• Pre-K registration began March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

World Language Courses at LHS

Students must successfully complete two units of study (1 high school credit) and pass a locally developed examination that is aligned to the Checkpoint A Learning Standards by the end of grade 9.

Mandarin I

This  a one-year course, introducing the Mandarin language and culture.  No previous knowledge of Mandarin is assumed or required.  Students will practice the four language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing – with an emphasis on building basic communication skills.  In addition, students will survey aspects of the history, culture, geography, and daily life in Mandarin speaking countries.  The New York State Learning Standards for World Languages and World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages provide the curricular framework and rationale for the course.  Students that successfully complete this course will take High School Mandarin 2 the following year in the high school.

  • Grade: 9 – 12
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: Cumulative Test
  • Credits: 1

Mandarin II

This is the second year course in a 3 year Regents track Checkpoint B sequence. The New York State Learning Standards for World Languages and World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages provide the curricular framework and rationale for the course. The basic skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) continue to be developed with increasing emphasis on developing greater proficiency in reading and writing.  The introduction of more complex grammar topics occurs with more regularity. The teacher will revisit and expand upon some topics from Mandarin 1 with additional vocabulary and more sophisticated content and concepts.

  • Grade: 9-12
  • Prerequisites: Successful completion of Mandarin 1 Accelerated and the Checkpoint A final exam in the middle school; in the high school, successful completion of Mandarin 1
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: Cumulative Test
  • Credits: 1

Spanish I Exploratory

Spanish I Exploratory is a one-year course, which introduces the Spanish language and culture.  Students practice the four language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing – with an emphasis on vocabulary and pronunciation. Students will survey aspects of the history, culture, geography, and daily life in Spanish speaking countries. The introductory nature of the course permits students to become acquainted with Spanish and to strengthen skills in the acquisition of this language. This course is project based and is designed to help students obtain one credit of study in a second language in order to meet the New York State requirement for graduation. Students who take this course are not eligible to continue taking Spanish without the teacher’s recommendation.

  • Grade: 9 – 12
  • Prerequisites: For students who fail Spanish 1, Spanish 1A, or the local exam in middle school.
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: Cumulative Test/Project
  • Credits: 1

Spanish Language Arts

The Spanish Language Arts course uses the New York State Standards and the World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages (ACTFL) ) as a framework for instruction. The main goal of the course is to improve literacy in students whose first language is Spanish. While the topics follow the mentioned standards, they were also chosen because they are interdisciplinary; that is, their study could benefit students’ comprehension of content in their other classes, such as ELA, science, history, math, art and music. By examining and studying these subjects in Spanish, it is hypothesized that students will encounter high frequency words, tasks, and objectives characteristic of, and inherent in, the respective subjects.

  • Grade: 9 – 12
  • Prerequisites: For students whose first or second language is Spanish, or for those whose first or second language is not Spanish but have successfully completed Spanish 3 and the final exam.  Teacher recommendation is required.
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: Cumulative Test and/or Project
  • Credits: 1

Spanish II

This is the second year course in a 3 year Regents track Checkpoint B sequence. The New York State Learning Standards for World Languages and World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages provide the curricular framework and rationale for the course. The basic skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) continue to be developed with increasing  emphasis on developing greater proficiency in reading and writing.  The introduction of more complex grammar topics occurs with more regularity. The teacher will revisit and expand upon some topics from Spanish 1 Accelerated and  Spanish Heritage  with additional vocabulary and more sophisticated content and concepts.

  • Grade: 9 – 12
  • Prerequisites: successful completion of Spanish I Accelerated or Spanish Heritage in the middle school.  Students taking Spanish 1 Accelerated and Spanish Heritage in middle school must also have passed the checkpoint A local exam to be eligible for the course.  Students who pass Spanish Exploratory at the high school are eligible to take the course with teacher recommendation.
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation: Local Exam
  • Credits: 1

Spanish III (Regents)

The teacher will continue to instruct students in acquiring greater proficiency in reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in Spanish. The New York State Learning Standards for World Languages and World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages provide the curricular framework and rationale for the course. In this level, there will be a greater concentration than in previous years on building productive skills, namely writing and speaking. The teacher will continue to emphasize considerable vocabulary acquisition through various texts  and discussion. The examination  and practice  of advanced points of grammar will also occur regularly to build capacity to converse in the past, present and future tenses.. Students will take a locally developed exam for Regents credit upon completion of this course.  Students must pass both the course and the exam in order to receive credit.

  • Grade: 9  – 12
  • Prerequisites: Successful completion of Spanish II or Spanish Language Arts
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation:  locally developed exam for Regents credit
  • Credits: 1

Spanish IV | SUNY Sullivan (SCCC)

New York State and ACTFL Standards provide the academic framework for the course. . Students will practice and hone the three modes of communication–interpersonal, presentational and interpretive–and apply and expand upon the skills acquired in Spanish I-III. The themes presented in each unit correlate with the AP Spanish themes.  A firm grasp of the basic grammatical and syntactical structures is assumed. Each unit will include several readings, vocabulary, grammar, and cultural topics. There will be a great focus on developing proficiency in reading comprehension and critical thinking skills as well as students’ abilities to research and write in Spanish. Students will acquire more advanced grammatical knowledge. While advanced  grammatical topics are examined in detail, they are not the primary content of the course and are  addressed chiefly through daily reading and writing and obligatory use of Spanish in the classroom. Students have the option of taking this course for college credit.

  • Grade: 11 – 12
  • Prerequisites: Successful completion of Spanish III and passing the “Regents” (local exam)
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation:  final exam and/or a project
  • Credits: 1 high school credit and 3 college credits (with tuition payment)

Spanish V | (SUNY Sullivan) SCCC

New York State and ACTFL Standards provide the academic framework for the course.  Students will hone the three modes of communication–interpersonal, presentational and interpretive–and apply and expand upon the skills acquired in Spanish I-IV. A firm grasp of the basic grammatical and syntactical structures is assumed. There will be a great focus on developing advanced reading comprehension and critical thinking skills,  and continued  emphasis (from Spanish 4 -SCCC) on developing students’ abilities to research and write fluently and persuasively in Spanish, and being able to effectively cite evidence for their claims. Each unit will include several readings, vocabulary, grammar, and cultural topics. While advanced  grammatical topics are examined in detail, they are not the primary content of the course, and are addressed chiefly through daily reading and writing and obligatory use of Spanish in the classroom. Students have the option of taking this course for college credit.

  • Grade: 12
  • Prerequisites: Successful completion of Spanish IV
  • Length: 40 weeks
  • Final Evaluation:  final exam and/or a project
  • Credits: 1 high school credit and 3 college credits (with tuition payment)