LMS principal issues reminder of testing policies and procedures
Liberty Middle School Principal Heather Cheh resent the following letter, originally sent in January, to LMS families as a reminder of testing policies and procedures:
Hello LMS Families,
We hope you are doing well and managing the cold winter weather. This letter will be highlighting some of the assessment information for Liberty Middle School.
STAR Renaissance
Students have just completed their Winter STAR ELA and Math assessments. We look forward to reviewing the data once make-up testing is complete. The goal is to see growth from the Fall STAR testing, and then again from Winter to Spring.
Our school’s Wildly Important Goals (WIGs):
- By Winter 2025, each grade level’s STAR Assessment state proficiency rate will increase 4.5% in ELA & Math
- By May 2025, each grade level’s STAR Assessment state proficiency rathe will increase 7% in ELA & Math
Each year students also review their Instructional Planning Student Report after each assessment reviewing their STAR scores and setting their own WIGs and lead measures to show growth. Students keep this information in their Leadership Portfolios.
Reminder of information shared during Fall 2024
STAR Renaissance Access Letter
STAR testing is important information that helps teachers collaborate under the MTSS/PLC frameworks and determine placement in their (What I Need Now) WINN Periods. Liberty Middle School students will be taking the STAR Renaissance Fall, Winter and Spring Assessments in both ELA and Math. These assessments are tools used to drive instructional practice. Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is not a separate program, class or intervention, but rather a way to organize to meet students’ needs. MTSS includes both enrichments and interventions, depending upon student need. This framework helps educators identify students who need additional support both academically and behaviorally.
- ENG STAR/MTSS Letter from Sept 2024
- ESP STAR/MTSS Letter from Sept 2024
- STAR Renaissance Family Resources
HMH Growth Measures
Students also take their HMH Growth Measure, Fall, Winter and Spring during their ELA and Math classes. The HMH Growth Measure is a computer-based test that evaluates a student’s reading comprehension/language arts skills and math skills. It’s a research-based benchmark assessment that helps teachers understand how students are performing against grade-level expectations.
What does the HMH Reading Growth Measure do?
- Helps teachers identify students’ strengths and weaknesses
- Helps teachers inform instruction and intervention
- Helps teachers set goals for students
- Helps teachers track student progress over time
New York State Computer Based Testing NYS CBT
Students begin the NYS CBT Simulations next week for Math, ELA and Science 5 & 8. The Statewide CBT Simulations provide the opportunity for school staff to evaluate the readiness of their school’s internal systems, hardware, and school testing procedures for CBT.
Simulation tests are beneficial for students because they provide a realistic practice environment, allowing them to identify their strengths and weaknesses in a low-stakes setting, improve test-taking strategies, manage anxiety, and gain confidence before facing a real exam, all while getting familiar with the format and types of questions, and online tools they might encounter.
The actual NYS CBT dates begin in April. All of the 8th grade students will be taking the Algebra Regents this year, instead of the NYS CBT Math assessment.
Please Note for the NYS CBT in the Spring:
If you so choose, parents can write and submit a refusal letter for their child from taking the NYS CBT Math, Science, or ELA tests, 3 days prior to the test date, you must send that in writing with your signature, via paper or email to mkristiansen@libertyk12.org.
- Letters/notes will not be accepted on the day of the test.
- Students will not be allowed to refuse testing on the day of the test.
- Students will not be allowed to take a partial test one day, then refuse another day.
- We do not encourage, nor promote refusals.
- There is no opting out or refusing the 8th Grade Math Regents.
We know that no single test provides a complete picture of a child’s ability, and any type of placement at LMS, or future LHS placement is based on multiple data points. We combine multiple measures, including classroom performance, classroom assessments and district assessments, along with the NYS assessments to make informed instructional decisions for all students.
The New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT)
ENL students will also be taking the NYSESLAT starting in May. The New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) is designed to annually assess the English language proficiency of all English Language Learners (ELLs) enrolled in Grades K–12 in New York State schools. The test provides the State and schools with important information about the English language development of ELLs and is part of the State’s compliance with federal laws that mandate the annual assessment and monitoring of the English language proficiency of all ELLs. The results of the NYSESLAT will determine the levels of service ELLs will receive in Bilingual Education and English as a New Language programs for the school year as prescribed in Commissioner’s Regulations Part 154-2 and 154-3.
We thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher or counselor.
Heather Cheh
Instagram: libertyms_ny