Liberty musicians to take part in All-County Music Festival
Nearly 100 students from Liberty Central School District will take part in the 70th annual Sullivan County Music Educators’ Association All-County Music Festival in Monticello.
Students will work with notable guest conductors from throughout the United States on Friday, March 7, and during the day on Saturday, March 8.
The event will culminate with three concerts on Saturday at the Monticello High School Arnold Packer Hughs Auditorium at 39 Breakey Ave. Elementary Chorus and Middle School Band will perform at 1 p.m., followed by Senior High Mixed Chorus, Junior High Band and Senior High Treble Chorus at 3 p.m., with the final concert, featuring Senior High Jazz Band and Junior High String Orchestra at 5 p.m.
Liberty students scheduled to participate in the festival are:
Elementary Chorus
Katarina Card, Riley Church-Bradley, Avery Decker, Viviana Fraiser, Joseph Geoghan, Tyler Kavleski, Sydney Kehrer, Makenzie Knack, Ryleigh LaMantia, Josslyn Letohic, Daisuke Mapes, Cora McConnell, Nicholas McPhillips, Logan Moore, Denali Owens, Shaleigh Santiago, MaKynlie Smith, Henry Vogler, Raegan Wagner and Sophie Zayas.
Middle School Band
Owen Brust, Raymond Cottman Jr., Dia D’Agata, Claire Ferguson, Michael Garzon, Chase Golzak, Gavin Grant, Mia Grant, Genesis Harrison, Dylan Joya Reyes, Aubrie Keating, Lilly Kehrley, Antoni Klys, Corinne Lake, Harper Matuszak, Bentley Moore, Scarlett Ratner, Sherlene Romero, Caleb Rusin and Brycen Smith.
Junior High Band
Phillip Burrous, Amelia Cole, Grace Fitzgerald, Jasmine Garcia Reyes, Mariana Joya Reyes, Jacob Pennell and Tyler Smith.
Junior High String Orchestra
Farrah Conklin Degraw, Joshua DiBartolo, Makayla Fuentes-Serapio, Belle Gandulla, Alan Hernandez Lopez, Ayelene Ines-Leon, Isabella Intranuovo, Olivia Matuszak, McKinzie Paterson, Aaliyssa Rodriguez, Sulenny Romero and Alena Tarabichi and Sophia Vasko.
Junior High Band
Zachariah Bickham, Hope Corbett and Timothy Eronimous.
Senior High Jazz Band
Kaitlyn Bodolosky, Brandon Buschmann, Sophia Ferguson, Luis Molina Gonzalez and Phillo Romero.
High School Treble Choir
Endya Alvarez, Liliana Crespo, Sydania Foster, Lianna Gissentaner, Audrey Krum, Lena Lagatutta, Angelina Magie, Katherine Maldonado, Elizabeth Navarette, Riley Santiago and Mykenzi Williams.
High School Mixed Choir
Sophia Avellino, Genna DeFrank, Eli Desrochers, , Allisson Diaz Lopez, Christopher DiBartolo, Lia Guillerme, Jordan Hewlett, Kelsey Hopkins,Tyler Juron, Jacob Kelly, Joshua Kratz, Shea-Leigh Kristiansen, James Letohic III, Gabriella Sheridan, Elijah Warren, Rachel Yaun, Sebastian Yupanqui and Rita Zheng.
Participating students have had a chance to pre-purchase tickets. Any remaining tickets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis and are $8 each.
Please note that all concert audience members will go through a security checkpoint with metal detectors. Attendees are asked to leave unnecessary bags in the vehicle and personal knives are not permitted into the building.
For more information on the concert, call Andrew Verdino or Michael Mingo at 845-794-8840, ext. 10853.