Liberty High School honors athletes

The Liberty High School Athletics Department hosted the Athletic Block “L” Awards banquet Thursday, June 6, in the high school gymnasium.
The event honors the varsity scholar-athletes who participated in Liberty sports during the 2023-24 school year.
The banquet began with remarks by Athletic Director Erin Alvord and a buffet dinner. The ceremony began with a tribute to Javon Islam, who would have been a senior this year but passed away in May 2023. His football helmet, a baseball cap with his number, and a photo, which will be displayed in the school trophy case, were presented to his family.
Before the student-athlete awards began, Alvord recognized two longtime coaches, Anne and Carpio Ramos, who are retiring. Anne coached girls soccer from 2003 to 2023, and alpine ski from 2021-24, with Carpio coaching girls soccer for 25 years, starting in 1999, and alpine ski starting in 2013.
Redhawk Awards
Student recognition began with the presentation of the new Redhawk award. Students who receive the award are chosen by their coaches for often working the hardest and demonstrating great sportsmanship, teamwork, dedication and commitment.
Receiving the award were:
- Boys Soccer: Bryan Jimbo and Luis Molina Gonzalez
- Girls Soccer: Haylee Gomez
- Football: Christopher Rodgers
- Fall Cheer: Sherlyn Garzon and Shelby Clack
- Boys Basketball: James Dworetsky and David Philips
- Girls Basketball: Haylee Gomez and Angela Wheeler
- Boys Indoor Track and Field: Anthony Lemus
- Girls Indoor Track and Field: Elaina Rameriz
- Skiing: Aiden Yaun
- Winter Cheer: Lorena Chevalier and Soleil Ocasio Lombardi
- Baseball: Matt McCoy
- Softball: Brooke Hessinger, Elaina Ramirez and Alesandra Rivera
- Girls Outdoor Track and Field: Brooke Bull and Rayanna Cottman
- Boys Outdoor Track and Field: Nathan Desrochers and Carlos Campos-Castro
- Girls Golf: Maria Abreu
Scholar Athlete Awards
Seventy-six students earned scholar athlete awards, for carrying at least a 90 average while playing a sport: Quinn Allen, Endya Alvarez, Alvord Zackary, Sheyla Anguisaca-Llanos, Cristian Argenal, Josue Artiga Martinez, Mia Barragan, Jill Baumander, Shawn Bickham Jr., Zachariah Bickham, Brooke Bull, Carmela Burgio, Kevin Cando, Eyanna Castro, Phoenix Cordero, Olivia Corrigan, Rayanna Cottman, Jake Cross, Alan Cruz, Noellia Cruz Cruz, Colin Dasraj, Nevaeh Davis, Eli Desrochers, Lorna DeWitt, James Dworetsky, Jayla Edwards, Alexandra Etess, Sara Fajardo Reyes, Sydania Foster, Juanita Garcia Lopez, Haley Gill, Lia Guillerme, Peyton Hadjstylianos, Starriah Harris, Claudia Herzog, Adam Houser, Misael Juarez Perez, Julia Juron, Jacob Kelly, Madeline Kelly, Zoe Kip, Joshua Kratz, Shea-Leigh Kristiansen, Audrey Krum, Kenisha Ledoux, Gianna Lewis, Roger Lynker III, Kimberlin Malaga Gonzalez, Brenna Mangan, Melany Manzanares Orellana, Matthew McKoy, Mariely Medina Orellana, Luis Molina Gonzaliez, Owen Moore, Elizabeth Navarrete, Joseu Nunura Galan, Soleil Ocasio-Lombardi, Lesly Panama, Giselle Payton, David Philips, Adriana Ponce Agredano, Elaina-Louise Ramirez, Alesandra Rivera, Joseph Sarney, Jeremy Simon, Justin Simon, Mason Smith, Amy Szuba, Allison Vasko, Benjamin Visconti, Austin Werlau, Angela Wheeler, Cameryn Will, Aaden Woolard, Aiden Yaun and Sebastian Yupanqi.
The following awards were also presented:
Coaches Presentations
Boys Soccer
- Defensive Players of the Year: Benjamin Visconti and Carlos Campos-Castro
- Most Improved: James Dworetsky
Girls Soccer
- Most Valuable Player: Noellia Cruz
- Outstanding Offensive Player: Angela Wheeler
- Outstanding Defensive Player: Brenna Mangan
- Most Improved Player: Elizabeth Navarrete
- Offensive Most Valuable Player: Enrique Mercado
- Defensive Most Valuable Player: Jameel McCline
- Most Valuable Player: Enrique Mercado
- John O’Hearn Most Improved Player: Aydan Wilson
- 2023 Coach’s Award: Joshua Kratz
Cross Country
- Most Outstanding Runner: Colin Dasraj
- Most Valuable Offensive Player: Aaliyah Williams
- Most Valuable Defensive Player: Kayla Samuel
- Coach’s Awards: Mya Huebsch, Claudia Herzog and Mykenzi Williams
Fall Game Day Cheer
- Most Valuable Cheerleader: Heidi Brown
- Coach’s Award: Haley Gill
- Most Improved Cheerleader: Endya Alvarez
Boys Basketball
- Ivan Richards MVP Award: Riley Totten
- Most Improved Player: Jeremy Simon
- Offensive Player of the Year: Riley Totten
- Defensive Player of the Year: Enrique Mercado
- Most Valuable Wrestlers: Shawn Bickham Jr. and Zoe Kip
- Coach’s Awards: Adam Houser and Tarek Benadim
- Rookie of the Year: Zachariah Bickham
Boys Indoor Track and Field
- Most Outstanding Field Event Award: Nathan Desrochers
- Most Outstanding Runner: Carlos Campos
- Most Improved: Joseph Sarney
Girls Indoor Track and Field
- Most Outstanding Runner: Sydania Foster
- Most Improved: Rayanna Cottman
- Most Outstanding Novice: Brooke Bull
Alpine Ski
- Most Valuable Skiers: Hudson Danzilo and Brenna Mangan
- Most Improved Skiers: Jake Cross and Cameryn Will
- Coach’s Award: Aiden Yaun
Girls Basketball
- Ivan Richards Most Valuable Player: Destiny Loyce
- Most Improved Player: Julissa Velez
- Sportsmanship Award: Mya Huebsch
Winter Game Day Cheer
- Most Improved Cheerleader: Alesandra Rivera
- Most Valuable Cheerleader: Melany Manzanares Orellana
- Coach’s Award: Elyanna Ocasio-Lombardi
- Defensive Player of the Year: James Dworestky
- Offensive Player of the Year: Justin Simon
- Coach’s Awards: Zack Alvord and Aidan Yaun
- Most Improved Player: Mya Huebsch
- Outstanding Offensive Players: Quinn Allen and Aaliyah Williams
- Outstanding Defensive Player: Nevaeh Davis
- Coach’s Award: Olivia Dworetsky
Boys Outdoor Track and Field
- Most Outstanding Novice: Roger Lynker
- Most Outstanding Track Athletes: Christopher Rodgers and Joseph Sarney
- Most Outstanding Field Athletes: Joshua Kratz and Zachariah Bickham
- Most Improved: Alan Cruz and Kevin Leon Gavilan
Girls Outdoor Track and Field
- Most Outstanding Track Athlete: Sydania Foster
- Most Improved: Jill Baumander
- Most Outstanding Novices: Starriah Harris and Adriana Ponce Agredano
Boys Tennis
- Most Valuable Player: Josue Nunura
- Most Improved Player: Misael Juarez Perez
- Coach’s Award: Sebastian Yupanqui
Boys Golf
- Coaches Award: Jeremy Simon
- Most Improved Golfer: Owen Moore
Girls Golf
- Coach’s Award: Mia Barragan
- Most Improved Golfer: Elizabeth Cruz Cruz
Special Recognition Awards
Ross Awards
- Boys Soccer Scholar Athlete: Ben Visconti
- Girls Soccer Scholar Athlete: Elaina-Louise Ramirez
Rattner award
- Boys Basketball Scholar Athlete: David Philips
- Girls Basketball Scholar Athlete: Kenisha Ledoux
Goodstein Award
- Wrestling Perseverance: Manuel Lopez
Kavleski Award
- Boys Track and Field Scholar Athlete: Phoenix Cordero
- Girls Track and Field Scholar Athlete: Jill Baumander
Fred Planica Award
- Most Improved Baseball Player: James Fancher
Buchal Awards
- 2024 Most Valuable Baseball Player: David Philips
- 2024 Most Valuable Softball Player: Angela Wheeler
Senior Presentations
- Elizabeth “Betty” Totten Sportsmanship Awards: Riley Totten and Noellia Cruz Cruz
- Liberty Rotary Club Perseverance Awards: David Philips and Aaliyah Williams
- Tom Kelly Award Outstanding Senior Athletes: Enrique Mercado and Mya Huebsch
Congratulations to all of our 2023-24 student-athletes, and best of luck in the future to the Class of 2024
More photos can be seen on our social media pages.