• Pre-K registration began March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

Liberty High School Comprehensive Education Plan 2022-23

Liberty High School is identified by the state as a Targeted Support and Improvement School (TSI) under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act.  TSI schools are identified as having one or more subgroups that fail to make significant progress toward achievement and/or graduation rates for three consecutive years. The school must work with stakeholders to develop a SCEP (School Comprehensive Education Plan).  The plan includes specific commitments and goals to lead the school toward the required achievement levels for all students. 

Commitment 1 | We commit to implementing a respectful and inclusive school environment and classrooms to interconnect all students, staff, and families.

Smart Goal

By the end of June 2023 school year, student discipline referrals that do not lead to suspension (late to class, late to school, skipped classes, insubordination) will be reduced by 10%.

Why we are making this commitment

The vast majority of stakeholders have shared that though they believe that Liberty High School is a place where they feel respected and valued, there may be some groups of students and families who may not always feel connected to the school community.

In student interviews, some students whose first language was not English shared that they often felt disconnected to many other students in the school- primarily because of their current limited English proficiency as well as the origin of them and their families.   This was occurring even among students who came from the same areas of Central and South America.

In a student focus group, one ENL student stated that despite sharing the same language with others from Central and South America, their dialects are distinct and all have different cultures.  As a result, a shared community among these students is not a natural occurrence.  Other students of Central and South American origin shared that they would like to make friends from outside of their own circle of primarily Spanish speakers to expand their school experience.

The student body as a whole has also expressed through surveys that they do not feel that they are afforded regular opportunities to learn from one another.  From the recently administered student survey, only 48% of students agreed that “Teachers provide time for students to discuss topics and learn from each other” and 57% of students agree that “I feel welcomed and part of my school.”

As a result, the school SCEP team has decided to address this issue to ensure that all of our stakeholders feel respected and included each and every day.

Regarding the family- school connection, only 42% of staff and 49% of families surveyed believe that  “Our school and family organizations such as PTA, work well together ”

Strategy | Promoting an increase in Cultural Awareness


An annual Cultural Fair will be hosted during the school day where students from similar cultures will present about important aspects of their lives and cultures and offer food dishes that represent traditions.

Gauging Success
  • As students exit the fair, students submit a yes/no exit ticket to the question.
  • Social Media presence
  • Who: LIM coordinator, LIM Student and Staff Lighthouse teams.
  • When: December

Strategy | Increase communication and technology awareness.


Bi-Lingual communication technology content videos available via school website. Videos would show families to use Gmail, Schooltool, Google Classroom, Family ID, and Remind App.

Gauging Success

Survey parents, staff, and students to find if communication is happening via the platforms provided.  Also, determine if usage of these tools is increasing as a result of these videos.

  • Who: Parent Staff Community Group
  • When: January
  • How: PSC will develop videos in subgroups that can be shared with families via the school website, School Messenger, and social media.

Strategy | To bridge the gap and create a close knit community between the ENL population and the English speaking population.

  • ENL mentor program pairing ENL students with students who have exited the ENL program successfully.
  • To guarantee consistency for every mentee, develop a program description, common expectations and topics for mentors to cover during the year.
Gauging Success
  • Monthly check-ins with mentors, mentees and staff supervisor(s).
  • Quarterly Focus groups among the participants.
  • Tracking document to determine how many students are participating in the program.
  • Survey students conduct focus groups with mentors to gauge the impact of having a mentor.
  • Who: ENL Department
  • When:
    • During PM PRIDE program, PLC’s, and during school
    • October/November- create program description
    • December to June- Implementation
  • How: Reviewing other similar programs, reviewing our needs, creating our program, and adjusting our program.

Strategy | Increase inclusivity for all students and strengthen ENL language acquisition.


Embedding turn and talk, group work,  partner work, inquiry based methods, and technology  strategies into classes, class meetings, and other learning experiences.

Gauging success

Student survey, and administrative observation

  • Who: LHS Staff
  • When: During the school year
  • How: Collaboration, and professional development opportunities- general, and content specific

Strategy | To improve the perception of fair discipline processes and procedures in the building.

  1. Share discipline processes and priorities with staff, students, and families.
    • OSS Exit/Informal conferences
    • OSS Student Re-entry Meeting/Plan
    • ISS/OSS meetings with social worker/counselor
  2. Share summary of non-suspendible infractions (lates to class, skipped class, insubordination, etc.).
Gauging Success
  • Increased perception of fairness in student discipline for each group- students, parents, and staff.
    • Current rate for 2021-2022:
      • students: 37%
      • parents: 52%
    • staff: 59%
    • Who: HS Administrators
    • When: Reviewed at the beginning of year
    • How: 1 page synopsis embedded in HS Staff handbook, and HS Staff Google Classroom
    • Who: HS Administrators
    • What/How: Submit a global note on a student who is OSS for building wide safety concerns (weapons, drugs, physical behavior, etc) and email staff.
  1. Update staff on top disciplinary infractions via weekly update.

End of the year desired outcomes

We believe these survey responses will give us good feedback about our progress with this commitment:

Student Survey
  • From the PLC surveys, question, “Teachers provide time for students to discuss topics and learn from each other”- 48% Agree/ Desired outcome: 65 % agree
  • I feel welcomed and part of my school- 57% Agree/Desired outcome: 65% agree
Staff Survey

From the PLC surveys, question, “Our school and family organizations such as PTA, work well together”- 42% Agree/Desired outcome: 60% agree

Family Survey

From the PLC surveys, question, “Our school and family organizations such as PTA, work well together”- 49% Agree/Desired outcome: 60% agree

We believe having the following occur will give us good feedback about our progress with this commitment:

Focus Groups:
  • Student, staff and family focus groups and surveys will indicate that growth is being made in areas related to improving the respect and inclusivity of the school community.
  • Students of Hispanic descent will share through surveys and focus groups that they feel more included in the school community.

Commitment 2 | Provide opportunities for students to explore and prepare for life post graduation in all areas not limited to college, career and military services.

Smart Goal

By the end of June 2023, the Class of 2023 will have at least 75% of students with a completed senior survey career/college/military pathway identified.

Why we are making this commitment

We at Liberty High School believe that opportunities to enhance students’ social-emotional well-being, develop an interest in life-long learning, and discover personal meaning should be promoted.   This includes, but is not limited to, a future inclusive of college, career, or service.   We seek to do a better job of providing an engaging educational experience while sharing the information necessary  for students to understand what options may be available to them post high school- regardless of the  path they choose to follow.

Some students expressed in focus groups that they feel unprepared for their futures after high school. They feel unaware of all the options available to them in terms of career, college, service and wish the school would better prepare them by helping them explore as many options as possible. Additionally, many shared that they do not believe that they possess the skills to personally manage their finances or make basic decisions such as choosing an apartment, buying a car or managing a personal budget.

Students expressed that they  want the school to better prepare them to be successful adults by helping them to build these skills which they will use later on such as interview skills, time management, study skills for college, etc.

Also, as part of our commitment to educating the whole student, we believe in empowering students to identify and reach for personal goals through the implementation of the Leader in Me program.  We believe these opportunities can serve to motivate students to set goals and strive to obtain them, if they are presented early and often.

Strategy | Increase access and awareness of guidance services

  • Guidance office hours will be visibly posted.
  • Staggered lunch hours so someone is always available to meet with a student.
  • QR code scheduling option posted in hallways, classrooms, and bathrooms.
Gauging success

PLC Survey questions

  1. Meeting schedule
    • Who: Guidance
    • When: Beginning of the year
    • How: Sharing through email, posters, and social media.

Strategy | Utilize Naviance and ASVAB to support students in identifying interests and skills


Providing all faculty with an overview and access to Naviance and understand its potential.

Gauging success

All staff will have access to Naviance.

  • Who: All faculty
  • When: Fall
  • How: Raising Naviance awareness through presentation(s), and giving access to faculty.

Strategy | Civic Readiness


Students in National Honor Society, and Participation in Government classes, (and extra curricular groups who have volunteered) will utilize Passport for Good Application to track achievement, community service, SEL, club/sport activity under a pilot program.

Gauging success

Percentage of students actively using Passport for Good Application.

  • Who: Advisors, PIG Teachers, NHS Advisor
  • When: Fall
  • How: Piloting through district office initiative

Strategy | Career/College Opportunities

  • Fall (October 17-19, 2022) College Application Days
  • SUNY Sullivan Financial Aid Night
  • Bi-Monthly College Tours- students who have interest in NYS state schools within 2 hours.
  • Enhance attendance at SCCC college fair via – recruitment and social media, in person visit.
  • Career fair to exhibit local and non-local jobs and careers.
Gauging success
  • Satisfaction survey
  • Attendance checks
  • Students write down more colleges they want to hear about
    • Who: Guidance
    • When: All year
    • How: Set dates, organize college, and transportation
    • Who: Guidance/Dan Hart/BLT
    • When: March/April
    • How: Set date, organize vendors

Strategy | Guest speakers/ assemblies


Speakers brought into lunch periods or recorded videos. Guest booths of local employers, military branches, job corp (local, and regional), SALT, labor union chapters, law enforcement, NYC DEP/DEC, Government Center.

Gauging success

Student interest survey in beginning of the year

  • Who: BLT for organization and PLC’s for ideas
  • When: Throughout the school year.
  • How: Gain ideas from each PLC’s prospective area. Identify guest speakers that fit the interest. Reach out to the groups and schedule dates.

Strategy | Study skills development


Through a required half credit Freshman Leadership Orientation course, students would be introduced to and learn: Social Emotional Learning, Listening Skills, Time Management, Self Directed Learning, Valued Diversity, Team Work, Organizational Skills, Grade Tracking/Checking, Self Advocacy, Post Graduation planning, Long and short term high school planning, Reading Skills, Reading Comprehension Skills, Study Skills, Task Endurance/Test Endurance, Motivation (intrinsic/extrinsic), Accountability, Confidence, Engagement Skills, and Interaction Skills.

Gauging success
  • Student voice survey- student opinions on what they learned and what may be helpful for future courses.
  • Higher Test Scores and Quality of Work
  • Improvement in grades
  • Improved attendance
  • Who: Freshman Leadership Orientation Course
  • When: Every other day all year
  • How: Required course

End-of-the-Year Desired Outcomes

We believe these survey responses will give us good feedback about our progress with this commitment:

Student Survey

From the PLC surveys, question, “Our school leaders talk about the vision, mission and or beliefs of our school”- 58% Agree; Desired outcome: 75%  Agree

Staff Survey

From the PLC surveys, question, “We help families prepare students for life challenges, including thinking about being College and Career Ready”- 50% Agree/ Desired outcome: 65% Agree

Family Survey

From the PLC surveys, question, “Our school helps us prepare children for life, including being ‘College and Career Ready’”. – 54% Agree/ Desired outcome: 65% Agree

We believe having the following occur will give us good feedback about our progress with this commitment:

Quantitative data

Staff, student and parent surveys.


Observations via focus groups with students, staff and families.

Evidence-Based Intervention

All CSI and TSI schools must implement at least one evidence-based intervention as part of its SCEP. The intervention identified must meet the criteria of a Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 evidence-based intervention under ESSA. More information can be found at http://www.nysed.gov/accountability/evidence-based-interventions

Schools may choose one of three options for identifying their evidence-based intervention:

School-Identified (option 3)

Evidence-Based Intervention Strategy Identified

Leader in Me

We envision that this Evidence-Based Intervention will support the following commitment(s) as follows

Leader in Me is an evidence-based, comprehensive model that builds leadership and life skills in students, creates a high-trust school culture, and lays the foundation for sustained academic excellence.

Link to research study that supports this as an evidence-based intervention (the study must include a description of the research methodology
