• A reminder: Liberty Central School District will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
  • A reminder: Jan. 21-24 are testing days at Liberty High School. High school students must attend only on days they have exams scheduled. The normal schedule is in effect for middle and elementary school students. Click here for more information.
  • A new temporary traffic pattern will be in effect at Liberty Elementary School starting Monday, Dec. 16. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

Technology Device Handbook

(updated August 2024)

The Liberty Central School District (LCSD) views the use of electronic resources as central to the delivery of its educational program and expects that all students will use electronic resources as an essential part of their learning experiences. The Liberty Central School District  maintains an environment that promotes ethical and responsible conduct in all electronic resource activities. With this privilege and extraordinary opportunity to explore resources, there are responsibilities for both the parent/guardian and the student.

When signing the Student/Parent Agreement on ParentSquare or FamilyID, you are acknowledging that you understand and accept the information in this document.


LCSD students and families understand the following:

  1. All students are allowed access to electronic resources unless the school is notified in writing by the parent/guardian.
  2. All users of the LCSD network and equipment must comply at all times with the LCSD Acceptable Use Policy and other IT related policies.
  3. Devices are on loan to students and remain the property of the LCSD.
  4. All users are accountable to all school, district, local, state, and federal laws.
  5. Use of the device and network must support learning.
  6. Students and families must follow all guidelines set forth in this document and by LCSD staff.
  7. All rules and guidelines are in effect before, during, and after school hours, for all LCSD computers whether on or off the school campus.
  8. All files stored on LCSD equipment or the network are property of the district and may be subject to review and monitoring.
  9. The term “device” or “equipment” or “technology” refers to computers, tablets, phones, batteries, power cord/chargers and cases. Each piece of equipment is issued as a learning resource. The conditions surrounding this equipment can be equated to those of a textbook or a school issued calculator
  10. Students are expected to keep the device in good condition.
  11. Students are expected to report any damage to their device to their teacher no later than the next school day.
  12. Students who identify or know about a security problem are expected to convey the details to their teacher without discussing it with other students.
  13. Students are expected to notify a staff member immediately if they come across information, images, or messages that are inappropriate, dangerous, threatening, or make them feel uncomfortable.
  14. All users are expected to follow existing copyright laws and educational fair use policies.
  15. Students may only log in under their assigned username. Students may not share their password with other students.
  16. Students may not loan their assigned device to other students for any reason. Students who do so are responsible for any loss of components or breakage.
  17. Any failure to comply with the content of this document may result in disciplinary action.
  18. LCSD reserves the right to confiscate the device at any time.

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Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

Sign the Student/Parent/Guardian Device Agreement

In order for students to be allowed to take their device home a parent/guardian must sign the Student/Parent Device Agreement.

Accept Liability

  • The parent/guardian/student are responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of the Chromebook ($300) and/or the block charger ($50) as the date of loss if the property is:
    • Not returned
    • Damaged (including damage brought on by tampering with the protective case or applying stickers)
    • Lost because of negligence
    • Stolen, but not reported to the school and/or police in a timely manner
    • Malicious/intentional breakage (so deemed by district or insurance company)
    • Repetitive damage deemed excessive by the district (multiple screen replacements, multiple drop repairs, etc)

Monitor Student Use

The parent/guardian must agree to monitor student use at home, and away from school. The best way to keep students safe and on-task is to have a parent/guardian present and involved.


  • Investigate and apply parental controls available through your internet service provider and/or your wireless router.
  • Develop a set of rules/expectations for device use at home. Some websites provide parent/child agreements for you to sign.
  • When students are not doing synchronous learning, only allow device use in common rooms of the home (e.g. living room or kitchen) and not in bedrooms.
  • Demonstrate a genuine interest in what your child is doing on the device. Ask questions and request that they show you his or her work often.

Device Rules and Guidelines

The rules and regulations are provided here so that students and parents/guardians are aware of the responsibilities students accept when they use a district-owned device. In general, this requires efficient, ethical and legal utilization of all technology resources. Violations of these rules and guidelines will result in disciplinary action. Students will receive one district issued device. For students with disabilities or accommodation needs, the individual student IEP will determine assistive technology and/or accessibility needs and consider the type of device necessary for software application and student use.

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Acceptable Use Policy

General Guidelines

All technology must:

  • Support learning
  • Follow local, state, and federal laws
  • Be school appropriate

Security Reminders

  • Do not share logins or passwords
    • Exception: students are asked to share passwords with parents or guardians
  • Do not develop programs that harass others, hack, bring in viruses, or change others’ files
  • Follow internet safety guidelines

Activities Requiring Teacher Permission

  • Using headphones in class
  • Playing games

Appropriate Content

  • All files must be school appropriate. Inappropriate materials include explicit or implicit references to:
    • Alcohol, tobacco or drugs
    • Gangs
    • Obscene language or nudity
    • Bullying or harassment
    • Discriminatory or prejudicial behavior

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Device Use, Care, and Classroom Routines


  • Device should be stored on its side standing up, or on top of the books.
  • Never pile things on top of the device or hang from locker hooks.
  • Lockers should remain fully locked at all times.


  • Always use two hands to carry the device or place in a backpack or protective case.
  • Never leave the device unattended for any reason.
  • Log-off or lock the computer before you change classes.

Classroom Habits

  • Center the device on the desk.
  • Lock the device before walking away from it.
  • Follow all directions given by the teacher.

Care of Device at Home

  • Charge the device fully each night.
  • Use the device in a common room of the home.
  • Store the device on a desk or table – never on the floor!
  • Protect the device from:
    • Extreme heat or cold
    • Food and drinks
    • Small children
    • Pets

Traveling To and From School

  • Completely shut down the device before traveling.
  • Avoid leaving the device in a vehicle.
  • Use your backpack or carry the case by the handle or shoulder strap.
  • Report all stolen devices to school personnel immediately. Stolen devices can be located through and are retrieved in cooperation with the local police department.

Prohibited Actions

  • Students are prohibited from:
    •  Defacing LCSD issued equipment in any way. This includes but is not limited to marking, painting, drawing, placing stickers or marring any surface of the device.
    • In the event of intentional damage, the student may be subject to disciplinary action and/or the cost for device replacement.

Email for Students

All LCSD students are issued a Google G Suite email account. G Suite allows students to safely and effectively communicate and collaborate with LCSD staff and classmates, giving them an authentic purpose for writing.  This email is also needed for signing into Google Classroom.

The effective use of email is

  • A 21st Century communication tool.
  • Used in careers and higher education settings.
  • A way to meet the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS).

Guidelines and Reminders

  • Email should be used for learning purposes only.
  • Email transmissions may be monitored by staff at any time to ensure appropriate use. This means that teachers may check students’ email. All email and all contents are property of the district.
  • Email should only be used by the authorized owner of the account.
  • Students need to protect their passwords.

Unacceptable Use Examples

  • Non-education related forwards (e.g. jokes, chain letters, images).
  • Harassment, profanity, obscenity, racist terms.
  • Cyber-bullying, hate mail, discriminatory remarks.
  • Email for individual profit or gain, advertisement, or political activities.

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Every student will be responsible for his/her Chromebook/tablet. Chromebooks/tablets are to be treated with the greatest care at all times. Accurate records will be kept of Chromebooks/tablets when given to students and the condition when given. All Chromebooks are to be returned at the  end of the school year. Tablets are to be returned when the school is no longer on a virtual or hybrid schedule. If not returned, report cards, schedules, and/or diplomas will be withheld, and students may not participate in end of year ceremonies. If a student leaves school before the end of the year, the student is to leave their Chromebook/tablet with the main office. A student must pay the replacement value of a Chromebook/tablet if it is lost, not returned, or damaged.

  •  Students who are found to have violated the Code of Conduct either by damaging the Chromebook/tablet or using it inappropriately will be subject to the following penalties:
    • oral warning, written warning, written referral to a parent, detention, suspension from transportation, athletics, social or extracurricular activities, in-school suspension, removal from classroom, short-term suspension, long-term suspension, and permanent suspension.
    •  Students may also be subject to remedial responses, including, but not limited to:
      • peer support groups,
      • assignment of an adult mentor,
      • corrective instruction,
      • engagement in a reflective activity,
      • supportive intervention,
      • behavioral assessment or evaluation,
      • behavioral management plans or behavior contracts, and
      • counseling.

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Each student device is equipped with a webcam. This equipment offers students an extraordinary opportunity to experience a 21st century tool and to develop 21st century communication skills.

Examples of Use:

  • Webcams are to be used for learning purposes only, under the direction of a teacher. Examples include:
    • Recording videos or taking pictures to include in a project.
    • Recording a student giving a speech and playing it back for rehearsal and improvement.
  • Parents/Guardians are responsible for monitoring usage at home.

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Streaming Digital Content/Applications (Videos, Music, Games)

  • The use of these are determined by the teacher to support / deliver classroom instruction (lesson activities, student assignments).
  • At school, permission for usage is determined by the classroom teacher.
  • At home, permission for usage is determined by the parent/guardian.
  • Software installation is not permitted and subject to deletion from the device.


  • District-provided devices will not be set up to print. Students should share their work via Google Drive, Google Classroom, or via email.

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Copyright and Plagiarism

  • Students are expected to follow all copyright laws. Duplication and/or distribution of materials for educational purposes is permitted when such duplication and/or distribution would fall within the Fair Use Doctrine of the United States Copyright Law (Title 17, USC)
  • The following Board of Education Policies also apply.
    • Acceptable Use of District Technology (Policy Code 4526-R)
      • Users are prohibited from engaging in copyright infringement when using district technology.
    • Compliance with Copyright Law (Policy Code 8650-R)
      • No copyrighted material may be reproduced or copied except as specified by the following rules.
        • Permissible Copies for Personal Use
        • Staff and students may make copies of material for personal reference and use.
        • The same work cannot be reproduced by the same teacher or student for other classes or the preceding semester.
        • Each reproduction must include a copyright notice with the © or ® symbol, year of publication, and name of the copyright owner.
      • Software Use
        • Students are prohibited from copying district-owned proprietary software or installing personal software on district computers.
      • Audio and Video Tapes
        • Students may make audio or video recordings of copyrighted material only for classroom use unless other permissions are acquired.
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy (Policy Code 8636)
      • Student Use of GenAI
        • Students should not be penalized for not using GenAI.
        • Students must take responsibility for their work and properly cite sources.
        • Teachers are encouraged to design assignments that discourage GenAI misuse and to allow various methods for students to demonstrate understanding.
        • Teachers may request students to demonstrate their knowledge in alternative ways if there is suspicion of GenAI misuse.

These policies ensure that the district’s use of technology, AI, and copyrighted materials is ethical, legal, and aligned with educational goals.

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Technology Discipline

Behaviors and Discipline Related to Student Device Use

Tech-related Behavior Violations and its “Traditional” Classroom Equivalent

  • Email, instant messaging, internet surfing, computer games (off-task behavior) : Passing notes, looking at magazines, games (off-task behavior)
  • Cutting and pasting without citing sources: Plagiarism
  • Cyber-bullying: Bullying, harassment
  • Damaging, defacing, or endangering device or accessories: Vandalism, property damage
  • Using profanity, obscenity, racist terms: Inappropriate language
  • Accessing pornographic material, inappropriate files, or files dangerous to the integrity of the network: Bringing pornographic or other inappropriate content to school in print form
  • Using an electronic resources account authorized for another person: Breaking into or using someone else’s locker

Tech Violations

Behavior unique to the digital environment without a “traditional” behavioral equivalent

Chronic, tech-related behavior violations (see above)

  • Deleting browser history
  • Using electronic resources for individual profit or gain; for product advertisement; for political action or political activities; or for excessive personal use
  • Making use of the electronic resources in a manner that serves to disrupt the use of the network by others
  • Unauthorized downloading or installing software
  • Attempts to defeat or bypass the district’s internet filter
  • Modification to district browser settings or any other techniques, designed to avoid being blocked from inappropriate content or to conceal internet activity
  • Willfully and maliciously damaging device hardware and/or related peripherals

Examples of Unacceptable Use

Unacceptable conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Using the network for illegal activities, including copyright, license or contract violations
  2. Unauthorized downloading or installation of any software including shareware and freeware
  3. Using the network for financial or commercial gain, advertising, or political lobbying
  4. Accessing or exploring online locations or materials that do not support the curriculum and/or are inappropriate for school assignments
  5. Vandalizing and/or tampering with equipment, programs, files, software, network performance or other components of the network; use or possession of hacking software is strictly prohibited
  6. Gaining unauthorized access anywhere on the network
  7. Revealing the home address or phone number of one’s self or another person.
  8. Invading the privacy of other individuals
  9. Using another user’s account or password, or allowing another user to access your account or password
  10. Coaching, helping, observing or joining any unauthorized activity on the network
  11. Posting anonymous messages or unlawful information on the network
  12. Participating in cyberbullying or using objectionable language in public or private messages, e.g., racist, terroristic, abusive, sexually explicit, threatening, stalking, demeaning, or slanderous.
  13. Falsifying permission, authorization or identification documents
  14. Obtaining copies of, or modifying files, data or passwords belonging to other users on the network
  15. Knowingly placing a computer virus on a computer or network
  16. Attempting to access or accessing sites blocked by the KSD filtering system
  17. Downloading music, games, images, videos, or other media without the permission of a teacher
  18. Sending or forwarding social or non-school related email

Please refer to Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy 4526 and Student Technology Acceptable Use Regulation 4526R for more information.

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Device Security

Two primary forms of security exist: device security and internet filtering.

  • Each of the devices has been configured securely by the district.
    • LCSD strives to strike a balance between the usability of the equipment and appropriate security to prevent the units from being damaged or used to cause damage to the LCSD network.
  • Internet Filtering at LCSD maintains an on-site internet filtering.
    • This program automatically filters all student device access to the internet.

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Damaged Equipment


Occasionally, unexpected problems do occur with the devices that are not the fault of the user (computer crashes, software errors, etc.). The Technology Department team will assist students with having these fixed. These issues will be remedied at no cost.

If there is excessive or deliberate damage to a student’s device, administration will be in communication with the student and family to discuss the concerns and determine appropriate solutions.

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Lost or Stolen Equipment

Lost Equipment

Reporting Process

  • If any equipment is lost, the student or parent must report it to the school immediately. Students can let a teacher or administrator know, and the staff member will assist him/her.

Stolen Equipment

Reporting Process

  • If equipment is stolen, a police report must be filed and a copy of the report must be provided to the school by the student or parent in a timely manner. If there is not clear evidence of theft, or the equipment has been lost due to student negligence, the student and parent will be responsible for the full cost of replacing the item(s). Failure to report the theft to the proper staff and follow the proper filing procedure may result in a bill for full replacement cost to the student.
  • Loaner devices: Temporary replacements, known as “loaners”, are available, so that learning is not disrupted by the repair process. Students are responsible for the care of the swap while issued to them. The same rules and regulations apply to swaps.

Financial Responsibility

  • The circumstances of each situation involving lost or damaged equipment will be investigated individually. Students/families may be billed for damaged or lost equipment in cases of intentional damage.


The district will provide all students with a device. Students will not be permitted to bring their own device (BYOD).

Communication Flowchart

Student misuses device according to expectations in Handbook

  1. Student and/or teacher reports misuse of device
  2. Teacher addresses misuse according to classroom management plan
  3. If student misuses device and depending on the nature of the misuse, teacher will submit a referral and building administration will administer consequences and notify parent/guardian.

Student damages device and has insurance coverage

  1. Student reports that the device is damaged no later than the next school day (as per Device Handbook)
  2. Breakage/Damage form process complete, Technology Department documents breakage and important information
  3. Student is supplied with loaner device until repairs are complete

Student damages device and does not have insurance coverage

  1. Student reports that the device is damaged no later than the next school day (as per Device Handbook)
  2. Breakage/Damage form process complete, Technology Department documents breakage and important information
  3. Student is supplied with loaner device and an invoice for damages will be sent by the district
  4. If student damages loaner device, an additional invoice will be sent

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