• A reminder: Friday, March 14, is a professional development day for faculty and staff. School will be closed for students.
  • Pre-K registration began March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

Technology Courses at LHS

Materials Processing

This course focuses on the classifying, properties, and processes of materials and the selection of those materials to be used in applications. Learners should be concerned with processes and materials used in metals, woods, plastics, ceramics, and composites. This course demonstrates unchanging processes used on different materials, as well as specific processes used on certain materials. This course also offers selection process of the use of materials in different applications.  Special attention is given to safety in the workshop environment.  Major activities include hands-on projects, minor hands-on projects, and safe techniques used to process materials.

  • Grade: 9 – 10
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Length: 20 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: test, portfolio
  • Credits: ½

Production Systems

Almost everything we use today is manufactured on some sort of production line. Throughout this course, the understanding of manufacturing will constantly be learned. Things such as the inputs, processes, outputs, feedback, and goals will be what this course is based around. The designing of a product and the key elements preceding the actual building of the product, are very important steps that need to be learned in detail. Once the designing of the product is completed, the students will have a large hands-on production project to complete. The outcome of the course, in addition to hands-on experience, will bring knowledge about how factories and industries work and will help in bringing that knowledge back into the classroom to make a small-scale manufacturing facility.

  • Grades:  9 – 12
  • Prerequisites: Material Processing
  • Length: 20 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: test, portfolio
  • Credits:  ½

Computer Aided Design

This course will expose the student to the current means of generating graphic designs with computers.  The student will become familiar with computer terminology, history, components, applications, and design functions.  This course will also review and discuss CAD/CAM.  The majority of the time will cover and familiarize the student with the CAD system and solving graphic problems with the system through hands-on class work.  The teacher will also assign a major design project.

  • Grade: 10 – 12
  • Prerequisites: successful completion of Design and Drawing for Production
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: test, portfolio
  • Credits: 1

Design and Drawing for Production

Design drawing for Production encourages visual and mechanical problem solving using common graphical language to describe forms in society. Through exercises developed within learning activities, the student is provided with opportunities to experience critical thinking, problem solving and decision making. The student will also be able to acquire Technical Drawing skills and experience creative design techniques. Recognizing the values, differences and importance of the individual learners, this course curriculum provides experiences for the student to function as a more skillful and knowledgeable citizen in his/her employment, community, environment, family and self. Drawing types explored include: engineering, perspective and sketching. Concepts covered in DDP are the design process, design principles, design styles, structural engineering and architecture.

***This course may be used to fulfill the Art/Music graduation requirement.***

  • Grade: 9 – 12
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: test, portfolio
  • Credits: 1

Architectural Drawing

This course explores the theory of architectural design through past civilizations. The students will be able to identify architectural construction by the knowledge of certain historical periods throughout the years of civilization. Students will be required to develop a working knowledge of how to finance and construct a home using today’s technological advances in the construction field. Students will submit a complete set of working plans from which they will build a 1/4″ scale presentation model.

  • Grade: 10 – 12
  • Prerequisites: Successful completion of Design and Drawing for Production
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: test, portfolio
  • Credits: 1

Principles of Engineering (Emphasizing Mathematics, Science, and Technology) (Not offered in 2024-2025)

Principles of Engineering is an exploratory learning experience. Instead of merely showing a student how to use a technology, it lets them dissect that technology to get a better understanding of how it works. Through problem solving, the student will take their found knowledge and not only use, but often improve upon technology. In order to achieve this goal, students must explore materials and their properties, the design process, and testing strategies that will use concepts from both mathematics and physics. Students must also experiment with the different engineering systems, such as fluid, electrical, and mechanical. With completion of this course, students will be capable of applying its concepts to the everyday world and any career choice.

  • Grade: 11 – 12
  • Prerequisites:  Successful completion of Design and Drawing for Production
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: test, project, portfolio
  • Credits: 1

Creativity and Innovation

This course will encourage the solution of technical problems using unconventional approaches.  Given a defined supply of materials, students will use laboratory facilities in order to optimize a solution to stated technical problems.  Topics include Methods of approaching Creativity and Innovation, Developmental Factors of Creativity and Innovation, and Cultural Impacts of Creativity and Innovation. Many of our projects are used for Science Olympiad

  • Grade: 10 – 12
  • Prerequisites: successful completion of Materials Processing or permission of instructor
  • Length: 20 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: test, project
  • Credits: 1/2

Transportation Systems

Transportation systems is a course that will acquaint students with a range of methods used to move people, materials, and products, across the land, sea and air.  The study of these systems will be the main focus of the course. The theory of operation and the scientific principles of the transportation systems will be included.  Lab activities will include construction of model cars, planes, rockets, and boats.  Students may also experiment with internal combustion engines that are used to power our transportation systems. Transportation systems, and the technology that is involved with them, is rapidly changing.  These systems play an immeasurable role in the lives of students and citizens in the modern world.  These systems right down to how the students arrived at school today affects every aspect of our lives.  Knowing and understanding these systems will give students a real advantage in a world that revolves around transportation.

  • Grades: 9 – 12
  • Prerequisites: successful completion of Materials Processing or permission of instructor
  • Length: 20 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: test, project
  • Credits: 1/2