• Pre-K registration began March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

Physical Education and Health Courses at LHS

Every student who attends school must participate in a physical education program each semester they attend. If a student requires a special or adaptive physical education program, he/she should notify the Director of PE & Health, guidance counselor, school nurse, and PE teacher as soon as possible.  A note from the student’s physician will be required stating physical limitations, recommendations, and allowable activities for the student to participate.  Students must dress appropriately in order to participate in physical education classes.  All students are required to wear sneakers for safety and performance reasons.  If a student cannot participate in PE classes for less than a week either due to minor injuries or upon returning to school following an illness, the student must deliver a note from the parent to the physical education teacher.  If a student cannot participate in PE for more than a week, that student must deliver a note from his/her physician to the School Nurse.  Students must complete make ups for all missed classes.

Physical Education

Physical Education consists of short units of team sports with an emphasis on personal fitness.  The participant will be able to use technology to understand their body composition, how to increase cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and strength.  This personal fitness assessment complements self-management and adherence strategies.  Strategy and rules comprehension of lifetime sports round out the program.

  • Grade:  9, 10, 11, 12
  • Prerequisites:  Successful completion of Physical Education
  • Length:  40 weeks
  • Credits:  ½


This class introduces the students to aerobics and the benefits of this type of exercise program.  Students will have their weight, body fat, and body measurements taken at the beginning of the class and periodically throughout the class.  The class will use heart rate monitors as well.  Students would also be instructed on how to journal and keep track of their exercising and eating habits.  Topics to be covered include introduction to aerobics/floor aerobics, step aerobics, stability ball, yoga/power yoga and Pilates, dance aerobics/line dancing, tae-bo, kickboxing, and interval aerobics.  This course will satisfy the physical education credit.

  • Grade:  9 – 12
  • Prerequisites:  none
  • Length:  40 weeks
  • Credits:  ½


Health is a required 40-week every other day course or a 20-week daily semester class that students must take during grades 10-12.  Health provides an opportunity to help students understand the importance of healthy choices to live a long healthy life.  Health encompasses three areas: mental, social, and physical.  The emphasis is on health being a matter of individual choices about lifestyles with consequences either positive or negative.  The student explores his/her values and the idea of being a responsible, healthy adult where choices can affect the individual, family, friends, and other members of society.  The teacher will teach responsibility and respect for self and others throughout the semester. 

  • Grade: 10 – 12
  • Prerequisites: none
  • Length: 40 weeks every other day or 20 weeks daily for 1 semester
  • Evaluation: Homework, projects, tests, and participation
  • Credits: ½

Personal Fitness

This class is an elective course offered in addition to your traditional Physical Education instruction at Liberty High School.  The format is similar to your PE classes and it will occur every other school day.  Grading is on a 0-100% system (similar to traditional physical education classes) with emphasis placed on the following:

  • attendance (in compliance with LCS attendance policy)
  • safety progress (effort and tracking of), Testing (knowledge-based)
  • ability to work with others within class confines
  • fitness testing (endurance, upper/lower body strength, flexibility)
  • resistance/weight (anaerobic) training (proper use/instruction of all weight training exercise equipment proper breathing during each exercise)
  • cardiovascular (aerobic) training (proper use/instruction of aerobic training exercise/equipment)
  • strength training vs. endurance (weight loss) training (training for increased muscle mass vs. a lean/tone
  • body; reps/sets/resistance choices; sport-specific training)
  • diet-calories-fat, carbohydrates, protein (maintenance vs. weight gain vs. weight loss diets)
  • human muscular system (skeletal function of muscles and exercise and its effect on these muscles)
  • supplements  (are they worth it? cost vs. benefit)
  • anabolic steroids (what are they and what are their medical risks)
  • suggestions from class (we will take the time to research and answer common questions from the students involved in this class)
  • Grades: 9 – 12
  • Prerequisites: none
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Credits: ½

Advanced Personal Fitness

This class is an elective college-level course accredited by SUNY Sullivan and offered in addition to your traditional Physical Education instruction at Liberty High School.  The format is similar to your PE classes and it will meet every other school day.  Grading is on a 0-100% system (similar to traditional physical education classes) with emphasis placed on the following:

  • attendance (in compliance with LCS attendance policy)
  • safety progress (effort and tracking of), Testing (knowledge-based)
  • ability to work with others within class confines
  • fitness testing (endurance, upper/lower body strength, flexibility)
  • resistance/weight (anaerobic) training (proper use/instruction of all weight training exercise equipment, proper breathing during each exercise)
  • cardiovascular (aerobic) training (proper use/instruction of aerobic training exercise/equipment)
  • strength training vs. endurance (weight loss) training (training for increased muscle mass vs. a lean/tone body; reps/sets/resistance choices; sport-specific training)
  • diet-calories-fat, carbohydrates, protein (maintenance vs. weight gain vs. weight loss diets)
  • human muscular system (skeletal function of muscles and exercise and its effect on these muscles)
  • supplements  (are they worth it? cost vs. benefit)
  • anabolic steroids (what are they and what are their medical risks)
  • suggestions from class (we will take the time to research and answer common questions from the students involved in this class)
  • Grades: 11 – 12
  • Prerequisites: Personal Fitness
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Credits: 1 high school credit and 1 college credit per semester (with tuition payment)