District reaches agreement on lawsuit

The Liberty Central School District (the “District”) has entered into a Consent Decree in the matter of John Chewens v. Liberty Central School District, No. 24 Civ. 5754 (PMH) to resolve claims brought against the District by John Chewens, a former teacher in the District. Mr. Chewens alleged that he was entitled to a salary step increase for the 2018-2019 school year, based on his leave of absence for U.S. National Guard Service.

In an effort to resolve this matter without litigation, on or around September 15, 2022, the District offered Mr. Chewens and the Liberty Faculty Association a proposed memorandum of agreement which would have resulted in payment to Mr. Chewens of the salary step increase that he sought, but the proposed memorandum of agreement was not accepted.

The subsequent federal court case was brought on behalf of Mr. Chewens by the United States Attorney’s Office, United States Department of Justice. Following Mr. Chewens’ voluntary resignation from his teaching position in August, 2024, the Board of Education made a business judgment to enter into the Consent Decree to avoid the cost and local taxpayer burden of defending federal litigation.

The District respects and honors its veterans and active military service members, including any District employees who may be engaged in active military service. The District is firmly committed to fulfilling the terms of the Consent Decree.

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