• A reminder: Friday, March 14, is a professional development day for faculty and staff. School will be closed for students.
  • Pre-K registration began March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

LMS to recognize students with perfect attendance, two or fewer absences

An important part of success for students is being in class.

For the first quarter, Liberty Middle School had 92.73% student attendance. Students who achieved perfect attendance as well as those who had two or fewer absences (95% attendance rate and higher) will be honored during ceremonies the week of Dec. 16. The Liberty Middle School Leaders of the Month and the Good News Notes awardees will also be recognized.

The following LMS students earned attendance awards for the first quarter:

Eighth grade

Perfect Attendance: Abraham Fuentes, Alex Luna Diaz, Alex Olivares-Reyes, Alyessia Avellino, Anthony Gavidia Reyes, Balmore Lopez Argueta, Branden Edwards, Christian Perez Lorenzana, Dana Jimbo Montero, Edwin Maldonado Gomez, Emelin Suarez Rosario, Gavin Lisacchi, Grace Fitzgerald, Jace Snowden, Jacob Pennell, Joshua DiBartolo, Kendry Cordero-Lima, Laudy D’Oleo, Lya Camille, Makaidyn Smith, Matthew Romero, Quinn Santiago, Samantha Tinger, Samantha Bull, Sariah Ocasio, Selkir Molina Gonzalez, Wilton Mata and Yorleny DeJesus Padilla.

95% Attendance: Amaiya Williamson, Amelia Cole, Arthur Uhl Jr., Aryiah Cottom, Briana Bermeo, Chris Rivas, Deniel Sarmiento Borjas, Imani La Rue Chaney, Jasmine Garcia-Reyes, Sara Liddle, Tristan Maloney and Victoria Henry.

Seventh grade

Perfect Attendance: Adela Paz Perez, Angelick Rivera, Araceliss Gomez, Arian Rodriguez, Chase Golzak, Claire Ferguson, Corinne Lake, Cristian Castillo Pineda, Daniel Doty, Erick Torres Garcia, Ethan Zheng, Francisco Vicente-Gonzalez, Gabriel Lotz, Harper Matuszak, Jolisa Hernandez, Juan Carlos De La Cruz De La Cruz, Lilly Kehrley, Liriel Mueses Valdez, Luke Poley, Luna Pixie Hulse, Madison Lamantia, Makayla Fuentes Serapio, Michael Garzon Valle, Michelle Ramirez Medina, Nakai Toscano-Gardner, Mya Davis, Namarpreet Singh, Princilla Matute, Rebecca Norris, Santiago Moguel, Sidra Koen James, Syron Harrigan, Valeria Ponce Vazquez, Wyatt Herschel and Zalaina Nash.

95% Attendance: Altair Stanton, Hayden Smith, Liam Greaves, Madison Allen and Salvador Vidal Lopez.

Sixth grade

Perfect Attendance: Abigail Romero, Alexandria Lyden, Allison Juarez Perez, Aubrie Keating, Ayanelson Mazariegos Cruz, Dylan Reyes Garcia, Ellis Dilworth, Emma Boyles, Gian Garcia-Melgar, Gregory Dasraj, Isabella Intranuovo, Jayden Lopen Olivares, Jerimiah Wilson, Johan Llangoma Lema, Jonathan Contreras Martinez, Jordanno Rivera, Josseph Llangoma Lema, Katrina Card, Kendriel Aliers Amparo, Madison Hernandez, Makenzie Knack, Makynlie Smith, Marjorie Tejada Servellon, Mason Hopkins, Mia Grant, Ralph Urgiles Montero, Randy Panchana, Raymond Cottman Jr., Ronal Dubon Duque, Sophie Toledo, Sophie Zayas, Stephani Smith, Subhan Zeeshan, Trebor McCoy, Tyler Kavleski and Ximena Malaga Gonzalez.

95% Attendance: Abraham Garcia Martinez, Daisuke Mapes, Delanie Yupanqui, Elisa Barragan, Genesis Caiza Viracocha, Helen Munoz Barragan, Jonathan Reyes Escobedo, Joseph Portillo Larios, Owen Brust, Sara Steingart and Uriel Rios.

Fifth grade

Perfect Attendance: Alec Feliciano, Anabella Ramos, Ariana Alvarez Leiva, Bryan Garcia Romualdo, Camila Reyes Cortez, Damari Jadan Pangolo, Darick Winfrey III, Darius Dawkins, Dylenne Reyes Garcia, Elvis Lucero Guzman, Heidy Guambi Aules, Helen Lucero Bonilla, Henry Vogler, Isabella Puente, Ivan Zheng, Ivanna Malaga Ventura, Jacy Ramos Lopez, Joel Cruz Lopez, John Matute, Karter Velde, Keylin Lopez Nunez, Levi Poley, Logan Moore, Maciah Costello-Acevedo, Mia Travis, Nayeli Hernandez Soperanez, Nicholas McPhillips and Yarixa Reyes Cardenas.

95% Attendance: Alieska Perez Perz, Alonso Sierra Nunez, Altair Stanton, Anthony Myers, Arysta Murphy, Derek Mateo Cruz, Jerin Burton, Riley Baum, Tierney Meddaugh, Virginia Nivelo Cruz and Willis Gamble Jr.