty Central School District has received inquiries from our community regarding the District’s affiliation with LifeWise. In particular, we are concerned about a social media posting which states, in pertinent part, that LifeWise is “Now Hiring a Program Director for Liberty New York Central School District. Bible Education Coming Soon.” This posting may be creating the misleading and inaccurate impression that Liberty CSD is affiliated with LifeWise, or is partnering with LifeWise to offer religious instruction to Liberty students, or is jointly employing a “program director,” none of which is true.

We respectfully request that LifeWise remove any and all references to Liberty CSD in the above-mentioned posting and in any other promotional materials which may suggest that Liberty CSD has any connection with LifeWise. Liberty CSD does not endorse or support any particular religious organization, including but not limited to LifeWise.

As mentioned in our correspondence dated July 24, 2024, “The Liberty Central School District will honor its obligation to excuse a student from school for off-site religious instruction upon written request from their parent, consistent with applicable law. Any arrangements for transportation and/or scheduling should be addressed with the parents of each student.” This applies equally to religious instruction offered by LifeWise and any other religious organization of parent choice.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email questions@libertyk12.org.


Dr. Patrick Sullivan

CEP income forms requested

Dear Liberty,

Liberty is pleased that our participation in the Community Eligibility Provision, offering free breakfast and lunch to all students, will continue for the 2024-25 school year.

One benefit of this program is income forms are not required for students to receive free meals. However, we ask that you please fill out the CEP income forms, attached in English here and the CEP income forms in Spanish here (or those sent home to parents/guardians) as this information will help determine eligibility for additional state, federal and school program benefits for which students may qualify. Benefits may include covering fees for technology, athletics, band instruments, testing and college applications as well be a factor in some grant funding for the district. The data provided from these forms also factor into state aid, foundation aid and local funding.

Only one form needs to be filled out per household. If you have any questions, please the District Business Office at 845-292-6171.

Forms may be returned to your child’s school building or emailed to awoolard@libertyk12.org

Thank you for your continued support in making Liberty a great place to learn.


Dr. Patrick Sullivan

LCSD administrators, facilitators prepare for upcoming school year

Liberty Central School District administrators engaged in a weeklong professional development and planning workshop. They began by reviewing LCSD’s five-year Strategic Plan and the District Comprehensive Improvement Plan, focusing on strategies for effective implementation and support.

A man points at a white board as another stands next to it in front of several people seated in chairs under a pop-up tentTraining sessions covered various topics including the new ParentSquare communication system, recent changes in special education law, and updates on safety and incident command procedures, presented by Liberty Village Police Chief Steven D’Agata. Additionally, administrators explored restorative strategies introduced by MaryAnn Brittingham and discussed how these strategies could be implemented into their plans.

Teacher facilitators joined the retreat mid-week to participate in sessions dedicated to refining professional learning communities’ best practices. They also collaborated on finalizing and presenting the Middle School Comprehensive Education Plan, as well as the High School, Elementary School, and  Student Services Priority Plans.

The retreat concluded with preparations for upcoming conference days on Sept. 3 and 4, as well as professional learning plans for the 2024-25 school year.

People talk at tables in a library as a large tv screen shows a slide from a presentation.

A message on SchoolTool changes

Dear Liberty Parents and Guardians,

Liberty Central School District’s SchoolTool parent and student portal mobile apps and website is now hosted on the AWS Mindex cloud going forward.

What does this mean to you?

  • Better performance and availability
  • Better security
  • An overall better experience when using SchoolTool

What do you need to know ?

  • The new District URL will be https://st10.schooltool.com/liberty/
  • You will need to update the mobile app to the new URL (Please see the instructions below)
  • Your SchoolTool Username and Password will remain the same as it was before the cloud migration

Please note:

Should anyone have any questions regarding our move to the cloud please contact Teresa Couitt at 845-292-5400, ext. 2222, or email her at tcouitt@libertyk12.org.

Thank you very much,
Stacy Feasel
District Data Coordinator
District Security and Privacy Officer
Community School Coordinator
Liberty Central School District
115 Buckley Street
Liberty, NY 12754
Office: 845-292-5400 x2332
Fax: 845-292-1164

How to update the URL on your SchoolTool Mobile App

  1. When you open the mobile app, click the edit button (Circled in red below)The login page for School tool with the edit button circled
  2. Enter the new District URL, https://st10.schooltool.com/liberty/ in the box with URL (Make sure that the forward slash (/) is at the end of the URL (The URL will default to the old District URL)SchoolTool url input screen
  3. Click the blue box with the white arrow to proceed to the login screen
  4. Enter your user name and password in the spaces provided.

New AD begins at Liberty Central School District

Kim Craft has joined Liberty Central School District as its athletic director, a position that was elevated to an administrative role starting in the 2024-25 school year.

Kim CraftCraft, an Ellenville resident, earned her bachelor’s degree from Sage College of Albany in K-12 physical education, a master’s degree in health, physical education and Recreation from Emporia State University and a Certification of Advanced Study in School Leadership from SUNY New Paltz.

Before coming to Liberty, Craft taught health and physical education for seven years at Crispell Middle School, part of the Pine Bush Central School District. She also coached basketball and softball.

She said she enjoys traveling, anything active or sports related, and spending quality time with family, friends and her dogs in her spare time.

“I am very excited to be a Liberty Redhawk,” Craft said. “I chose Liberty because I really enjoy the small school atmosphere where I will be able to get to know everyone. I also am very excited to work with the supportive and involved community that Liberty has to offer.”

She said she hopes to encourage more students to become student-athletes and ensure Liberty students are able to receive the opportunities they deserve.

New assistant principal joins LES

Liberty Elementary School welcomed a new assistant principal, Paul Voigtland, earlier this month.

Paul VoigtlandHe  earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematics education from SUNY Cortland in 2006, his Master of Arts degree in mathematics education from SUNY Albany in 2009, and his advanced certificate of educational leadership from Long Island University in 2024.

Voigtland taught mathematics at the secondary level for 18 years before becoming an administrator. He began his teaching career in Paulding County, Georgia, before moving back to upstate New York where he taught at Cobleskill-Richmondville Central School District.  He then moved back to his home area and taught at Middletown City Schools before pursuing educational leadership.

He lives outside of Otisville with his wife and four children. He is passionate about educating youth and said he wants to make a difference every day in the lives of the students at Liberty.

School supplies to be provided for LES students

For the 2024-25 school year, Liberty Central School District will provide all essential school supplies for Liberty Elementary School students. Backpacks and lunch boxes will need to be purchased by the families. Families of Liberty Middle and High School students will need to provide all supplies. Middle School supply lists are available at https://www.libertyk12.org/about-us/student-supply-lists/.

LCSD superintendent advocates for funding in D.C.

Liberty Central School District Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan took part in The Legislative Advocacy Conference, presented by AASA and ASBO, earlier this month in Washington, D.C.

Two men pose for a photo
Dr. Sullivan poses with Rep. Marc Molinaro.

During that time, Sullivan along with other members of the School Superintendents Association, met with U.S. senators and representatives, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Rep. Marc Molinaro, to discuss key issues impacting school districts.

A focus by the group was fully funding several programs important to effectively educating all students. Modest increases to programs such as Title 4 (funding to provide enrichment and 21st century skills) and IDEA (designed to help level the education playing field for students with disabilities) have been introduced at the expense of other programs, including Title I and 2 (funding to assist low-income and at-risk students).

Superintendents also voiced their support for the CARE for Student Mental Health Act, introduced in the Senate, which would make changes to two key competitive grant programs to better support efforts to train, recruit and retain school mental health professionals and increase access to services in high-need school districts as well as promotes equitable distribution of the funds and reduces barriers to applying for these grants.

“These programs are vital to Liberty Central School District in helping us empower each student to contribute and thrive in a diverse community by pursuing their potential,” Dr. Sullivan said. “We encourage our federal congressional representatives to fully support our students by funding these important programs.”

LCSD stories earn NSPRA Awards

Two stories featured on the Liberty Central School District website and shared with local media recently earned an “Excellence” rating in the National School Public Relations Association’s contest.

The two stories, written by public information specialist Denielle Cazzolla, were used to highlight the district’s five-year strategic plan in action.

The first, “LHS senior uses NASA opportunities to help further her goals beyond the rainbow” focused on Jayla Edwards, who was selected for a very competitive program hosted by NASA between her junior and senior year, and then was among a select few in the program to have an additional learning experience. The story also highlighted her interests in theater, as she was playing Dorothy in the Liberty Performing Arts fall production, “The Wizard of Oz.”

The second story, “New technology brings history to life,” featured how the sixth grade social studies classes of Samantha Abplanalp are using AI to “interview” Egyptian pharaohs. Beside learning about the leaders from centuries ago, the students were able to assess the accuracy of the information provided by ChatGPT, bringing 21st century skills into the classroom.

“It’s important to see the impact our district and its strategic plan are having on students and the district’s mission to empower each student to contribute and thrive in a diverse community by pursuing their potential,” Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan. “These stories are just two of many ways our district is working to help our community see what makes Liberty a great place in which to learn, grow and thrive.”

LCSD inducts two into Wall of Fame

Two Liberty Central School District graduates whose impacts on the school and community were quite different were honored Friday, June 28, at the annual Liberty Central School District Wall of Fame ceremony in the LHS auditorium.

“Our Wall of Fame inductees embody a remarkable spectrum of personal and professional accomplishments, each contributing to the enduring legacy of the Liberty Central School District and the Liberty community at large,” said LCSD Interim Assistant Superintendent Marianne Serratore, who led the ceremony. “We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to two outstanding individuals joining the ranks of our esteemed honorees: Mr. Kurt Scheibe and Mr. Maurice Gerry.”

More than 100 friends and family attend the ceremony in honor of Scheibe, a 1962 graduate who was integral to the growth of Little League throughout the region, and Gerry, a 1949 LHS graduate whose advocacy went far beyond Liberty but bloomed locally.

The Wall of Fame was established in 2011 by the Board of Education to honor extraordinary alumni. Nominees are judged on exceptional accomplishments and significant contributions within their career, community or personal life.

Kurt F. Scheibe

A woman hands a man a box standing while standing behind a podium as a woman watches.
Kurt Scheibe receives his award from his sister Mary Heinle as Interim Assistant Superintendent Marianne Serratore watches

There is no doubt that Little League wouldn’t be the same in the region had Scheibe not been passionately involved with the sport.

“Baseball was always on his mind,” his sister Mary Heinle said.

He always worked for a better baseball experience for his “boys,” she said. Serving as a Little League coach, he sought donations and sponsors, ensuring young athletes had uniforms and a pitching machine.

Among his achievements is the transformation of the White Sulphur ballfield from a swampland to what has become an integral part of the White Sulphur Springs Fire Department park.

Before the field was fixed, “I’m sure some of the boys were catching frogs in the outfield,” Heinle said.

Collaborating with neighboring town coaches, Scheibe orchestrated a summer of sports, fostering enjoyment and the development of athletic skills and sportsmanship in the players.

He ensured the WSS ballfield was immaculate, and assisted other communities such as Grahamsville in developing their sports fields. Transitioning from coaching to officiating, he uses his time and sports knowledge to referee youth games and fundraisers.

Beyond his youth-focused endeavors, he serves as the treasurer for the WSS FD, and is a member of the Liberty Elks Lodge, putting in countless hours volunteering over 60 years for both organizations.

Maurice Gerry

A man speaks at a podium
Maurice Gerry speaks at the Wall of Fame ceremony.

Although Gerry  traveled far from Liberty, entering the Navy after high school and settling in San Francisco, Liberty was always in his heart.

“This ‘unicorn’ is the most dedicated man I’ve ever seen in the community,” Ron Gozza said in introducing his best friend.

The hamlet of Ferndale holds a special place in Gerry’s heart. So much so, he made it his mission to revitalize the first 10 houses—five on either side of the road—at the entrance of the community, Gozza said.

Gerry’s education began in a one-room schoolhouse on Ferndale-Loomis Road. His first teacher, Mrs. Manion, had such an impact he recently dedicated a plaque in her honor to be displayed on the schoolhouse wall, once the building is restored.

Gerry gave special thanks to the educators in his life. “In memory of my teachers, my principals, my friends, I really want to thank you for this honor,” he said.

While out West he worked with Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk. Actively involved in Diane Feinstein’s mayoral campaign, Gerry’s efforts to raise awareness about the AIDS epidemic earned him the honor of representing Alaska in a Washington, D.C., parade for the cause.

He returned to Liberty to care for his aging parents and immersed himself in local politics, the arts and preservation. The visionary behind the Ms. Sullivan County Beauty Pageant, he championed diversity and inclusion, ensuring financial barriers did not hinder participation. Serving as town councilman for two decades, affectionately known as the “Tree Hugger,” Gerry dedicated himself to maintaining Liberty’s beauty and integrity.

At the age of 91, he assumed the role of interim councilman, a testament to his enduring commitment. Gerry actively supports humanitarian efforts locally and internationally, holding seats at O & M Museum, Liberty Arts Museum, Time and Again Museum and the Shandelee Music Festival.

“I have some comfort knowing my picture will be somewhere other than my tombstone,” Gerry said, referring to the Wall of Fame in the High School lobby, which includes plaques of all of the inductees.

During the ceremony, proclamations and certificates on behalf of the U.S. House of Representatives, the state Senate and Assembly, the Sullivan County Legislature and the Town of Liberty were presented to each of the inductees.

“We are thankful for the dedication of Mr. Gerry and Mr. Scheibe to the Liberty community,” Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan said. “They each showed, in different ways, how one person can make a difference.”

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