• Pre-K registration will begin March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

Five arrests made in stabbing near MS/HS campus

Liberty Police Department has arrested five individuals in relation to the altercation that led to the stabbing yesterday, Dec.12, just off the Liberty Middle/High School campus at the end of the school day.

Below is LPD’s statement, in part, released about 9:30 p.m. yesterday:

“On Thursday 12/12/24 at approximately 3:00 pm the Village of Liberty Police Department responded to a report of a fight in progress near the Liberty High School on Buckley Street in the Village of Liberty. School Resource Officers (SROs) at Liberty Middle and High Schools, in collaboration with Liberty School staff, located a 16-year-old stabbing victim who had entered school grounds seeking help after being attacked on Buckley Street. Responding officers immediately identified two suspects fleeing from the scene and after a short foot pursuit arrested two 15 year old male juveniles. School Resource Officers provided immediate first aid to the victim including applying a tourniquet to stop severe bleeding from multiple stab wounds. Care of the 16 year old juvenile was transferred to Mobile Medic EMS and the juvenile was transported via helicopter to Westchester Medical Center. At the time of the writing of this release the juvenile was in stable but critical condition.

“Within hours the investigation had resulted in the Village of Liberty Police Department locating and arresting two additional 17 year old female juveniles and Ricco Molina, 18 of Liberty.  All five individuals were charged with Assault in the 1st degree and Gang Assault in the 1st degree, felonies. Ricco Molina was arraigned in the Town of Liberty Court and remanded to Sullivan County Jail in lieu of $10,000 cash, $20,000 secured bond or $40,000 partially secured bond. All 4 of the juvenile suspects were arraigned in front of the Honorable Troy Johnstone sitting as the accessible after hour’s magistrate for the Youth Part of Sullivan County Superior Court.  Both of the 17 year old female juveniles as well as one of the 15 year old male juveniles were released on their own recognizance to appear at the Youth Part of Superior Court on a later date. The second 15 year old male juvenile was remanded to the custody of the Office of Children and Family Services at a secure detention facility.

“The Village of Liberty Police Department was assisted in the investigation by the Sullivan County District Attorney’s Office, the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office and the New York State Police. …

“The investigation into this incident is ongoing and anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact the Village of Liberty Police Department Detective Division. Specifically if anyone has cell phone video of the incident please call 845-292-4422.”

In addition, Liberty Central School District will be taking action, according to its Code of Conduct, against all Liberty students involved in this incident.

“I want to thank our SROs for their swift actions on treating the victim, as well as LPD for their quick response to this incident,” Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan said.

The district has additional law enforcement on the Middle/High School campus today, as a precaution and to enhance the safety of students and staff. Counselors are available to all students or staff members who wish to talk about this incident.

Those who have questions may email questions@libertyk12.org.

A message from the superintendent on the incident earlier today (Dec. 12)

Dear Liberty,

As you may be aware, an incident took place at the end of the school day off campus earlier today, Dec. 12, that resulted in the stabbing of a student who was not from Liberty. I do not have any information regarding the medical status of that student at this time, but I — and the entire Liberty community — wish them a speedy and full recovery.

Police are still investigating the incident, which did involve students from Liberty. Any police action taken will be communicated by Liberty Police Department when available.

The district is also investigating to see what actions will be taken against our students involved in the altercation, according to our code of conduct.

We take the safety of our students and staff very seriously.

All of our school buildings are equipped with cameras, accessible by LPD, and we have a school resource officer stationed at each building during school hours, as well as after hours events hosted on our campuses. All of our buildings require keycard access, and guest access is achieved through a single point of entry. We also hold regular drills to practice our safety procedures. More details can be found in our districtwide safety plan.

We investigate all reports of potential threats to our school community. We encourage everyone to be proactive in safety with the adage “see something, say something” and report immediate concerns to a trusted adult, administration or law enforcement. Non immediate concerns can also be reported via our Anonymous Alerts reporting system.

Students are also encouraged to lean on their school counseling department if they are in crisis, have concerns over their safety or just need to talk.

Our counselors will be available for those who wish to speak to them following this incident.

Out of an abundance of caution and to help our faculty and students feel safer, there will be an increased police presence on the middle school/high school campus tomorrow.

If you have questions, please email questions@libertyk12.org.


Dr. Patrick Sullivan

Altercation just off MS/HS campus results in stabbing

At the end of the school day today, Dec. 12, there was a physical altercation involving a stabbing just off of the middle/high school campus grounds. The altercation was between Liberty students and others who were not students at Liberty schools.

The stabbing victim was not a student of Liberty. The victim ran to campus seeking medical attention. All traffic was shut down on the campus, and a medivac helicopter landed at the football field. All late bus and student pickup was moved to the parking lot on Winthrop Avenue.

The district and police are investigating the incident. More information will be released as it is available.

There is no danger or threat to the school or Liberty community.

LMS to recognize students with perfect attendance, two or fewer absences

An important part of success for students is being in class.

For the first quarter, Liberty Middle School had 92.73% student attendance. Students who achieved perfect attendance as well as those who had two or fewer absences (95% attendance rate and higher) will be honored during ceremonies the week of Dec. 16. The Liberty Middle School Leaders of the Month and the Good News Notes awardees will also be recognized.

The following LMS students earned attendance awards for the first quarter:

Eighth grade

Perfect Attendance: Abraham Fuentes, Alex Luna Diaz, Alex Olivares-Reyes, Alyessia Avellino, Anthony Gavidia Reyes, Balmore Lopez Argueta, Branden Edwards, Christian Perez Lorenzana, Dana Jimbo Montero, Edwin Maldonado Gomez, Emelin Suarez Rosario, Gavin Lisacchi, Grace Fitzgerald, Jace Snowden, Jacob Pennell, Joshua DiBartolo, Kendry Cordero-Lima, Laudy D’Oleo, Lya Camille, Makaidyn Smith, Matthew Romero, Quinn Santiago, Samantha Tinger, Samantha Bull, Sariah Ocasio, Selkir Molina Gonzalez, Wilton Mata and Yorleny DeJesus Padilla.

95% Attendance: Amaiya Williamson, Amelia Cole, Arthur Uhl Jr., Aryiah Cottom, Briana Bermeo, Chris Rivas, Deniel Sarmiento Borjas, Imani La Rue Chaney, Jasmine Garcia-Reyes, Sara Liddle, Tristan Maloney and Victoria Henry.

Seventh grade

Perfect Attendance: Adela Paz Perez, Angelick Rivera, Araceliss Gomez, Arian Rodriguez, Chase Golzak, Claire Ferguson, Corinne Lake, Cristian Castillo Pineda, Daniel Doty, Erick Torres Garcia, Ethan Zheng, Francisco Vicente-Gonzalez, Gabriel Lotz, Harper Matuszak, Jolisa Hernandez, Juan Carlos De La Cruz De La Cruz, Lilly Kehrley, Liriel Mueses Valdez, Luke Poley, Luna Pixie Hulse, Madison Lamantia, Makayla Fuentes Serapio, Michael Garzon Valle, Michelle Ramirez Medina, Nakai Toscano-Gardner, Mya Davis, Namarpreet Singh, Princilla Matute, Rebecca Norris, Santiago Moguel, Sidra Koen James, Syron Harrigan, Valeria Ponce Vazquez, Wyatt Herschel and Zalaina Nash.

95% Attendance: Altair Stanton, Hayden Smith, Liam Greaves, Madison Allen and Salvador Vidal Lopez.

Sixth grade

Perfect Attendance: Abigail Romero, Alexandria Lyden, Allison Juarez Perez, Aubrie Keating, Ayanelson Mazariegos Cruz, Dylan Reyes Garcia, Ellis Dilworth, Emma Boyles, Gian Garcia-Melgar, Gregory Dasraj, Isabella Intranuovo, Jayden Lopen Olivares, Jerimiah Wilson, Johan Llangoma Lema, Jonathan Contreras Martinez, Jordanno Rivera, Josseph Llangoma Lema, Katrina Card, Kendriel Aliers Amparo, Madison Hernandez, Makenzie Knack, Makynlie Smith, Marjorie Tejada Servellon, Mason Hopkins, Mia Grant, Ralph Urgiles Montero, Randy Panchana, Raymond Cottman Jr., Ronal Dubon Duque, Sophie Toledo, Sophie Zayas, Stephani Smith, Subhan Zeeshan, Trebor McCoy, Tyler Kavleski and Ximena Malaga Gonzalez.

95% Attendance: Abraham Garcia Martinez, Daisuke Mapes, Delanie Yupanqui, Elisa Barragan, Genesis Caiza Viracocha, Helen Munoz Barragan, Jonathan Reyes Escobedo, Joseph Portillo Larios, Owen Brust, Sara Steingart and Uriel Rios.

Fifth grade

Perfect Attendance: Alec Feliciano, Anabella Ramos, Ariana Alvarez Leiva, Bryan Garcia Romualdo, Camila Reyes Cortez, Damari Jadan Pangolo, Darick Winfrey III, Darius Dawkins, Dylenne Reyes Garcia, Elvis Lucero Guzman, Heidy Guambi Aules, Helen Lucero Bonilla, Henry Vogler, Isabella Puente, Ivan Zheng, Ivanna Malaga Ventura, Jacy Ramos Lopez, Joel Cruz Lopez, John Matute, Karter Velde, Keylin Lopez Nunez, Levi Poley, Logan Moore, Maciah Costello-Acevedo, Mia Travis, Nayeli Hernandez Soperanez, Nicholas McPhillips and Yarixa Reyes Cardenas.

95% Attendance: Alieska Perez Perz, Alonso Sierra Nunez, Altair Stanton, Anthony Myers, Arysta Murphy, Derek Mateo Cruz, Jerin Burton, Riley Baum, Tierney Meddaugh, Virginia Nivelo Cruz and Willis Gamble Jr.

Three earn Excellence in Service awards

A high school special education teacher, a fifth-grade ELA/Social Studies teacher and a kindergarten teacher  were recognized by the Liberty Central School District Board of Education with Excellence in Service Awards on Dec. 10.

Carol Gillespie

A woman holds a certificate standing next to a man holding a piece of paper.Ms. Gillespie was recognized for her connection to students.

“If students were able to nominate a staff member, I am confident Carol would have already been honored multiple times,” her nominator said.

Her connection to students goes beyond those who are in her classes.

“On days that Carol is absent, I have multiple students sadly asking me ‘she’s not here today?!’ as their day will no longer be as great without her here to give a hug, smile, or just say hello,” the nomination read.

In her special education classroom, Ms. Gillespie gets to know her students and chooses novels and other texts based on the students interests.

“Carol goes above and beyond to ensure her students are engaged in their content and guides the students to take ownership of their learning,” the nomination read.

Natalie Guido

A woman holds two certificates while standing between two men.Mrs. Guido was honored for her innovation in her fifth-grade classroom and her collaboration and support of colleagues.

“Natalie is an extraordinary educator whose innovative use of technology transforms her classroom into an engaging and dynamic learning environment,” her nominator wrote. “ By staying at the forefront of educational trends, she integrates the newest technology tools to captivate her students and tailor lessons to their interests.”

Mrs. Guido was also recognized as a role model to new teachers and being a teacher who fosters a positive and forward-thinking school culture.

“Her dedication, creativity and impact make her an exceptional candidate for this honor,” her nomination read.

Amanda Ritz

A woman holds two certificates while standing between two men.Mrs. Ritz’s work as a grade-level facilitator, a leader and a mentor was highlighted in her nomination.

“Amanda goes above and beyond in every role that she fills in the Elementary School,” her nominator wrote.

Her preparation for the grade-level meetings,helpfulness, knowledge and ability to ensure the teachers have what they need set her apart, the nomination said

She also works with student teachers and observers.

“She gives them the tools they need to become the next best generation of teachers,” the nomination read. “I am proud to nominate someone who goes above and beyond every day for both our students and our staff.”

Each month, faculty and staff members nominate others they believe are going above and beyond, be it a single act of excellence or kindness or a continuous work ethic.

We congratulate these employees on their awards.

LCSD School Counseling Department addresses variety of needs for all students

Liberty Central School District provides a comprehensive school counseling program for all students. Our school counselors, school social workers, behavioral specialists and school psychologists are certified educators trained to provide a range of assistance.

The traditional role of what was once known as a guidance counselor was primarily academic and future planning. But that role today encompasses so much more, including focusing on the social and emotional, as well as academic, well-being of students now and into the future.. Because they now offer much more than academic guidance, they are now known as school counselors.

Our school social workers are the link between the school, home and community, providing support to address students’ social, emotional and behavioral needs that may impact learning, as well as connecting students to resources in the community that can assist them.

Our behavior specialists assess student behaviors, develop intervention plans, work with teachers and staff to implement those plans, and monitor progress to adjust the plan as needed, helping students with behavioral obstacles succeed.

Our school psychologists help identify academic, social and emotional obstacles that may prevent students from reaching their full potential, and they work with the school counseling team to provide interventions to address those obstacles. These obstacles could be long-term issues or crisis situations.

The members of our School Counseling Department work together, and with teachers, staff and administration, to empower each student to contribute and thrive in a diverse community by pursuing their potential.

We encourage our students to reach out to the School Counseling Department, not only for academic and career advice, but also for the social and emotional support and guidance they need.

Learn more about our school counseling program at https://www.libertyk12.org/department-services/guidance-departments/

Student tests positive for pertussis

A Liberty Middle School student has tested positive for pertussis. The last day the student was in school was Dec. 3, 2024. The district has notified the Sullivan County Department of Health of students who are at risk of exposure. DOH will be notifying families impacted. The district has also notified staff and teachers of the possible exposure.

Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious bacterial lung infection most severe for babies, those with autoimmune diseases and/or those who are not vaccinated against the infection.

Those who have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for pertussis are encouraged to see their doctor. Symptoms of pertussis begin as a common cold, such as runny nose, sneezing, low-grade fever or a mild occasional cough. Late symptoms include a cough that gets more severe with coughing fits that can be followed by a high-pitched whoop.

The infection is contagious as soon as symptoms appear and up to three weeks after. Those treated with the appropriate antibiotic will not be contagious after the full five days of treatment.

Staff and students are encouraged to take measures to help prevent the spread of respiratory infections, such as frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizer, sneezing into a tissue or an elbow if a tissue isn’t available, and not touching their face and nose.

For more information on pertussis, please visit the New York State Department of Health website.

LMS names Leaders of the Month, Good News Notes honorees

Liberty Middle School recently celebrated students who were named Leaders of the Month for October as well as those who earned Good News Notes.

The honorees are as follows:

Eighth Grade

Leaders of the Month: Ayelene Ines-Leon and Dana Jimbo Montero

Good News Notes: Joel Cuji-Angamarca, Yorleny DeJesus Padilla, Anthony Gavidia Reyes and Yoscari Gomez-Mejia.

Seventh Grade

Leaders of the Month: Montgomery Allen and Namarpreet Singh,

Good News Notes: Mya Davis, Andy Hernandez Gomez, Araceliss Gomez and Gavin Grant.

Sixth Grade

Leaders of the Month: Syndy Ixchalchal Lagos and  Christopher (Javi) Perez Lorenzana

Good News Notes: Annabella Buryiak, Madelyn Garcia Cuellar, Abraham Garcia Martinez, Tyrone Harris,  Anastasia Kelly, Daisuke Mapes, Americus Newhall, Reinier Stanton, Noel Leonardo Valerio, Cecia Vallejo Cruz, Avery Wilson and Sophie Zayas.

Fifth grade

Leaders of the month:  Nicholas McPhillips and Camila Reyes Cortez

Good News Notes:  Madeliz Cubero-Vargas, Melanie Hernandez Santiago, Savannah Jones, Nyjha Miranda Hernan Munoz Aldana, Prince Patterson, Sebastian Ramirez, Yarixa Reyes Cardenas, Camila Reyes Cortez, Chelsea Scott, Keyrin Tercero and Mariah Williamson.

Sports schedule, and results, for the week of Dec. 9-15, 2024

Our student athletes are in action this week in basketball, indoor track and wrestling.

Here are the schedule and results, if available. Livestream links are included where available.

Monday, Dec. 9

5 p.m.: Girls Varsity Basketball vs. S.S. Seward Institute at S.S. Seward Institute

6 p.m.: Girls Varsity Wrestling multi-matches vs. multiple schools at Port Jervis High School

Tuesday, Dec. 10

4:30 p.m.: Girls Varsity Basketball vs. Ellenville  at Ellenville High School.

4:30 p.m.: Boys JV Basketball vs. Wallkill Central at Wallkill High School Vinnie DeAngelis High School Gym

6 p.m.: Boys Varsity Basketball vs. Wallkill Central at Wallkill High School Vinnie DeAngelis High School Gym

Wednesday, Dec. 11

4:15 p.m.: Boys Modified Basketball vs. Fallsburg at  Fallsburg Junior/Senior High School.

5:45 p.m.: Girls Modified Basketball vs. Fallsburg at  Fallsburg Junior/Senior High School.

Thursday, Dec. 12

4:30 p.m.: Boys JV Basketball vs. Port Jervis  at Port Jervis High School

5 p.m.: Girls Varsity Basketball vs. Monticello at Monticello High School

6 p.m.: Boys Varsity Basketball vs. Port Jervis  at Port Jervis High School

Friday, Dec. 13

All events postponed.

Saturday, Dec. 14

8 a.m.: Boys Wrestling Varsity Tournament vs. Multiple Schools at  John Jay High School – East Fishkill

11 a.m.: Boys and Girls Varsity Indoor Track and Field meet vs. multiple schools at West Point – United States Military Academy

Sunday, Dec. 15

No events scheduled.

The schedule is subject to change. Check the Liberty schedule on the Section IX website for the latest.

Notes needed for bus pick up changes

Parents or guardians of students who wish to be picked up from a different location than their normal bus pickup location in the morning must provide a note requesting the change stating the dates and new location in advance. Notes should be sent to the student’s school’s main office by the end of the previous school day. Requests will be approved if space allows. If the request cannot be granted the family will be notified. For safety reasons, the bus drivers are only able to pick up the students on the bus roster.

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