Business Office and District Budget
The Assistant Superintendent for Business supervises Liberty’s Business Office, which is responsible for accounting, auditing, benefits coordination, capital projects coordination, contract negotiations, facility use coordination, the district census, payroll, purchasing, records management and safety planning. The business office also supervises Buildings and Grounds, Food Services and Transportation.
2025-2026 District Budget
The vote on the Liberty Central School District budget will take place between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 20, 2025, in the High School Media Center. Details will be provided in this space as they are available.
School Board
Liberty Central School District has a nine-person Board of Education. All seats are at-large, with three seats up for election each year. Each member serves a three-year term.
Those who wish to run for school board must be: able to read and write; a citizen of the United States; at least 18 years of age; a qualified voter of the district; and a resident of the school district for at least one year prior to election No employee of the school district may be a member of the board, except as permitted by law, and no more than one member of a family shall be a member of the same Board of Education.
Prospective board members should contact District Clerk Tania DeFrank at or 845-292-6990 for a nomination packet and petition. Completed forms, including a petition with at least 25 valid signatures of qualified district voters, must be returned to the district office no later than 5 p.m. April 21.
Seats currently held by Matthew DeWitt, Timothy Hamblin and John L. Nichols are up for election this year.
The elected candidates will serve three-year terms running July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2028.
Voting Information
Voters must be 18 years old, a U.S. citizen and a district resident for at least 30 days and be registered to vote at their county board of elections, which will automatically register them to vote at the district. The last day to register with the district is five days before the election.
Along with traditional absentee balloting, which requires a reason for voting early, New York State allows for early voting via mail without requiring justification. Voters must fill out an application for either form. There are separate applications for each, but the application process and deadlines are the same for both.
Qualified voters may request an early voting or absentee ballot application by contacting District Clerk Tania DeFrank at or 845-292-6990. The last day for absentee/early ballot applications to be received for those who will be mailed a ballot is seven days before the vote (May 13). The last day for absentee/early ballot applications to be received in person and the ballot delivered by hand is the day before the vote (May 19). Absentee/early voting ballots must be received by the District Clerk by 5 p.m. the day of the vote (May 20) in order to be counted.
Military voters who are qualified voters of the district may apply for a military ballot by requesting an application from the district clerk and the valid application must be received no later than 5 p.m. about 27 days (April 24) before the election. Military voters who are not registered to vote may apply to register by filling out a Military Voter Registration Application, which can also be obtained by requesting an application from the district clerk and completed applications must be received by the clerk by 5 p.m. the same day as the application deadline (April 24). Military voters may indicate a preference for receiving a military voter registration, military ballot application, or military ballot by mail, fax or email in their request for such registration, ballot application or ballot. The school district will transmit military ballots to military voters no later than the day after the deadline (April 25). Completed military ballots must be received by the district by 5 p.m. the day of the vote (May 20) to be counted.
Everything You Need to Know About School Budgets in 60 Seconds
In New York, school leaders begin developing their school budget proposal long before the public vote in May. Each budget proposal is unique, but the planning process is similar for most schools.
More Information
Laurene M. McKenna
Assistant Superintendent for Business
Julie Vogler
845-292-5400, Ext. 2059