• Pre-K registration will begin March 1. Full day slots will be available for district residents who will turn 4 by Dec. 1. For more details, visit our pre-k registration page.
  • We are conducting surveys to provide feedback about perceptions of Liberty’s schools and learning environment. Links have been sent to staff, families and students. If you haven’t received the link, please reach out to Marianne Serratore, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Schools, at 845-292-5400, ext. 2063, or mserratore@libertyk12.org.
  • A temporary traffic pattern is in effect at Liberty Elementary School. Please see details of new traffic pattern here.

Third-quarter LHS Stellar Students honored

The Stellar Student Awards were revived by Liberty High School Building Leadership Team to recognize students who for the quarter were referral-free, had no unexcused late entries, and had a 75 or above quarter average with no failures or incompletes. Students celebrated their accomplishments with ice cream parties, compliments of donations from ShopRite of Liberty, on May 6 and 7.

The following students were honored:

12th grade

Jumana Abu Al Ghanam, Alejandra Barquero Lopez, Mia Barragan, Noellia Cruz Cruz, Christopher Garzon, Valle Claudia Herzog, Zoe Kip, Samuel Olivares-Reyes, Rocio Panama, Jacob Ross, Grace Torres, Irvin Valente Guzman, Cristian Vargas Martin, Maylluri Vinocunga Llano, Alexia Viracocha, Winsley Viracocha and Benjamin Visconti.

11th grade

Quinn Allen, Guillermo Arauz Gonzalez, Kaitlyn Bodolosky, Andres Castillo Hernandez, Eugene Davis-Andino, Colin Doeinck, James Fancher, Lianna Gissentaner , Brayan Hernandez Ballen, Camila Hernandez, Nora Liddle, Erick Morales Banegas, Adamaris Navarro-Leon, Sierra Norris, Mason Smith, Austin Werlau and Rita Zheng.

10th grade

Brooke Bull, Carmela Burgio, Addison Bury, Runxian Chen, Jake Cross, Elizabeth Cruz Cruz, Joshua Decker Jr., Allisson Diaz Lopez, Joseph DiBartolo, Faith Fitzgerald, Christopher Flores Osorto, Sydania Foster,Damaris Garcia, Awky Guaillas Quizhpe, Zane Kip, DaShaun Loyce, Arwyn Lucero-Bonilla, Angelina Magie, Leonel Malaga Ventura, Angel Maldonado, Melanie Moreno Velasquez, William Pennell, Brooke Porter, Cassandra Porter, Jose Rivera, Randy Romero-Bello, Ryan Romero-Bello, Tayler Schwartz, Jaidon Simmons, Justin Simon and Elijah Warren.

Ninth grade

Zackary Alvord, Gianino Amendola, Jill Baumander, Kent Clarke, Riley Cox, Liliana Crespo, Alan Cruz, Colin Dole, Dung Duong, LeonJahnae Skye Fountain, Austin Frunzi, Yamilet Garcia Gonzalez, Rahel Garrod, Mayrelis Gonzalez Ramirez, Diana Guallpa, Jhosmery Jadan Pangolo, Audrey Krum,Nester Leon Aldana, Roger Lynker lll, Jeremiah McLeod, Mariely Medina Orellana, Katherine Panama Guaillazaca, Lucio Ponce Vazquez, Riley Santiago, Jordan Smith, Lige Young and Sebastian Yupanqui.